Pat Hiban is the co-founder of GoBundance – The tribe for healthy wealthy generous men who choose to lead epic lives, Billion Dollar Realtor, Author of 3 books , Multi Family Housing – DAPT acquisitions 2,000 apartments.
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Go Abundance – Elevate Your Network, Experience Life, Expand Your World.
Tribe of Millionaires – Get a copy of their free book.
Pat’s LinkedIn – Connect with Pt on LinkedIn.
3 Value Bombs
1) Becoming successful is a simple process, its not easy but it is simple. It’s a sit-and-do what you are told process and its just a matter of finding the right people and the process and techniques to do it.
2) The three benefits of a mastermind is first, you will find that you are not alone. Second is it creates life-long friendship and third is every conversation that you have with the masterminds is a learning experience and gives you opportunities to improve yourself.
3) Go where the money is flowing and not only on what is your interests and passion. Think of where is the money, which will pay you the most and where to get it . Learn the ropes, start your own company and find a partner so you can be free and have a business. Many times, your interests are not going to give you a successful and fulfilling life.
YT 100: Email JLD to learn more about making YouTube magic in 100 days:
ZipRecruiter: Hire experienced people who are excited about what they do — with ZipRecruiter! Go to this exclusive web address to try ZipRecruiter for free:!
Show Notes
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Today’s Audio MASTERCLASS: The Value of a Real Mastermind
[1:39] – Pat shares something that he believes about becoming successful that most people disagree with.
- Becoming successful is a simple process, its not easy but it is simple. It’s a sit-and-do what you are told process and its just a matter of finding the right people and the process and techniques to do it.
[2:11] – Pat talks about his experience being born with a learning disability and going on to achieve great success.
- He always read backwards, was slow and was put in special classes when he was young. It was a struggle but it didn’t bother him and even prepared him to work harder and propelled him to show people that he could.
[3:36] – Pat talks about the biggest opportunities for Entrepreneurs in todays world.
- It is being involve in something that is stem-related technology with regards to disease control and cancer research. Anything related to health, living longer and easing pain.
[4:21] – Pat talks about his AHA moment in founding Go Abundance.
- Its was very organic. He met two real estate investors in two different wealth conferences, became good friends and started masterminding with them sharing goals and aspirations and holding themselves accountable with each other. Later on, a few other people joined them and one day they decided a get together for 18 people in one of his friend’s house. Each invited other people and they reached to 38 people at Lake Tahoe. They thought of charging money for it. Now, they are close to 1000 paying members with masterminds from different types of profession and businesses with the same interests.
[5:46] – Pat talks about the top 3 benefits of being in masterminds.
- First is you will find that you are not alone. Second is it creates life-long friendship and third is every conversation that you have with the masterminds is a learning experience and gives you opportunities to improve yourself.
[9:13] – A timeout to thank our sponsors!
- ZipRecruiter: Hire experienced people who are excited about what they do — with ZipRecruiter! Go to this exclusive web address to try ZipRecruiter for free:!
- YT 100: Email JLD to learn more about making YouTube magic in 100 days:
[12:39] – Pat shares how he got to the level of working 90 minutes per day.
- Its about being efficient and not wasting time.
- 15 years ago, he set a goal of what he wanted to do in like. To be someone who talks to a property manager or a business partner looking at deals and opportunities and spreadsheets for a few hours and then his work is done. Indeed that manifested in his life and that is what he has been doing since then.
- It also helps to have a business with great partners. He has 2 main businesses, DAPT acquisition, an apartment complex company with 2000 apartments in Georgia. The other one is Go Abundance in which he has 3 other partners. They work on the business and letting it run by itself. He is lucky in that aspect that he just need 90 minutes per day for a phone call and email to do his work.
[14:25] – Pat talks about the exciting part in his day to day.
- Things are just opening up in the residential space, real estate and apartment buildings which was a very dry field for the past 3 years. It enabled them to buy more properties.
[15:55] – Pat gives his key takeaway.
- Go where the money is flowing and not only on what is your interests and passion. Think of where is the money, which will pay you the most and where to get it . Learn the ropes, start your own company and find a partner so you can be free and have a business. Many times, your interests are not going to give you a successful and fulfilling life.
[17:38] – Call to action.
- Go Abundance – Elevate Your Network, Experience Life, Expand Your World.
- Tribe of Millionaires – Get a copy of their free book.
- Pat’s LinkedIn – Connect with Pt on LinkedIn.
[18:50] – Thank you to our Sponsor!
- YT 100: Email JLD to learn more about making YouTube magic in 100 days:
Killer Resources!
1) The Common Path to Uncommon Success: JLD’s 1st traditionally published book! Over 3000 interviews with the world’s most successful Entrepreneurs compiled into a 17-step roadmap to financial freedom and fulfillment!
2) Free Podcast Course: Learn from JLD how to create and launch your podcast!
3) Podcasters’ Paradise: The #1 podcasting community in the world!