From the archive: This episode was originally recorded and published in 2021. Our interviews on Entrepreneurs On Fire are meant to be evergreen, and we do our best to confirm that all offers and URL’s in these archive episodes are still relevant.
Trent Shelton is a number one self-worth coach in the world. He is considered one of the most impactful speakers of this generation. He reaches over 60 million weekly through hard hitting messages and unprecedented engagement.
Guest Resources
Trent’s Website – It’s time to overcome fear!
Trent’s Podcast – Straight up with Trent Shelton! (Sorry! This link was active when this episode was first published in 2021. This resource is no longer available.)
3 Value Bombs
1) You have to stop working too hard because sometimes you are trying too hard to become something that might not be meant for you.
2) Understand what separates you and that makes you different from everybody else. What helps you connect with other people that can also help build a loyal audience.
3) Open up and humanize yourself – show the people around you that you genuinely care and grow through things. It can help your audience to transform their life through your life story.
Thrivetime Show: Attend the world’s highest-rated business growth workshop taught personally by Clay Clark at!
YT 100: Email JLD to learn more about making YouTube magic in 100 days:
Author100: A 100-day program where I will personally guide you 1-on-1 to create, write, publish and market your book! If you want daily guidance and mentorship from me, JLD, then head over to to sign up for a free call to chat about the details!
Show Notes
**Click the time stamp to jump directly to that point in the episode.
Today’s Audio MASTERCLASS: How to use your life to impact a generation with Trent Shelton
[1:24] – Trent shares something that he believes about becoming successful that most people disagree with.
- You have to stop working too hard because sometimes you are trying too hard to become something that might not be meant for you.
- Sometimes chasing can be exhausting. Be still, and work on yourself.
[4:33] – How do you create content that stands out from the crowd?
- You have to first understand the power of connection. It goes from heart to heart.
- Entertain – it grabs peoples’ attention
- Educate to connect to people on a deeper level.
- Emotions touch someone’s heart, and you will be able to impact their mind.
- Understand what separates you – that makes you different from everybody else and what helps you connect with other people that can also help build a loyal audience.
[7:51] – How do you build a loyal audience?
- Fans are there because they love what you are giving them; supporters are your loyal audience through your ups and downs.
- Care by giving back to your audience.
- Consistency will help you build relatability.
[10:13] – Trent shares a story about one of his videos.
- One of his videos was being shared before the video had even ended.
- Trent asked for feedback and was told that it’s because he has been consistent for years – his audience is confident that his videos will impact peoples’ lives. They are sure of what they will get from him even before he puts it out.
[13:03] – A timeout to thank our sponsor!
- Thrivetime Show: Attend the world’s highest-rated business growth workshop taught personally by Clay Clark at!
[15:33] – What steps would you recommend for a beginner trying to break through in 2021?
- Consistency and repetition are vital.
- Take your emotions out of the outcome.
- “I’m not into numbers; I’m more into impact. I’m not just trying to reach millions; I’m trying to reach you.”
- There is only one you, and there are people in this world who are assigned to you.
[19:12] – How do you communicate in a way that really connects with people?
- Trent’s goal is to connect with people and not just communicate.
- He always tries to get outside of himself and feel what his audience needs.
- Before giving his message, he thinks of the person who needs it.
- Understand the power of projection, be relatable because your transparency will lead to your transformation and other people’s transformation.
[22:16] – JLD shares a story about the power of transparency.
- A woman was working for years, trying to make it in the physical training space along with thousands of others who had the same content.
- One day, as she was recording a video, she peed herself.
- She decided to be transparent and uploaded the video. Her transparency led to a fantastic movement that helped other women who struggled the same thing.
[24:39] – Trent’s parting piece of guidance.
- The shiny things inspire you, but you are impacted by transparency.
- Trent encourages you to open up and humanize yourself – show the people around you that you genuinely care and go and grow through things. It can help your audience to transform their life through your life story.
- Trent Shelton’s Website – It’s time to overcome fear!
- Trent’s Podcast – Straight up with Trent Shelton! (Sorry! This link was active when this episode was first published in 2021. This resource is no longer available.)
[26:20] – Thank you to our Sponsors!
- Thrivetime Show: Attend the world’s highest-rated business growth workshop taught personally by Clay Clark at!
- YT 100: Email JLD to learn more about making YouTube magic in 100 days:
0 (2s):
Light that spark, Fire Nation. JLD here and welcome to Entrepreneurs On Fire brought to you by the HubSpot Podcast Network with great shows like my first million today, we'll be breaking down how to use your life to impact a generation to drop these value bombs. I brought to Trent Shelton and to EOFire studios. Trent is a number one self-worth coach in the world and is considered one of the most impactful speakers of this generation. He reaches over 60 million people weekly through hard hitting messages and unprecedented engagements. And today foundation we'll talk about loyalty, why it's so important, how to stand out in this busy world, the steps you recommend for somebody trying to break through today and so much more.
0 (45s):
When we get back from thanking our sponsors for a limited time Beams best-selling sleep product, dream powder, hot cocoa comes in white chocolate peppermint. This is Beans best sale of the year. Subscribing get 40% off the first three months of a peppermint dream subscription, plus a free mug and froth or 20% off a one-time purchase. Head to CrowdHealth is a community of health conscious members. And for a limited time, get your first month free. And after you've been a member, CrowdHealth will include a fitness wearable visit. Join and enter code fire to sign up.
0 (1m 25s):
CrowdHealth is not health insurance. It's a community powered alternative terms and conditions may apply. Trent, say what's up to Fire Nation and share something that you believe about becoming successful that most people disagree with.
1 (1m 41s):
Oh man, what's up Fire Nation. I appreciate you having me on your podcast, bro. Sharing, sharing your platform, hopefully that I can inspire impact some lives out there. That's a great question, man. Often think about that, that often I run ironically, and the thing I would say is stop trying too hard. And I know that's probably going directly against the method of the methodology of what this world is teaching. You know, go hard, go hard, go hard. Don't take it out of context. But I think sometimes we're trying too hard to become something that might not be what's meant for our life. And when I look back over my journey of becoming successful, it's not about me being lazy, but it's in me allowing and attracting the right things and becoming the magnet instead of chasing everything because chasing is exhausting.
1 (2m 25s):
So it's not excuse to be lazy, but maybe you need to be still for a moment, work on yourself and to let those things find you and you attract those things.
0 (2m 33s):
I love that. I mean, be still work on yourself. I mean, I love that Abraham Lincoln quote, which is, you know, if he had to cut down a tree, he'd spend 55 minutes sharpening the ax. And then the last five minutes it'd be a breeze. And I mean, I look at, you know, my life man, the times I worked the hardest were the times and a lot of cases, I had the least success cause I was grinding, but I was grinding in a stupid way. I wasn't working smart. But the times that I just sat there and said, you know what, this is what I want to do. This is what I'm excited about. And I'm passionate about, and I'm going to sit down and be smart about it. Everything changed. So I love that message. Thanks for sharing it. And just before we do dive in, I want to give a quick side note Fire Nation. If you ever get to see Trent Shelton speak live on a stage, you've got to take advantage of that opportunity.
0 (3m 19s):
I just got back from funnel hacking live and it was 3000 people live in a room. We were talking pre-interview about how cool the entrance was for the speakers. I mean, Russell went all out on this and Trent just controlled every single human in that room for his entire talk. I mean so hard to not let people look, look at their phones and not have people look at their phones, like every five seconds at something stupid. People didn't even think they had a phone on them during that whole time. So I just want to say, brother, you inspired the masses at that conference and I'm so glad you're going to be here to speak to Fire Nation today.
0 (3m 60s):
So thank you.
1 (4m 0s):
Oh man. Thank you. And that conference was incredible. I'm glad I got to run into you backstage brother. And I think the biggest distraction may be there, which wasn't a distraction, but my daughter yelling daddy loud for everybody to hear it for the whole time. So I couldn't get her, but she was super proud. Beautiful boy.
0 (4m 20s):
That was a beautiful moment. People really resonated with that and find it, as I mentioned, we're talking about how you can use your life to impact a generation. And I want to just talk right now because it's so hard, Trent, for somebody who is just starting out to stand out in the busy, loud world that we live in, how did you create content that stands out from the crowd to have the kind of success that you've been able to generate over time?
1 (4m 50s):
Yeah, for sure, man. You know, one of the main things for myself is first of all, understanding the power of connection and connection is a deeper form of communication, right? Connection, and always say, goes from heart to heart. And I understood these three things, you know, once I started and the first thing is entertain. And when I say these three things, it's how people are moved. If you look at anything that's viral, anything that people share, anything that people watch usually contains these three things. And the first thing is, is entertained. And I wasn't a big person in this space. You can do one of these very well. You can do all three. I think if you do all three, you're going to hit home runs consistently, but you can do one really, really well.
1 (5m 34s):
You can still hit a home runs, but entertain right people. Aren't wanting to be entertained in this world, especially now with social media, especially where we're at entertainment grabs people's attention. So I understood that. The second thing I understood the second ear, which was educate. I know if you educate somebody, right? You give somebody some knowledge, some tools, which you do all of these very well. Brother. You give these people the things that they need to able to change their life, to be able to change their business. So they don't have to go through the experience themselves. They can learn from you and shortcut it in a positive way. If you give people education, right? You're able to connect with them on a deeper level. And last but not least, this is probably the thing that I, I believe I do the best out of these three is I understand people are moved and you connect with people, you touch their emotions.
1 (6m 18s):
And so you touch somebody's heart. They'll open their heart. And when you, when they open their heart, you'll be able to impact their mind. And so I always created my content, whether it's me going live, whether now me doing a podcast or whether me creating these videos, always ask myself, how can I entertain them to keep their attention? Because if you don't keep their attention, they're going to the next thing, how can I educate them to make their life better or make something in their life better? And how can I touch their emotions, right? To really help them get to their heart and really make the changes that they need to make. And last but not least understand two things also in one is your magnet. I always say your magnet is what attracts people to you. The thing about you that separates you.
1 (6m 59s):
So I understood my separator. I understood how I looked. I understood my message. I understand how I projected myself. And when you can understand the thing that separates you, that makes you different from everybody else. And you understand why people come to you, you're able to build a loyal audience and connect with people in such a major way.
0 (7m 17s):
No, have be taking notes because I love what he started with, which is the power of connection, heart to hearts. Like really think about that. And then going through those three things entertain, you've got to entertain, educate, give them something and then emotions. And when you were saying that trend, it actually brought up for me, this quote by Maya Angelou, I've learned that people will forget what you said. They'll forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. Think about how you're making people feel, thinking about how you're moving their emotions and train you. Didn't mention the word loyalty. I want to move into that next because loyalty is everything. When you're building an audience, one, that's going to stick with you through the thick and the thin, how have you managed to build such a loyal audience over time?
0 (8m 8s):
1 (8m 8s):
Yeah. You hit the nail on the head, man, sticking with you through thick and thin. And you know, there's a difference between fans, right? Fans are there because they love what you are giving them. You know, I learned this in college real quick. When I played at Baylor, like there's people who love me when I was giving them what they wanted scoring touchdowns. When I had a terrible game, those people I'm like, man, I thought you were my fans, but fans are, I don't use the word fickle, but they're there for the benefits that you give them. I like to say supporters, which is that loyal audience will stick by your side, through the ups and the downs. And I've been able to do three things very well that I feel like will help you build a loyal audience. I always like to put things in three or just give you kind of a process. And the first thing is care.
1 (8m 48s):
And this is the thing that I see so many people miss out on. I'm not saying you have to do this, but there's some that I do. I spend an hour, every single day of my life, responding back to people. Now there's people that say trend has never responded to me because obviously there's so many people in the world. I can't get to everybody, but I can sleep at night knowing that I gave back to my audience at least for an hour. So when you care, you treat them as if they're the ones that's making you successful. They're the ones that's making your business successful. They're the ones that's making your social media following successful because without a follow-up without followers, you don't have a following. So I care. I give back to them. The second thing is connection. And we just kind of talked about the power of connection, but it's very big that you're able to speak to their heart, right?
1 (9m 32s):
And to open their mind, you're able to connect with their soul connect to their needs, connect to their wants, and really connect with them. So many times there's influencers are just people that have a stage. We always think it's about us. It's not about us necessarily. It's about what can we give to them, our audience, to really pour into them and really help their life. And last but not least, we know this magic word. We hear it all the time is consistency and this is one word that's helped me over the last decade. Be able to continue to grow my audience, continue to be able to grow. My business is consistency. And that's simply can they depend on you to show up and I'm not telling you that you have to burn yourself out. I'm not telling you to, you know, if you're tired, not to rest, not to take breaks from social media, not to disconnect, I believe that's healthy, but at the end of the day, can they depend on you to show up?
1 (10m 19s):
And for me that was very big and consistency. What that does is it builds relate-ability right. When, when you're relatable, people will come to you more. And I can tell like a very quick story. I remember when I first started maybe like in 2012, 13, and my videos first started going viral. I thought it was very crazy that people were sharing my videos before the video ever ended. And so I became kind of like, I'm like, man, I put a lot of effort in this video watching and you're sharing it already. And so what I did was I wanted feedback. So I went to the source. I remember I messaged this lady and I said, listen, I appreciate your support. I see you all with supporting, but I have to ask you something. How did you share the video within a minute?
1 (11m 0s):
And the video is four minutes long and she said, Trent, and it's changed my whole mindset with consistency. She said, Trent, you're not an on and off person. And for selfish reasons, Trent, I want to be one of the first people to share it. I want to get your messages out there faster, but I know because you've been so consistent for these last few years, with our message already know that it's something that's going to impact my life or impact the lives of others. So I don't have to watch the whole thing before I press share. And so that really changed my perspective and my mindset when it came to consistency and making sure that people are able to know what they're going to get from you even before you put it out.
0 (11m 38s):
I love that word so much. And I'm actually gonna take a little bit of a different angle. Like I love that story you shared, but for me, consistency also means you're actually able to hone your skills. You're actually able to become better at what it is that you do. Like I want to take a kind of an educated guest trend. I bet your first couple Instagram lives or Facebook lives or videos. They weren't that good. I'm just guessing. I'm just guessing because I'm telling you, I started the same time I launched this podcast in 2012. I can't listen to my first couple of hundred episodes, a couple hundred episodes. It is just cringe-worthy. I keep them up there because they're still valuable. Cause my guests were awesome. You know, I had Tim Ferriss, Gary Vaynerchuk, Barbara Corcoran, you know, Tony Robbins on the show.
0 (12m 22s):
So I mean, th the episodes are valuable, but man, I was terrible. And I had to get up every single day and do what be consistent. Get a little bit better, hone my skills, get 1% better every single day. And that's another thing that consistency will bring to you is just the reality that you are going to be able to share the message you want to share in a better, more cohesive way. And we have some step-by-step processes for you. Fire Nation. When we get back from thanking our sponsors, looking for a single place online, where you can access next level project management tools, plus organized documents, system apps, and more with your team.
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0 (14m 26s):
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0 (15m 5s):
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0 (15m 54s):
This is Beam's biggest offer of the year and just like this new flavor. It won't last long. Visit that's B E a M O F Trump we're back and Fire Nation is made up of an amazing community. I mean, we have solopreneurs entrepreneurs, people that are one year in 10 years in one month in let's talk right now, the people that are looking to kind of be begin their journey right now. And by begin their journey, I mean begin their journey of sharing their message and their mission, their voice with the world. I mean, maybe they've been doing something behind the scenes for a while.
0 (16m 35s):
What steps would you recommend for a beginner who's trying to break through in 2021 we're talking today.
1 (16m 44s):
Absolutely. That word consistency, like you said, is, is number one. And like you said, when it comes to greatness, right? There's no greatness. There's no legendary without being consistent. And so repetition is very important. And I would tell everybody that you're starting off like take your emotions out of the outcome. And I know that's easier said than done trust me, but sometimes we are so into the likes. We're so into the metrics that we ignore the impact and impact is something that you will never measure. You know, one of my first sayings ever was I'm not into numbers, I'm more into impact. I'm not just trying to reach millions. I'm trying to reach you because I knew if I could reach that person and have that person believe in what I do, they would share the message and so on and so on and be a domino effect.
1 (17m 30s):
And so I would tell you that the second thing I want to tell you is there's only one you, because some of you are thinking like, why should I be a speaker? Why should I be a another entrepreneur? Why should I start a podcast? There's millions and millions and millions and millions. There's only one. You, my grandmother told me this and I want to share with you because it changed my life because I was that person. So I'm like, why should I be a speaker? There's way other speakers that are better than me. There's people who this and that. My grandmother told me this, and I'll never forget it. She said, Trent, in this world, there are people assigned to you. There are people that need to intersect with your mission that needs to intersect with your words, that need to feel everything that you're doing and collide with you because you are sent to help them.
1 (18m 17s):
She says, there's people in this world that I can reach that you can't reach and vice versa. And when she told me that it's like, it freed me and I can honestly say, that's been the truth. As I gave my message out to the world, I got feedback. As I gave my message out to the world, I realized like, wow, there's people that can't stand me. And that's great. I'm not everybody's cup of coffee, but I can be somebody else's cup of coffee. And when you focus on that and not necessarily the masses, but the ones that really meet your message that will build the confidence that helps you practice repetition, that helps you become legendary, which you do. So just remember that there's people assigned in this world that are waiting for you.
1 (18m 59s):
And if you don't answer that call, they'll never get the benefit of your story and of your life of your product, whatever it is that you're doing. So give it to the world.
0 (19m 9s):
This is such an important message. Fire Nation. And when I was actually speaking at funnel hacking live, one of the things that I share from stage when I was talking about, you know, creating a podcast, everybody always asks like, what's the biggest mistake people make when creating a podcast. And I always say, they are a week pale imitation of somebody else. That's their biggest mistake. They see Trent doing X, myself, doing Y Russell doing Z. And they say, well, they're having success doing those things. I'm just going to do that. And nobody wants a week pale imitation of somebody else. Nobody wants that. They want the best, best version of you because you Fire Nation, you're special.
0 (19m 53s):
You are unique, you are a snowflake. And I love that concept that you have is that there are people assigned in this world to you. I love how you put that. That was so cool. And I really hope you realize and absorb that Fire Nation because it is absolutely true. But even with all this being said, trans connecting with people like really connecting with people. It's tough. So how do you communicate in a way that really connects with people really gets to their heart?
1 (20m 23s):
Absolutely brother, and it is hard, right? But that's the goal to be able to connect, not just communicate. I want to share this and I hope people really understand what I say. So I'm gonna take my time. I don't just speak from my understanding. I connect in a way that people will understand it. What I mean by that is I don't just speak from a place it's like, I don't know if you ever, you know, coach the kid, you know, with me being in sports, I've coached a lot of kids or I've been coached there's coaches that that can connect with every single player because they understand every single player. And they know that certain players respond to certain things. So it means I'm always trying to get outside of myself and feel what my audience needs.
1 (21m 3s):
Dr. Tony Evans, which is a great mentor of mine. I learned this from him. He said before he gives a message. He sits in a room and he pitchers that there's 10 types of people, or maybe even five types of people that are in his audience based upon his message. Maybe it's a single mother. Maybe it's a father. Maybe it's a kid that's going through XYZ. And he has a conversation, right? Not physically, but mentally, visually he has a conversation with each one of these people. And that helps them be able to cultivate his message in the way that everybody can grasp. And that's something that I do before I go on stage. Before I give a speech. Before I write a book, before I do a podcast, I think about the person that really needs this message.
1 (21m 45s):
So I want you to think about that. The second part of this is it's understanding three things. Number one, the power of projection, right? Projection is how you use your voice, knowing how to use the rhythms of your voice to have people lean in. And so for me, there's a protect your peace, Trent, that's very, very earthy naturey. That's a sodomy. Then there's a very aggressive attentive of intensity. Trent. That's more of the football in me. And I know when to lean on that person, because how you use your projections can make people lean in or make people lean back. You can touch their emotions. You can have all those things. So knowing how to use your voice is very, very important. Second part, it's kind of what I just shared is relation, right?
1 (22m 27s):
Knowing what your audience needs. You have to be relatable because if you're not relatable and one of the best ways to be relatable is being real. We use that word a lot, but I want to tell you this, your transparency will lead to your transformation. Your transparency will lead to other people's transformation. When you come from a real place, you will touch someone's heart and you will open it up and you will connect with them on a level that's greater than ever. I didn't say a place of perfection, a place of real. And then last part of this. When you do all those things, you understand how to project, you understand how to relate.
1 (23m 8s):
The next part is easy is transformation. You can give them the tools now because they're open to receive it, to be able to transform their life, to be able to give them tools that they can apply to their life, that would create the transformation that they need. And so that's how I go through my process, man, and learn how to truly connect with other people.
0 (23m 26s):
So powerful. And I want to give like a specific example that I think I shared maybe once or twice, but not for quite some time. But to me it just speaks so loudly to this and to be the power of transparency. And, you know, it's kind of an awkward situation, but I just want to go to the extreme because that, to me just shows how everybody can be transparent on everything and it can really make a massive impact. And, you know, the story is this woman was working for years to like try to like make a dance in the physical training space. Like she would do videos all the time, you know how to get stronger arms from her, but better this better that. But you know, she's one amongst the tens of hundreds of thousands of people doing the same content, she could never get anything.
0 (24m 10s):
And then one day she was recording her video and she looked down and she, she prerecorded them and she looked down and she literally had peed herself. And she was just like, oh, that sucks. Like I need, this happens to me fairly often. I'm just gonna have to go now, delete this video and do another one. And then she was just about to delete. And she said, you know what? This is something that I bet happens to other people. And this is so embarrassing if this happened publicly. But what if I shared this with people? What if I was transparent? And she put that video out there as is and talked openly and honestly about it. And then all of a sudden that transparency led to this amazing movement that she created, where she now owns this niche of helping women who struggle with the exact same thing and how exactly they can get over it.
0 (24m 57s):
And guess what? Like that was her major breakthrough because she just was not hiding. She was open, she was transparent. She was honest. And so it can be so anything Fire Nation of what you are actually dealing with, you know, like one thing that I had never truly explored, but you know, I spent eight years as an officer in the U S army. I did 13 months in Iraq and I mean, I dealt with some serious PTSD, but like that could be an area where I could really go deep on and help a lot of people because that is my life. That is my truth. And Trump, what I want you to take home with us right now is your truth. So take a minute, grab the mic, share the biggest takeaway that you really want to make sure Fire Nation gets from everything that you and I talked about here today.
0 (25m 43s):
What are that one key takeaway is then share how we can connect with you. Any call to action you might have for us. And then we'll say goodbye.
1 (25m 51s):
Absolutely brother. Well, thanks for having me, man. And you know, I'll just harp on what we just talked about. And this came to my heart. As you were speaking and sharing that story, you know, we're inspired by perfection. We all are right. We were inspired by all the shiny things, but we're impacted by transparency. We're impacted by those stories that we don't want to share by those moments that seem hard. But those moments are the moments that we all go through, right? We all have our silent battles that we don't show. We all have our moments. When we get off of social media, put down the phone and go to our offline life. That might not be as beautiful as our online life. I just encourage everybody on this podcast, listening, Fire Nation, that it's happened to them. Not all the time, you don't have to, but that's happened to that side where you can open up and show your human side, right?
1 (26m 33s):
Humanize yourself and show people that you truly care that you truly go through things, but also that you grow through things also. And I think that will be some of the biggest takeaways to your, to your customers or to whoever around your life that they could take to really, to really transform their own life through your story. You can follow me anywhere at Trent Shelton on social media platforms, have a podcast called straight up or just go to to get any of that. So I appreciate you brother again for having me, man. It was this truly honor,
0 (27m 3s):
Trent, and I appreciate you and Fire Nation. You're the average of the five people you spend the most time with and hello. You're hanging out with TS and JLD today. So let's keep up the heat head over to type Trent in the search bar. The show notes page will pop up with everything that we've talked about. Make sure you follow trends at Trent Shelton, his podcast straight up and Trent Get over there. Make sure you are consuming this person's content because it is epic. And again, if you ever get a chance to see this guy live, do not pass it up and trends. Thank you for sharing your truth, your value, your transparency with Fire Nation today.
0 (27m 44s):
And for that, we salute you and we'll catch you on the flip side.
1 (27m 48s):
Thank you, brother. Appreciate
0 (27m 49s):
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