Yanik Silver has successfully bootstrapped eight different product and service ideas from scratch to over 7-figures. That’s right: he did it all without funding, taking on debt or even having a real business plan.
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Resource Mentioned:
- Your Big Idea: Successful Entrepreneurs have One Big Idea. Follow JLD’s FREE training & you’ll discover Your Big Idea in less than an hour!
Success Quote
- “I get rich by enriching others 10 times to 100 times what they pay me in return.” – Unknown.
Business Failure
- Yanik shares two failures: one old and one new. Even the top dogs swing and miss sometimes!
Entrepreneurial AH-HA Moment
- Yanik has had some life-changing moments, but the one he shares with us today should provide inspiration to us all!
Current Business
- Maverick is the name, empowering the worlds leading Entrepreneurs is the game. You simply HAVE to tune in for this!
Small Business Resource
- The Brain: Dynamic Mind Mapping, Knowledge Management, and more.
Best Business Book
- Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand.
Interview Links
- Walker Corporate Law: A boutique corporate law firm specializing in the representation of entrepreneurs and startups. Contact the founder, Scott Edward Walker, at Scott@WalkerCorporateLaw.com.
- AudioBooks: Get your first book for FREE today. Go to Audiobooks.com/Fire.
0 (2s):
Boom, shake the room, Fire Nation, JLD here. And welcome to entrepreneurs on fire brought to you by the HubSpot Podcast Network with great shows like the salesmen podcast. Today, we'll be focusing on the cosmic alarm clock to drop these volume bombs. I brought Yanik Silver on the mic. He has been called a cosmic catalyst, a Maverick Mischief-maker in a Galactic Goofball. He redefines how businesses played at the intersection of more profits, fun and impact into the Fridays. When we're talking about what the heck is that cosmic alarm clock. We're also gonna talk about your higher purpose, and we're also going to talk about how you can ask that to your plate without sacrificing everything you've already built in so much more.
0 (48s):
When we get back from thanking our sponsors, your expertise is unique in your online courses should be too. So build it your way with Thinkific. Introducing the first app store for online course creators on Thinkific. Sign up for your free trial of Thinkific at thinkific.com/firefree. That's T H I N K I F I C.com/firefree looking for a business coach who has helped thousands of entrepreneurs, just like you to increase our profitability by an average of 104% per year, all for less money than would cost to hire a full-time minimum wage employee. Schedule your free consultation today with Clay Clark, a former small business administration entrepreneur of the year at ThrivetimeShow.com/fire ThrivetimeShow.com/fire.
0 (1m 34s):
Yanik say what's up to Fire Nation and share something that you believe about becoming successful that most people disagree
1 (1m 42s):
With. Yeah. Hey, Fire Nation. So what I I believe is that intention is even more important than goal setting actually really interesting. Like maybe when I was 17 or 18, went to a Jim Roan seminar and learned about that and I love it. And then I started learning about goal setting where you could add, okay, or better or faster, or, you know, or whatever. And it allows more, more ways that the essentially the universe has to conspire with you. So, you know, I want to become a millionaire by age 30 or sooner, et cetera. And then what really struck me was intention is even more important. Like, you know, why did I want to become that millionaire? It's for freedom.
1 (2m 23s):
It's for, you know, working on projects that I want to work on with people that I work on and doing things that I love to help change the world. And that is the bigger intention. And so then whatever I can slot into that that's that to me is even more important than goal
0 (2m 38s):
Setting. Yeah. I've kind of admired about your journey as a human being and as an entrepreneur, you know, watching it from afar and at times in person we've got to hang out, we've got to hung out a few times specifically in Puerto Rico and you know, the island of enchantment as we call it. But you are that cosmic catalyst. You are that Maverick Mischief-maker, that Galactic Goofball that we talked about during the introduction. And I love that. I love that. It's not just like, okay, how can I just lock myself in my office and find out how to make the most money in the world? Like that's not your goal in life. That's some people's goal in life. And Hey, if that really makes them happy, like good go and off and do that.
0 (3m 18s):
But I'm also in the same situation where I'm like, how can I enjoy life in the way that I want to enjoy it in the present moment? How can I get to a point where I feel like, okay, maybe I've done enough enough in these areas where I've had to really grind it out to get my business to a certain level. But now I can say, now I want to focus more on health, on wellness, on relationships, on travel, on experiences on philanthropy or whatever that might look like. And again, Fire Nation that comes from you just saying, you know what, I've gone to this point now where I'm at enough with X, Y, or Z. And now I want to shift some of my focus and take some things off of my plates to focus on some other things.
0 (4m 0s):
But at the same time, we're going to be talking about some interesting topics today where maybe you can have a few more of these things in your life. Even if you think you can't with what you've already built. But before we get into all that jazz, we're talking today, Yanik about the cosmic alarm clock. So what the heck is The Cosmic Alarm Clock?
1 (4m 20s):
Yeah, The Cosmic Alarm Clock is something that I think we all experience sometimes multiple times in our lives. And it's like this little voice that gets bigger and bigger and bigger until we either answer it or hit snooze. And for a lot of people that might look like a business that they, you know, have, have sort of fallen out of love with, or a job that they go to, that they really hate or, or something that they're doing that kind of, you know, every way, every day that they're doing it, it kind of sucks a little bit of their soul out of them. And then this Cosmic Alarm Clock is this opportunity to be like, okay, well there's something bigger. There's something more. So the entrepreneurs I typically work with are the ones asking that what, like they've already been successful, whatever we define a success and they're asking now what, and, and so they, it, it, and it also requires to kind of give up something.
1 (5m 8s):
Typically it's some part of our identity. It's, it's usually a big leap into connecting your head, which is your business side with your heart, which is the impact you want to make in the world. And then your higher purpose, like, why are you here? And whatever got you here is not going to be the same thing that gets you over that leap.
0 (5m 23s):
Whatever got you here, Fire Nation is not going to get you over that final leap. But I love that phrase. And I love, you know, asking yourself that question. Have you ever asked yourself now? What, like, you've gotten to a certain point and you just like now watch. And so many entrepreneurs Yanik, let's just be honest. They feel like they can't add anything onto their plate without sacrificing everything they've already built. They kind of feel like, well, maybe this is like a house of cards. It'll all collapse. You however, have a way that entrepreneurs can lean into that. Quote, unquote, what's next, the quote unquote. Now what? And not sacrifice everything. Can you share that process?
1 (6m 4s):
Not one way fits all for everyone. It's like, you know, I have kind of some of the, maybe, maybe a little bit of the map, but you have to create your own. It's almost like by walking the path, you create your own, your own path, right? So for each person is different, but you all, everyone gets to the same spot, which is that connection that, that had heart higher purpose. And for me, it was my cosmic alarm clock was asking, am I happy? Would I be happy doing what I'm doing 10 years from now? And, and it really kinda came on as like, I don't know, a bit of like Malays, somewhat depression, somewhat like just frustration of, of, and it was really fascinating because I was doing, I was doing a lot of good, right? Like there's no event or anywhere I'd go where somebody wouldn't come up to me.
1 (6m 45s):
A lot of times someone, I didn't know, it'd be like, dude, you changed my life. You don't even know it because I was helping people take their information and content and sell it online. But I just knew there was something more. And then that started this whole journey of what would that look like? And it was the first time ever that things didn't quite work out. And it was, it was fascinating because it, it became like, you know, when I talk about giving up something like, so for me, that identity of being quote unquote, a successful entrepreneur was something I had to look at. Like, is your net worth connected to your, your, your, your self worth in some way? Like, how are you? W what do you have to give up here? And, and so you don't have to, you know, sacrifice everything that you built.
1 (7m 27s):
If you're able to truly just step into it and say, okay, I am, I am going to surrender to the, to the bigger, I don't know, bigger universe, bigger something that's showing up for me. And then I'm going to follow the guidance because following your heart is frequently scary, but, but never wrong. And, and so that's a whole process of like deep questions too. So you know, that, what would I do if I, you know, it's 10 year question, but also like one of my favorite questions, especially as things are going sideways, John was what would my hundred 11 year old self tell me? And, and that was a really, really big one. So you start getting guidance from a lot of different ways and you start seeing maybe synchronicities open up signs, signals, like just things that, that you start paying attention to, and not in the same way that probably of how you built your original thing.
0 (8m 17s):
A lot of this is are you being self-reflective, are you actually giving yourself time, space, energy on a consistent basis to sit down to maybe journal, to maybe meditate to self-reflect actually just think and think about the things that Yanik was just talking about. Am I happy? Will I be happy 10 years from now? What would my 111 year old self tell me like that very wise person? What would that individual tell me, like, being like, Hey, this was important in life. Like you screwed the pooch because guess what, you were focused on the wrong things. Like think of yourself as that 111 year old person, you know, hypothetically about to be checking out because, you know, that's probably about the extent of your life in a lot of ways, at least with today's current technology.
0 (9m 9s):
And I do love a Steve Jobs quote that was kind of coming up from me when you were talking Yanik, which is when you look in the mirror every day, ask yourself, do I love what I'm doing? And if you start finding yourself saying no more times than not over the course of a few weeks, then it's time to reflect and change course. And that's not an exact quote, but that's essentially what he was saying was look in the mirror every day and just be honest and say, do I love what I'm doing? And you're not going to say yes, every single day don't expect to be a hundred out of a hundred. That's not the point. The point is, if you start being like one out of seven or like two out of 10, where you're saying yes, then it's time to start saying, okay, like, I know I'm going to have some bad days, but now I'm having like 70, 80, 90% of my days.
0 (9m 55s):
I'm honestly saying to myself, now I do not love what I'm doing. Then it's time to maybe look at ways to adjust a pivot. That is by the way, it's not going to be these huge, did you just miss these huge pivots? Sometimes it might just be a little tweak, a little bit of this, a little bit of that. Like for some people I know they said, Hey, I fell out of love with my business, but then I hired the perfect hire, the integrator or the social media marketer or whatever it was for that. And that changed everything for their life. And I've asked myself that question, you know, like years ago and something that I know that you know, that I had done now for 91 months in a row is I published our monthly income reports. Well guess what my business has been doing fantastic for 91 months, we've never had a month under a hundred thousand dollars of net revenue in many months where it's three, four, sometimes even $600,000 of net revenue.
0 (10m 43s):
But guess what? My business has not grown revenue wise because I asked myself years ago, would I be happier working five times harder to make two X, three X, even five X more revenue? And the answer was absolutely not. So I work five days a month right now. And those days are hard by the way, I work really hard five days a month, but the other days I'm doing other things like I'm traveling, I'm enjoying life and we're working on health and wellness in my garden and my dog and all the things that I would rather be doing than working five times harder in my office just to make more revenue because I've gone to a place where right now, and this could always change.
0 (11m 26s):
Cause I'm self-reflective. But right now I'm truly at enough and Fire Nation, you've heard Yanik say a couple of times, head heart, higher purpose. We're going to talk about that in more. When we get back from thinking our sponsors, looking for a business coach who has helped thousands of entrepreneurs, just like you to increase their profitability by an average of 104% per year, all for less money than would cost to hire a full-time at minimum wage employee, I, our nation meets clay. Clark clay has been coaching businesses just like yours since 2006. Yup. Even through the great recession. And he does it for less money than it cost to hire a full-time minimum wage employee at a time when Inc magazine reports that by default at 96% of businesses will fail. Within 10 years, Clay's helping businesses like yours to grow on average by 104% annually.
0 (12m 11s):
How's this even possible clay only takes on 160 clients. So he personally designed your business plan. Plus CLIs team helps you execute that plan with access to graphic designers, Google certified search engine, optimizers, web developers, online ad managers, videographers workflow, mappers and accounting coaches visit thrive time show.com/fire, to see thousands of video testimonials from real people, just like you, who clay has helped over the years. That's right. Do your research and view thousands, not hundreds of proven documented in archives, video testimonials from real people, just like you at thrive time, show.com/fire, thrive time, show.com/fire. Then schedule your free consultation with clay himself to see how he and his team can help you thrive as entrepreneurs.
0 (12m 54s):
We have unique expertise and goals, but one thing that we share in common is a desire to shape our business the way we want. And if you've ever thought about online courses, let me tell you from experience, they need to work for your business. Introducing the Thinkific app store, the first app store, for course, creators, that lets you build your courses your way. If you're looking for an easy to set up platform, that's built for entrepreneurs that gives you the ability to create an online course that will look and feel like part of your brand. And that gives you an experience where you can pick and choose the right apps for you and your business. As you scale, then look no further than the Thinkific app store. The course creation options are nearly limitless. Create certificates, coupons, live lessons, private courses, and more, and Fire Nation.
0 (13m 38s):
Your invited to try it out for free for 30 days right now, visit thinkific.com/fire free to sign up and get started on your online course today. That's T H I N K I F I C.com/firefree. Yanik we're back. And I want to move and shift into talking about higher purpose. You've mentioned it a couple of times, very briefly in passing, but how do you truly, and I mean, truly connect your head, your heart and higher purpose.
1 (14m 8s):
Definitely not one of those one size fits all kind of things. And it's not a, you know, five minute exercise. It's a deep reflection. Like you were talking about John before. Like, you know, sometimes it's a meditation it's, it's, it's really going deeper could be journaling, but it's that self-reflection I believe in this vivid vision vivid vision that my friend Cameron Harold created, and then also another guy named RA Weinzweig, who's a co founder of Zingerman's, which is a really interesting group of companies. And they had never met until I put them together. And they're both very deep in this vision. And so like, when you were talking about just before, like, you know, your vision was, was this thing, and then you, you know, you didn't want to work five times harder. So you had a very distinct vision for what you wanted to do.
1 (14m 48s):
And that vision really carries us forward. Like energizes us so much. It just jazzes you up that like, literally you couldn't stop yourself from doing, even if nobody paid you kind of thing. Like it just is so exciting. And, and for me, it's like creating ideas with, with other people and creating these overlays of how it's going to create impact around the world and, and these multiple facets and how it's good for everyone. And then, you know, I asked my 111 year old self when things were kind of going sideways with, with Maverick. And the answer was like a thousand suns who can each light, another thousand suns. And that was the answer I got, but using my non-dominant hand. And that's a real interesting way of also getting into some deeper wisdom and connecting to your full brain.
1 (15m 31s):
And so that, you know, that really shifted so many things that shifted my vision. It shifted like what we're doing within our, our, our group of who else serving. And, and so when you, when you get that kind of epiphany, then that starts driving your, your, your higher vision of, of really truly like, why, why are you here? That, that kind of thing, you know, that level of, of, of kind of work,
0 (15m 53s):
It's really fascinating stuff, Fire Nation, this is the kind of deep reflective thoughts that it's really important to go through sooner than later, because you don't want to be 111 years old and having these thoughts for the very first time, like you want to be, you know, the age you are right in this moment and be having these thoughts. So you can be setting the path now to spend the next 20, 60, however many years left. You have to be living in this higher purpose to be connecting your head, your heart with this higher purpose. Now you have a journal. Yanik is called the cosmic journal. How can we Fire Nation get the most out of your journal?
1 (16m 33s):
Yeah. So I've been journaling for many years. I think journaling is probably one of the best success principles, foundational success principles you can apply because it gets all the things that we got as entrepreneurs kind of bubbling around inside our head and swirling around and they're out on paper and it creates a beginning, middle and end on that page of paper. And it's been scientifically proven to make us happier. And so there's, you know, literally any, if you like give yourself a, I love experiments to justice. Like if you can give yourself a 21 day or a 33 day experiment and say, okay, I'm going to take 15 minutes per day or 10 minutes per day and just journal, you'll get, you'll get something out of it or anything you wanted to add or subtract, right? Like I've done it with no alcohol or no sugar, or I've done it with like meditation or different things.
1 (17m 14s):
And then you see, does this improve my life or not? And the best part about an experiment is that there's an end to it. And you can decide, you know, is this useful to me or not? And how do I want to add it or not add it? And so this journaling process is really, really powerful because the cosmic journal came out of me doing another experiment, which is a hundred day art challenge that I saw. But to me, 108 days has more meaning, especially in the wisdom tradition. So I, I committed and it was a very hard commitment. And, and I do think the commitments we keep to ourselves are really, really powerful because it builds that muscle. And so 108 days of literally every single day, I was going to illustrate a page in a journal in my journal.
1 (17m 54s):
And, and so I, I would doodle illustrate something. And then, and then a lot of times it'd be like, whatever came through me, I'd meditate and whatever came through me or be like taking old journals and writing what I wanted to recapture. And I was doing it just for myself. And when I hand it to people, I call it the galactic instruction manual you were missing when you were born to remember your destiny here. And then it start like, after about day 60 or 70, I started working like an Oracle. I would just flip it open up and be like, okay, what do I need to know? And it was just so powerful. And then one of my friends saw it. He's like, I see how you light up about this. I'm going to pay to actually create this limited edition version for you. And I'm like, that's amazing. And then it turned into like me getting a meeting with Tracy from hay house.
1 (18m 36s):
And he's like, I've never seen anything like this. And, you know, he was best friends with Wayne Dyer. They're one of the biggest transformational book publishers out there. And, and so that turned into a journal and then a set of Oracle cards. Like, so it's the most inflow project I've ever, ever done. And literally every single night, when I got that checkbox, I caught a cosmic checkbox. I'm just doing something that you love and that you feel so fully utilized like it was truly, and this is one of the ways of really doing what is your greatest work is, is from the Bhagavad Gita. It talks about like, you're only entitled to your labor, right? So putting your full heart and soul into something, but not the fruits of your labor. And, and so when you do that, and that's what this was, it's been the most magical project I've ever put out.
1 (19m 21s):
This is fantastic.
0 (19m 21s):
So Fire Nation, and I love how Yanik was talking about experiments. Is this useful to me or not? And then you add, or you don't add it to your life. And I've been doing this now for years with my morning routine, I've always been like listening to health coaches, or I've been consuming, great content and saying, how can I like continue to try to update and improve and tweak and adjust and just maximize my morning routine? Like the 90 minutes that I spend every morning doing stuff. And sometimes I add things and they stay there for a couple of weeks. And then I find they really don't serve me. And I then take them out of my morning routine cause I can't do everything. So I've got to find the things that really do work for me. And it all comes through experimentation.
0 (20m 2s):
So now every morning, you know, it's a walk with my dog outside getting the fresh air and the sun and the breeze and all that jazz. And then it's working out with weights and then it's doing a stretching exercise that I have for 12 minutes and a shopping in my infrared sauna for 30 minutes. And I had just gotten installed a cold plunge, which is very much serving. So now I'm doing a three-minute cold plunge after my sauna, and then I'm moving over and then I'm kind of like, you know, starting my day, so to speak. And like, this is how my morning routine has evolved over the years. Different things where I've always been experimenting to see what works and what serves me. So Yanik, we've talked about a lot of interesting, a lot of self-reflective a lot of higher purpose individual, as well as, you know, focus points today.
0 (20m 48s):
What is one thing you really want to make sure Fire Nation gets from everything that we talked about. And then of course share how we can learn more about this cosmic journal and things that you have going on. And then we'll
1 (20m 59s):
Say goodbye. All right. So here's what I'm going to do, John, I'm going to actually, I can pick a card or I'm going to have you pick a card. That's going to tell us what, what, what we're going to be as our last, our last bit. So pick a number between one and 44. Oh, you know, in the show notes, I'm sure you can include the image to choose. The image will be good. This is funny. All right. So it's fine. Your star family in this cosmic game of hide and seek. So part of your mission here on earth is to put the gang back together. It's time to assemble your star family, whose members were dispersed like seeds to the solar wind. There's a cosmic hide and seek. We all play until we meet again in the most serendipitous and magical ways.
1 (21m 41s):
Then something clicks a deep knowing of sharing something more than just this moment together, across multiple lifetimes. Once the gang is back together and the circles have been formed, there's another level of assemblage needed to bring these lights together and even greater circles for an even greater purpose. So, and then I'm going to give you the Fire Nation, the cosmic catalyst, which is the prompt for today. So the journal prompt, which is who do I have a special connection with? Are we connected in the galactic game? And then your cosmic checkbox, which is an action item within 24 hours is come up with names for your own circle. What is this gatherings greater purpose? So in a way, this is kind of like a mastermind, but maybe even not quite, but it could be.
1 (22m 24s):
But so the prompt again is the cosmic catalyst is who do I have a special connection with? How are we connected in the Glock the game and then come up with names for your own circle and what does this gatherings greater purpose? So it's amazing. Like, so, you know, I've been studying Jim Henson a lot recently and one of his quotes and I'll probably mess it up, but it's something like, there's no name for this idea that when we meet somebody for the first time that they feel like old friends and, and I love that, that concept of like, and that's what this feels like, right? Like it's, it's like when you connect with somebody and you're like, oh, you know, they, they, you know, we share something deep together and, and let's, let's form this, this bond, this Alliance get the gang back together.
1 (23m 7s):
And what does that even look like? Get
0 (23m 10s):
The gang back together, Fire Nation. Hello. And what I love is like, this is just going to be kind of like your little random cosmic guide as you're going forward and learning and experimenting and trying. And again, and you want to go back to that word experiment because I think that's so key and so important. So where can we find out more about you and about the cosmic journal? And then we'll say goodbye,
1 (23m 32s):
Check out cosmic journal.com or you can obviously pick it up on, on hayhouse.com or Amazon. So the cards are the cosmic journey, Oracle deck, or the cosmic journal itself
0 (23m 44s):
Has the phone with this Fire Nation, have some fun CosmicJournal.com, Oregon on hay house, Amazon, you name it. And you know, this Fire Nation, you're the average of the five people you spend the most time with. And hello, you've been hanging out with Yanik and JLD today. So please keep up that heat head over to eofire.com type Yanik Y A N I K in the search bar has shown us page will pop up with everything. We talked about the image. So definitely email that over to me Yanik. So we can get that on the show notes, page timestamps links to everything you name it. And of course I've done other interviews over the years with Yanik, and that will pop up as well in the search bar. So listen to those, because obviously you can tell this guy is a different kind of thinker, which is really important, and you to kind of see, thank you for sharing your truth, your knowledge, your value with Fire Nation today, for that we salute your brother and we will catch you on the flip
1 (24m 36s):
Side. It's been a pleasure. Thanks John.
0 (24m 38s):
Hey, Fire Nation today's value bomb content was brought to you by Yanik and Fire Nation. I've created a treasure trove of free courses for you. I teach you how to podcast from the mastermind. Create funnels that convert in so much more. All you need to do is visit EOFire.Com/resources to start learning for free today. I'll catch you there, or I'll catch you on the flip. The flip side, your expertise is unique in your online courses should be too. So build it your way with Thinkific. Introducing the first app store for online course creators on Thinkific. Sign up for your free trial of Thinkific at thinkific.com/firefree. That's T H I N K I F I C.com/firefree looking for a business coach who has helped thousands of entrepreneurs, just like you to increase your profitability by an average of 104% per year, all for less money than would cost to hire a full-time minimum wage employee.
0 (25m 30s):
Schedule your free consultation today with Clay Clark, a former small business administration entrepreneur of the year at ThrivetimeShow.com/fire ThrivetimeShow.com/fire.
Killer Resources!
1) The Common Path to Uncommon Success: JLD’s 1st traditionally published book! Over 3000 interviews with the world’s most successful Entrepreneurs compiled into a 17-step roadmap to financial freedom and fulfillment!
2) Free Podcast Course: Learn from JLD how to create and launch your podcast!
3) Podcasters’ Paradise: The #1 podcasting community in the world!