When you have two seconds to grab your audiences’ attention, it’s tough to know what to show them or say to them to get them to stay longer – even more so when your products or services are priced higher than your competitors. Oftentimes, the first thing people look for when searching for products or services is, in fact, the price.
But what if you knew exactly what your customers were looking for before those two seconds were upon you so that you had a targeted, relevant message to share with them about the products and services you offer – price tag aside?
Selling on value and not on price is tough to do. But, there are ways you can 1) ensure you’re attracting the right audience, and 2) effectively communicate the value of your products and services in order to help you sell your audience on value and not on price.
Here’s how you can start…
Attracting the right audience
If you already have a massive audience – great. But are you sure they’re the right audience? I always hear people talking about how huge their email lists are – as if that’s a status symbol in the business world or something. You can have an email list of 10,000 subscribers, and it wouldn’t matter one bit if, when you send an email out to those subscribers, only 200 of them open it or click through.
Start attracting and nurturing the right audience – an audience who knows, likes and trusts you. Building strong relationships and creating a community around your business that is engaged will ensure you’re attracting potential customers who are there because they find value in the content you’re providing that doesn’t have a price tag attached to it.
Once you’ve grown a relationship with these potential customers, they’ll become the ones who will convert into paying customers when you launch a product or service that does have a price tag attached to it.
In the process of creating strong relationships with those in your audience, you’ve hopefully picked up on clues and other insights into what problems and challenges they face the most. So, now it’s time to communicate to them how your products or services can help them solve those problems.
Communicating the value of your products or services
Once you know you’re attracting the right audience, selling on value and not on price comes down to this: being able to effectively communicate the value in what you’re offering. How will your product or service help solve a problem they face? What can you say to convince your audience that what you’ve created is something they cannot live without?
Knowing what your audiences’ challenges are and creating a product or service that can help them is a great start. Now you need to learn how to effectively communicate with them about how your product or service will help them solve that problem.
Sell them on the value of that product or service – not the price. Derek Halpern, the Founder of Social Triggers – a top marketing and psychology blog – has a short, powerful video titled How to Get Paid What You’re Worth.
Learn more about the mistakes you may be making now, and what you can do to correct them.
Perception is reality: your products and services are only worth the price tag you put on them. Don’t sell yourself short.