Chris Tuff is the national bestselling author of The Millennial Whisperer, which quickly became the #2 bestselling book at Barnes & Noble. His dynamic approach to attracting and motivating the next generation in the workplace has had him featured in Forbes, Fast Company, Fox TV, Cheddar News, and more.
How to Make This Moment the Perfect Starting Point for Your Business with Stephen Lovegrove
The #1 ranked TV host, Stephen Lovegrove, (best known as America’s Life Coach) is the premier life coach to the stars. He’s helped celebrities, billionaires and other high-performance people reach unparalleled levels of success without compromise.
Tax, Hacks, and Everything in Between with Matt Lents
Matt Lents is a forward thinking entrepreneurial CPA with a passion for self development and helping others. He has Ecommerce, Crypto, and Real Estate tax specializations. He has visited 55 Countries and counting – mostly through travel hacking.
How a 30 Million Dollar Per Year Sales Team was Built in 2 Years with Cole Thomas Gordon
Cole Thomas Gordon scaled his own consulting company to over 8 figures in less than 1.5 years. Now, he builds, trains, and consults the sales teams of hundreds of 7 and 8 figure companies online through his company, having worked with teams like Tony Robbins, Frank Kern, Agora Financial and others.
Make Millions on YouTube without Showing Your Face with Chris Zissis
Chris Zissis builds automated YouTube channels for investors to generate passive income.
Time to Thrive with Dean Graziosi
Dean is a multiple-time New York Times best-selling author, entrepreneur, and investor. He is also a popular speaker and business consultant, speaking in front of audiences of more than 200,000 people at conferences and live events.
Make Multiple 6-figures as a Coach This Year with Rafael Eliassen
Rafael Eliassen went from a depressed and anxious janitor to multiple 6-figure coach and speaker. Since, he has helped build million dollar companies, and his speeches have been listened to by 30 million+ people.
Set Your Audience on Fire: How to Give a Knockout Presentation with Diane DiResta
Diane DiResta, CSP, is Founder and CEO of DiResta Communications, Inc., a New York City consultancy serving business leaders who deliver high stakes presentations— whether one-to-one, in front of a crowd, or from an electronic platform. DiResta is the author of Knockout Presentations: How to Deliver Your Message with Power, Punch, and Pizzazz, an category best-seller.
Ketone-IQ: From DARPA Lab to a Gym or Cafe Near You. How to Build a Movement Around a New Technology with Michael Brandt
Michael Brandt is the CEO and Co-Founder of, creators of Ketone-IQ. Bringing ketones “nature’s superfuel” from elite performers to the mainstream. Backed by a16z and $6MM from the US Military.
No More Excuses – It’s Time to Find Your Way Forward with Brett K. Oubre
Brett K. Oubre survived a brain tumor, plane crash, and debt to become a CEO, owner-operator of six top-performing dealerships, and creator of 300 jobs.