Emmy-nominated Rachel Hanfling is a former producer for Oprah and Anderson Cooper, she’s coached clients to become go-to media experts, land deals on Shark Tank, sell out on QVC, nail workplace politics and more. She is the creator of Own the Power of Your Story, Shine and Power Your Public Presence in Media, on Stage & Beyond.
Guest Resources
Rachel Hanfling Website – Learn to effectively communicate for Media, Business & Public Speaking.
Rachel Hanfling Gift for Fire Nation – Discover how to speak with confidence, clarity and connection so that you can reach more people, make more money and help those who need you most.
3 Value Bombs
1) The gap of where you are and where you want to be is how you speak. The first step in becoming successful is considering who you are speaking to. Knowing who is your audience is the first thing one should consider to be successful when they talk.
2) When you share your story, you have to first understand your audience and what will mostly resonate to them. You can have the greatest impact when you tell your truth story through the prism of what is going to connect most to your audience.
3) It is possible for you to become your own greatest asset in your business when you learn to speak powerfully for this is a skill that you can learn like any other.
HubSpot: Grow better, faster with HubSpot’s all-in-one intuitive customer platform. Visit HubSpot.com to learn more!
Show Notes
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Today’s Audio MASTERCLASS: Confident & Clear Storytelling Anytime, Anywhere
[1:45] – Rachel shares something that she believes about becoming successful that most people disagree with.
- The gap of where you are and where you want to be is how you speak. The first step in becoming successful is considering who you are speaking to. Knowing who is your audience is the first thing one should consider to be successful when they talk.
[3:10] – Rachel talks about why becoming a confident, clear and connected speaker matters,
- Everyday you are given an opportunity to talk to achieve something, and the better, the more confident, clear and connected you can be , the greater impact you are going to have.
- She aims to teach people to be confident, clear and connected when they speak because this is how you set yourself up with success.
[4:02] – Rachel answers the question “Are some people born great speakers”.
- She hears a lot of people say that they are shy and they are introverts and it is understandable. It is true that some people are born with natural abilities however, anybody can learn to become a confident, clear and connected speaker because it is a skill.
[6:22] – Rachel shares how to overcome the fear of speaking in public.
- People come to her with extreme fear of talking even in a small group of people. But she doesn’t think of overcoming that fear because “nerves” can be good. What people need to learn is how to harness those nerves.
- She often starts by flipping the script that is usually what is going on someone’s head and heart that is making them nervous. Usually it is thinking about themselves and how they feel. But if they think about their audience and how they can give their audience the most wonderful gift, it takes them out of the insecurity mode and they will feel confident.
[8:59] – A timeout to thank our sponsor!
- HubSpot: Grow better, faster with HubSpot’s all-in-one intuitive customer platform. Visit HubSpot.com to learn more!
[12:49] – Rachel talks about the biggest mistake she see when it comes to storytelling.
- The biggest mistake that she see is telling their story through their own prism. What they care about, what’s important to them including details that are not necessary.
- When you share your story, you have to first understand your audience and what will mostly resonate to them. You can have the greatest impact when you tell your truth story through the prism of what is going to connect most to your audience.
[15:05] – Rachel shares why she don’t believe in reading their speech or memorizing and what to do instead.
- Reading a speech and memorizing doesn’t work very well because it is boring and there is no connection to the audience.
- Her advice is what she calls “internalizing” which is a kind of close to memorizing but is not. It is understanding what you want to say and rehearsing it over and over again so when you deliver, it is coming from you and you will have an impact.
- The other reason why you don’t have to memorize is when you will be asked expected and unexpected questions, you will be prepared to answer it.
[17:48] – Rachel talks about outsourcing your speaking.
- She doesn’t recommend outsourcing your speaking because the way you put yourself out in the world is personal. It can be your greatest asset and you don’t want to outsource that.
- People consider outsourcing when they feel uncomfortable but she promises that they can learn this no matter how comfortable it could be at the beginning. Over time, when they get good at it, they will feel empowered with their ability to show anywhere that they can tell their story and present their best self for the benefit of their audience.
[19:46] – Rachel gives her one key takeaway.
- It is possible for you to become your own greatest asset in your business when you learn to speak powerfully for this is a skill that you can learn like any other.
[20:43] – Call to action.
- Rachel Hanfling Website – Learn to effectively communicate for Media, Business & Public Speaking.
- Rachel Hanfling Gift for Fire Nation – Discover how to speak with confidence, clarity and connection so that you can reach more people, make more money and help those who need you most.
[20:14] – Thank you to our Sponsor!
- HubSpot: Grow better, faster with HubSpot’s all-in-one intuitive customer platform. Visit HubSpot.com to learn more!
Killer Resources!
1) The Common Path to Uncommon Success: JLD’s 1st traditionally published book! Over 3000 interviews with the world’s most successful Entrepreneurs compiled into a 17-step roadmap to financial freedom and fulfillment!
2) Free Podcast Course: Learn from JLD how to create and launch your podcast!
3) Podcasters’ Paradise: The #1 podcasting community in the world!