Sam Gordon is the Australian Young Entrepreneur of the Year 2024 (Property and Construction), 3x Australian Fastest 100 Growing Companies, Australian Investor of the Year 2020, runs two multi 8-figure businesses and host of the chart topping Scouting Australia Podcast and Top 1% Podcast.
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Guest Resources
Scouting Australia – Check out Sam’s Podcast on iTunes.
Scouting Australia – Check out Sam’s Podcast in Spotify and dive into the mind of entrepreneurs and athletes.
Top 1% Podcast on Spotify – Hosted by Sam Gordon.
Top 1% Podcast on Apple Podcast – Hosted by Sam Gordon.
Australian Property Scout Website – Check out Sam’s website.
3 Value Bombs
1) People overlook doing the right thing and doing a great job and not realizing that this will come back to them in huge dividends in the long run.
2) The amount of hardwork that you put in if you don’t go down the avenue of going to a university builds a different fire in your belly because you have to operate in a different level.
3) It is good to build on things internally because you will be utilizing the same team that you already have.
NetSuite: Over 41,000 businesses have future-proofed their business with NetSuite, by Oracle – THE number one cloud E.R.P. Download the CFO’s Guide to AI and Machine Learning for free at!
YT 100: Email JLD to learn more about making YouTube magic in 100 days:
ZipRecruiter: Hire experienced people who are excited about what they do — with ZipRecruiter! Go to this exclusive web address to try ZipRecruiter for free:!
Show Notes
**Click the time stamp to jump directly to that point in the episode.
Today’s Audio MASTERCLASS: A High School Dropout who now owns multiple multi 8-Figure Businesses
[1:30] – Sam shares something that he believes about becoming successful that most people disagree with.
- He doesn’t believe in work, life, balance and believes that to achieve something big, you have to go hard and get something in a big way.
[2:15] – Sam tells his story starting froma Rabbit Farm to a multi 8 – figure business owner.
- He was a highschool dropout who worked in his parent’s farm. Seeing his parents work, his mother as a teacher and his dad in the police force, he realized that he wanted to take a different path in a business and investment, property perspective. He bought his first place when he was 19 years old and after 7-9 years started his own business which is sourcing property for people. He taught himself as much as he cound in all those years and effectively learned a lot of things and applied it.
- The most expensive lesson that he learned was being burned by a buyer who was also one that he looked up as mentor. That experience taught him how important it is to have a moral compass in business and that you have to treat someone right.
- People overlook doing the right thing and doing a great job and not realizing that this will come back to them in huge dividends in the long run.
[6:26] – Sam talks about busting the myth that going to a university is a requirement to be successful.
- Entrepreneurs are not in the norm of having a mainstream education. They go down the avenue of doing things differently which shows that there are so many ways that you can make money.
- The amount of hardwork that you put in if you don’t go down the avenue of going to a university builds a different fire in your belly because you have to operate in a different level.
- You pick up your skill sets outside the norm of education and learning it through real life application rather than a dead set curriculum that everyone learns.
- People should never look at it as a down side but as a super power.
[9:11] – A timeout to thank our sponsors!
- ZipRecruiter: Hire experienced people who are excited about what they do — with ZipRecruiter! Go to this exclusive web address to try ZipRecruiter for free:!
- NetSuite: Over 41,000 businesses have future-proofed their business with NetSuite, by Oracle – THE number one cloud E.R.P. Download the CFO’s Guide to AI and Machine Learning for free at!
[11:43] – Sam talks about why cutting away a bad apple asap is vital to building a right team.
- People with experience are destructible and this is why he prefers to cultivate young generation who are malleable and coachable and who are open to take guidance and feedback.
- He takes people who are bought in to what they do than those who are just after a big paycheck. He went for those who are having coachability and green slate and with that they have created a culture of absolute winners. This is hard to achieve in real estate but they were able to and it has been an instrument to their success and continued growth.
- It also important to pay someone what they are worth and not cut corners. This will give you a high retention rate that will help your company succeed.
- They spend no money in marketing and their income comes from repeat and referred business because of they treat people right and give them good service.
[15:59] – Sam talks about the “no dickhead policy” and why he doesn’t let them in his business.
- Its going to be a toxic environment if you have such employees in your company. “One rotten apple will sour the whole bag.”
- If that 1 person is an elite performer but has a bad attitude, its going to infect everyone to misperform and your overall productivity will drop.
[18:50] – Sam shares why sticking to your niche and adding bolt-ons to your offering can add serious profit to your bottom line.
- When people do very well , they want to throw everything else on and invest in other things to gain more profit and revenue. But for him, he thinks that if ever he makes money out of other things, how much money wil he lose out of his actual business.
- His revenue was 400 times more when he focused on adding bolt-ons on growing his actual business from the last year.
- He realized that there are bolt-ons that are internally within his business that will amplify his profit more instead of going to external things. It is good to build on things internally because you will be utilizing the same team that you already have.
[22:25] – Call to action.
- Scouting Australia – Check out Sam’s Podcast on iTunes.
- Scouting Australia – Check out Sam’s Podcast in Spotify and dive into the mind of entrepreneurs and athletes.
- Top 1% Podcast on Spotify – Hosted by Sam Gordon.
- Top 1% Podcast on Apple Podcast – Hosted by Sam Gordon.
- Australian Property Scout Website – Check out Sam’s website.
[24:40] – Thank you to our Sponsors!
- NetSuite: Over 41,000 businesses have future-proofed their business with NetSuite, by Oracle – THE number one cloud E.R.P. Download the CFO’s Guide to AI and Machine Learning for free at!
- YT 100: Email JLD to learn more about making YouTube magic in 100 days:
Killer Resources!
1) The Common Path to Uncommon Success: JLD’s 1st traditionally published book! Over 3000 interviews with the world’s most successful Entrepreneurs compiled into a 17-step roadmap to financial freedom and fulfillment!
2) Free Podcast Course: Learn from JLD how to create and launch your podcast!
3) Podcasters’ Paradise: The #1 podcasting community in the world!