From the archive: This episode was originally recorded and published in 2021. Our interviews on Entrepreneurs On Fire are meant to be evergreen, and we do our best to confirm that all offers and URL’s in these archive episodes are still relevant.
Les Brown is regarded as one of the Top 5 Motivational Speakers of all time and was the recipient of the Golden Gavel Award, the highest honor awarded by Toastmasters International. He has spoken to audiences as big as 80,000 people and has worked with countless fortune 500-companies. Known for being the ultimate Storyteller, Les is dedicated to showing the world that you can’t afford to be complacent and that it is your duty to aim high, achieve your goals, and live a life that will outlive you! Now, Les is dedicated to training and coaching the next generation of “motivators” who will go out into the world and make a positive impact!
Guest Resources
You’ve Got To Be Hungry – Get your copy now on Amazon!
Coach Me Les Brown – Your community is here! Your life goals…accomplished! (Sorry! This link was active when this episode was first published in 2021. This resource is no longer available.)
Email Les – Connect with Les Brown and his team.
3 Value Bombs
1) You have to have the feeling and determination to do something different in your life.
2) When your prayers aren’t answered, you keep your faith in your faith.
3) Whatever you are going through, you will learn strategies and techniques to turn adversity to your advantage.
ThriveTime Show: Attend the world’s highest rated business growth workshop taught personally by Clay Clark & NOW featuring Rich Dad Poor Dad Author Robert Kiyosaki and Eric Trump at!
Author100: A 100-day program where I will personally guide you 1-on-1 to create, write, publish and market your book! If you want daily guidance and mentorship from me, JLD, then head over to to sign up for a free call to chat about the details!
Airbnb: If you’ve got an extended trip coming up and need a little help hosting while you’re away, hire a co-host to do the work for you! Find a co-host at!
Show Notes
**Click the time stamp to jump directly to that point in the episode.
Today’s Audio MASTERCLASS: You’ve Got To Be HUNGRY For Greatness! With Les Brown
[1:55] – Les shares something that he believes about becoming successful that most people disagree with.
- He believes that you have to have the feeling and determination to do something different in your life.
[4:00] – Who is Les Brown?
- He is 77, and he just connected with his birth family.
- Being a motivational speaker and storyteller runs in his blood.
- As a person, he wants to be summarized like this: “He aspired to inspire until he expired.”
[6:30] – His new book is “You’ve Got To Be Hungry”. Les shares why that title, and what it means to him
- The world is designed for those who have more to get more, and those who have less to get less.
- Most people lack the hunger to win.
- To step into your greatness and leave an impact on the world, you must be hungry.
- He got the title of the book from his adoptive mother’s experience.
[12:25] -What do people need to do to thrive during and after this pandemic?
- You need to know that you will get through what you are going through.
- You are going through a significant transformation right now, and you are making a radical change. You need to learn a new set of skills, and you need to assess yourself.
- You need to know that you have the power, ability, and authority to handle whatever life throws at you. You will get through it and create ways to win.
[14:25] – A timeout to thank our sponsors!
- Airbnb: If you’ve got an extended trip coming up and need a little help hosting while you’re away, hire a co-host to do the work for you! Find a co-host at!
- ThriveTime Show: Attend the world’s highest rated business growth workshop taught personally by Clay Clark & NOW featuring Rich Dad Poor Dad Author Robert Kiyosaki and Eric Trump at!
- Author100: A 100-day program where I will personally guide you 1-on-1 to create, write, publish and market your book! If you want daily guidance and mentorship from me, JLD, then head over to to sign up for a free call to chat about the details!
[17:02] At the age of 77, what keeps you going?
- Les has five boys, five girls, 15 grandchildren, and five great grandchildren, and they keep him going.
- His two great grandchildren who passed, and this had made him live the life that they didn’t get to live.
- He is determined to inspire, motivate, and train other people on how to tell their stories.
- “I don’t get to sit on the bench.”
[20:58] – What do you do when your prayers aren’t answered?
- When your prayers aren’t answered, you keep your faith in your faith.
- An untested faith cannot be trusted. The actual test of faith is when things happen.
- If it doesn’t work out, you just have to keep on moving with your life.
[25:14] – Where can we go to learn more about your book – You’ve Got To Be Hungry?
- You’ve Got To Be Hungry – Get your copy now on Amazon!
- Coach Me Les Brown – Your community is here! Your life goals…accomplished!
- Email Les – Connect with Les Brown and his team.
- In the book you will find stories that will help you realize that what you are facing is not there to stay, and it will come to pass.
- Whatever you are going through, you will learn strategies and techniques to turn adversity to your advantage.
- You are born to win. Life is God’s gift to you, and how you live your life is your gift to God.
[29:20] – Thank you to our Sponsors!
- ThriveTime Show: Attend the world’s highest rated business growth workshop taught personally by Clay Clark & NOW featuring Rich Dad Poor Dad Author Robert Kiyosaki and Eric Trump at!
- Author100: A 100-day program where I will personally guide you 1-on-1 to create, write, publish and market your book! If you want daily guidance and mentorship from me, JLD, then head over to to sign up for a free call to chat about the details!
0 (3s):
Shake the room, Fire Nation. JLD here and welcome to Entrepreneurs On Fire brought to you by the HubSpot Podcast Network with great shows like my first million today, we'll be sharing why you've got to be hungry for greatness to drop these value bombs. I brought Les Brown into EOFire studios. Les is regarded as one of the top five motivational speakers of all time and was the recipient of the golden gavel award. The highest honor awarded by Toastmasters International. He has spoken to audiences as big as 80,000 people and has worked with countless fortune 500 companies known for being the ultimate storyteller.
0 (43s):
Les is dedicated to showing the world that you can't afford to be complacent, and that it is your duty to aim high, achieve your goals and live a life that will outlive you. Now lesser dedicated to coaching the next generation of motivators, who will go out into the world and make a positive impact. And today foundation, we'll talk about Leslie's new book. You've got to be hungry. We'll talk about what keeps him going after 77 years, what we need to do to thrive during and after this pandemic. And there's a question I've always wanted to ask less and you get to hear it today. When we get back from thanking our sponsors, for a limited time Beams best-selling sleep product, dream powder, hot cocoa comes in white chocolate peppermint.
0 (1m 29s):
This is beans Best Sale Of The Year . Subscribing get 40% off the first three months of a peppermint dream subscription, plus a free mug and froth or 20% off a one-time purchase. Head to stories are what help us connect and relate, which is why hearing someone else's story to success can help us clearly map out our own. That's why I'm excited to share the female startup club podcast tune in for stories and insights from the world's most successful female founders today, listen to the female startup club, wherever you get your podcasts, less, say what's up to fire and nation and share something that you believe about becoming successful.
0 (2m 13s):
That a lot of people might disagree with.
1 (2m 15s):
Well, I want to thank you for the work that you've been doing, giving people a larger vision of themselves beyond the mental conditioning and the adversities that they face in life. The work that you do, the hope that you provide is needed now more than ever before in and out of the pandemic. So kudos to you. And in response to your question that most people believe one, that you have to have a vision for what you want to, that you have to know how you're going to go about doing it. And I disagree with that. I think that you have to have the feeling and the determination of I'm going to do something different in my life.
1 (3m 0s):
This is where I am right now. This is not me. And you're willing to make the commitment to do whatever you have to do to create a new reality for yourself because the life that you are now, living does not resonate with who you are as a person, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. And so as from that place of power, you begin to create from that place, you go to this place, you know, people say necessity is the mother of invention. No refusing to accept things as they are, is the emotion is the element.
1 (3m 42s):
Is that most important part of changing your life,
0 (3m 46s):
Fire Nation? You can already tell that today's going to be a special episode. I've gotten to meet Les a handful of times in person and his energy, his genuineness, seeing him speak from stage. If you ever get the opportunity for her nation, do not let that slip through your fingers because it is truly a special experience. And I have already shared just how awesome you are in the introduction. Last I broke down all of your achievements and everything you've accomplished over the years, but I do want to dive a little deeper into who is Les Brown.
1 (4m 21s):
There I am in my 77th year on the planet. And I just connected with my birth family and laid eyes on a picture of my birth mother and father for the first time. And I had no idea that my birth mother, Dorothy, bill Rucker, she was a motivational speaker, educator, singer and pianist, and my grandmother Beulah Rucker. She was a motivational speaker and they have the Beulah Rucker museum and Gainesville, Georgia, and my father. He was just a common everyday do that, that he was a sharp dresser and good storyteller.
1 (5m 4s):
But that was the only story that I heard about him. And he, he loved the ladies. So I got the worst of him. Yes, I've a combination of a whole lot of stuff. I back the lady who's in lot eight, what I want to be able to go to be, but thank God I showed. So I told my kids when I go, don't let them embalm me right away, hold me for three days. And, and, and when they tried to summarize my life, I want them to say he aspired to inspire until he expired.
1 (5m 48s):
And that's who I am. As a person, I wake up in the morning thinking about how can I inspire, motivate and help someone to go a place in themselves that they can't go by themselves and begin to live a different life.
0 (6m 3s):
Well, you accomplish that goal. Well, more often than you don't. And I told you Fire Nation, this is going to be a special episode. And it truly is. We're going to continue to weave who Les Brown is in throughout this entire episode, because I want to talk right now about your new book. And I knew this was a labor of love. I wrote my first traditionally published book earlier this year. So I know the work that goes into these things, the blood, the sweat, the tears. And you've been on this, on this planet for 77 years. So you have a lot to share and you call to the book, you've got to be hungry.
0 (6m 43s):
That's the title. But my question to you is why, why that title? What does it mean to you?
1 (6m 51s):
World is designed to help those who have get more and those who have less good, less that in order to break through that, you gotta be hungry. You, you can't be casual about your dreams or your dreams. We'll end up at casual tea. There's a book called average is over. Just think about this. We're in the pandemic before the pandemic 47 million jobs were lost due to artificial intelligence. Since the pandemic, millions of more jobs have been lost and they're not coming back. So people have to rethink their lives.
1 (7m 31s):
This is a major disruption, and they'll have to make a radical change on how they've been showing up. They have to change their mindset. They'll have to have a resolve that I'm going to make it no matter what they have to find a way or create a way. And that hunger allows you to do that. Most people don't have a hunger to win. Most people will settle for the life that they have been given. And due to the circumstances we show up in life based upon the conversations that we're here, the observations that we make and the experiences that we have in the people around us, and, and to step out of that and get into your greatness, that requires a hunger that unstoppable, driven part of yourself that refuses to be denied.
0 (8m 27s):
Man, I just have the hairs on the back of my neck, standing up right now, Fire Nation. And that is exactly why I brought less on was to inspire you, to motivate you, to show you that you've got to be hungry. If you want to leave your impact and real message and meaning in this world. And what exactly was that inspiration less for this title? Like where, what was the boardroom like when you were talking with your team, what were some other titles you may be through around? Like, I just love this conversation about how you settled on this.
1 (9m 2s):
It happened for me a long time ago. I was 10 years old. My mother I'm adopted, I'm one of seven children that she took it in as foster kids. And then she adopted us and I was working with her on Miami beach. And she's working for this lady name, Ms. Harris. And she said, mommy, I want you to go in. And Roman fine, my purple hat. I want to wear that today. And my mother went in that room and all of a sudden I heard her clapping her hands. And, and I was curious, I said, mama. And she asked, what is it, Leslie? I said, why are you clapping your hands? She said, don't you worry, you clean those spots up off the floor in the kitchen.
1 (9m 43s):
And then after a while, she came out of the room and she said, Ms. Harris is not in there. Ms. Harris said, well, go down to the, the room on the right, go in there and look for it. Once again, I heard my mother clapping their hands and I said, mama. And she asked, what do you want? Now? She was there and stated, I said, why are you clapping your hands? She said, did not tell you to pay attention to what you're doing. I said, yes, ma'am. And at that moment, Ms. Harris came over to me. I was on the floor, scrubbing up spots in the kitchen. She said, I can tell you why she's clapping her hands. And I asked her why ma'am.
1 (10m 24s):
She said, because when I have colored people clapping their hands, I do them. I do that because I can't see him. And I make them clap their hands to make sure they're not stealing. At that moment. I dropped the washcloth. I stood up and I looked her in the eyes. And during this time, black people were not allowed to look white people in the eyes. And I said, Ms. Harris, my mother is not a thief. She's a Christian. She loves you. She loves your children.
1 (11m 4s):
She loves your family. She looked forward to serving you. She's not a thief. You don't have to make her clap her hands because you think she might be stealing. And she was shocked. And she looked at me and she didn't say anything. And she turned it and she walked out of the room and I went back down and started scrubbing the spots on the floor. And water was flying everywhere, mixed with my tears. And I said, never again. I become a man. Nobody will never make my mother clap her hands because they think that she's stealing.
1 (11m 49s):
And that created a hunger in me, fire
0 (11m 53s):
Nation. You're going to get these type of stories from less, whether it's in-person, whether it's on the interview, because he is the storyteller. He is such a crafter of stories that it just draws you in. And it brings you there. I mean, I felt like I was there when he turned to that woman and said those words, and that's just such a special gift that you have lessons. And one thing that I want to do right now is kind of do a little jump in time because you know, a lot of us are living here in 2021 and we're amidst a pandemic. I mean, it started a while ago. It's lasted for some time. We don't know what the future looks like with everything that you've learned over your years, what do people need to do in order to thrive during like right now?
0 (12m 43s):
And then after this pandemic is over,
1 (12m 46s):
People need to know, not believe. Belief is in the mind, knowing is in the heart where your heart is there. Your treasure is also, people need to know what they are going through. They will get through a lot of people right now, because we're going through a major transformation. When you are transformed, you have to make a radical change in how you show up in life. And the things that you do. I understand that the thinking that has brought me this far has created some problems that this thinking can solve.
1 (13m 29s):
So it requires that you learn a new set of skills. We've gone from brick and mortar to click and order. It requires that you assess yourself. Who am I? How is it that I must deal with what I'm facing right now? You know, it was Victor Franco who said, adversity introduces a man to himself. Most people in a fearful situation, they'd forget everything and run, but there are a few who face everything and rise. And so what's most important is to know that I have in me, the power, the ability, the authority that handle whatever life throws at me.
1 (14m 17s):
And I'm going to get through this and look for ways to win or create a way
0 (14m 23s):
Fire Nation. Hear these words, implement these words every day, when you're waking up, take the steps, follow these actions. And we have a lot to talk about here today. I want to talk about what keeps less going. There's actually a question I've always wanted to ask less. And a couple other things are coming up. As soon as we get back from thanking our sponsors, it's hard to believe we're approaching the end of another year. Now, more than ever. It's so important that we, as business owners are connecting with our customers. It's a busy buying time and the more touch points you can create the better. So how do you create these touch points with a HubSpot CRM platform, a platform ready to help you connect the dots with your business and your customers, whether you're just getting your business up and running or scaling to what's next, a couple of ways a HubSpot CRM platform can help you connect.
0 (15m 16s):
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0 (15m 57s):
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0 (16m 45s):
This is Beam's biggest offer of the year and just like this new flavor. It won't last long. Visit That's less. We're back. And you are 77 years old. Most people, your age, they stopped working 12 years ago. What keeps you going today?
1 (17m 10s):
Man? I have five boys and five girls and 15 grandchildren, and I have five great grandchildren. Oh, let me tell you that and keep you going. When the Lord said be fruitful and multiply. I took him seriously. You know, I just am going through an experience right now. My, my granddaughter who year and a half ago, she had a full term baby. That was it passed when she, she delivered it.
1 (17m 53s):
And just a month ago, Matthew, which means a gift from God. He passed two days ago. And I, I asked God because we prayed so hard for him. He was a fighter doctor said he wouldn't live for a week. He had down syndrome, he was blind. He had a bad heart. He had kidney problems, but he lived for a month. I feel was a fighter. And I don't ask God, why, what I do ask is what are we supposed to do with this?
1 (18m 46s):
And the answer was to live the life that Matthew didn't get to live. And that drives me. That means that I'm still here. That because I'm 77, I don't get to call myself out of the game of life and go on the bitch. And the play lion king Simba, you are more than that, which you have become. And so I'm a robber. I'm determined to Rob the cemetery of my gifts, of my abilities, to inspire, to motivate and to train people how to tell their story.
1 (19m 27s):
I'm going to Rob the cemetery of my talents and my skills and my determination to live a life that will outlive me and Malique was my first great ran son who is in heaven, who is welcoming Matthew. I'm going to represent them extremely well and live out fallout. The life that the two of them didn't get to live. And to you be used by God as an instrument, as mother Theresa would say to become a pencil in his hand to start creating new chapters in other people's lives with the stories that I share with them.
0 (20m 16s):
I just want to let that sit there for a second Fire Nation, because the phrase that less use, I want to circle back on. I don't get to sit on the bench. This is a 77 year old talking, and I want you wherever you are right now, driving in your car, running, walking your dog, folding your laundry, ask yourself one honest question. Are you sitting on the bench? Are you sitting on the bench right now at 25, at 45 at 85? Well, less is not. And he's never going to. And I tease this in the intro less. I just teased it right before the sponsorship break.
0 (20m 56s):
And we're going to get into it right now, because this is a question that I've always wanted to ask you. What do you do when your prayers are not answered?
1 (21m 8s):
Ooh, I'm so glad that you asked that question. I, I was in the hospital and they were very ready to radiate my spine and the nurse. When I went in the restroom and I saw an X on my throat and I asked her, what is this X doing here? And she said, well, we're going to radiate your spine. You're dealing with fourth stage cancer. And sometimes people lose their voice.
1 (21m 50s):
And I said, never to speak again. She said, yes. And I call the doctor. I said, Hey man, you didn't tell me this. He said, I thought somebody had prepared you. I said, no. And I talked about, what do you do when your prayers aren't answered and what dropped in my spirit. You keep the faith in your faith. Faith not tested. Can't be trusted. It's easy to have faith. That things are going your way.
1 (22m 30s):
The doctor looks at you and say, Hey, we made a mistake. You don't have four stage cancer or your marriage is working out or you have enough money in the bank. But the true test of faith is when things happen. And, and, and that's when we have to stand, therefore it takes you the whole armor of God that he may be able to withstand in the evil day that having done all to stand, that we have to stand up inside ourselves in the face of all the things that happen. And if things work out the way we want them to work out fine.
1 (23m 13s):
But if they don't work out, we'll just keep it moving. We won't stop. We wake up in the morning and we're instructed. This is a day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it lives. They let us be depressed and feel defeated in it. Let us rejoice caught at all. Good, be grateful. You'll still hear pray, unceasingly and keep it moving. As the name of this thing called life. My prayer in the morning, when I wake up, all things work together for good.
1 (23m 53s):
For those who love God, for those who are called according to his purpose. And I say an affirmation, Lord, whatever I face today together, you and I can handle it. And I want to make this clear. I'm not a religious person, religious people afraid of going to the hill. The spiritual people that have been there. And hell to me is what you experience when you die. And you meet the person that you were supposed to become, and you see the work that you were suppose to do.
0 (24m 32s):
Boom, Fire Nation. I mean, that is again, powerful words, a powerful message from less than just how you dealt with that experience to me can just really show so many people who are listening here today, a right way to approach. What's going to come at us here in life. And with the time that we have left together today, Les, I really want to talk about your book. You've got to be hungry. We talked about a little bit before the break, and I want to end the show with you sharing why Fire Nation will find what they're looking for within this book.
0 (25m 12s):
If they're looking for what you have to offer and where we can go to learn more about what you have going on with this book, and then just everything in general,
1 (25m 23s):
The book on Amazon, and there are some people now I'm doing coaching and building a community of greatness. People can go to less Les, Les Brown coach less at Les Brown, coach and, and what they, what they will find in this book. Stories that will help them to begin to realize that what they're facing it is not come to stay. It is come to pass. What they're facing on the story they're sitting on.
1 (26m 4s):
Somebody is waiting on what they're facing. They'll learn the strategies and techniques of how to turn adversity and to their advantage because they have it within them. We have built in greatness, power, authority, and dominion to handle the challenges that we invariably will face in life. And sometimes life can knock. You silly. It will drop you to your Dean. I was calling on Jesus, Yahweh, Allah. I was chanting. Normally your whole rain re-engage Keogh.
1 (26m 44s):
Okay. I will drive you to your deal with the universal. Will those somebody lied or be, I've got to motivate none Of this. They call life. We will all have our moments in the gods, a good 70, however we were born to when life is God's gift to us and how we live our lives is our gift to God
0 (27m 11s):
Fire Nation. I can think of no better way to end this episode with such a Titan of our industry. So make sure you go to Amazon. You check out, you've got to be hungry. Read the book, listen to the audio version of it. Quick question less. Did you read the audio book?
1 (27m 30s):
I did it live. My son read the book, my youngest son, but I did a live version because what it takes to write for the eye and what it takes to speak for the ear are two different things. And so I speak to the ear and he spoke those words that were written for the eyes.
0 (27m 59s):
Powerful love that you've got to be hungry. Fire Nation, find it at Amazon, make it part of your next month of consuming content and Is that the correct URL? S
1 (28m 16s):
Yes, I think so either. Then I tell you, let me make it simple that they can go to
0 (28m 29s): made that happen. Fire Nation, you get to connect with Les with his team. They will point you in the right direction to learn from less to learn where he's going to be speaking next. Cause that's something that he does. He speaks a lot. And again, it's something you do not want to miss because you're the average of the five people you spend the most time with. And you've been hanging out with lb and JLD today. So keep up the heat. If you head over to and type less Les in the search bar, the show notes page will pop up with links to everything that we've been talking about here today. Les, thank you for sharing your truth, your knowledge, your value with Fire Nation today, for that we salute you and we'll catch you on the
1 (29m 17s):
Thank you. You have something special. You've got greatness in you. That's my story. And I'm sticking to it.
0 (29m 23s):
Hey, Fire Nation today's value Bangkok that was brought to you by Les and Fire Nation success, launch newers accomplish big goals, which is why I created the freedom journal to guide you in accomplishing your number one goal in a hundred days. And we're talking step-by-step so visit the freedom and I'll catch you there, or I'll catch you on the flip side for a limited time Beams best-selling sleep product, dream powder, hot cocoa comes in white chocolate peppermint. This is Beams Best Sale Of The Year . Subscribing get 40% off the first three months of a peppermint dream subscription, plus a free mug and froth or 20% off a one-time purchase.
0 (30m 4s):
Head to Stories are what help us connect and relate, which is why hearing someone else's story to success can help us clearly map out our own. That's why I'm excited to share the female startup club podcast tune in for stories and insights from the world's most successful female founders today, listen to the female startup club, wherever you get your podcasts.
Killer Resources!
1) The Common Path to Uncommon Success: JLD’s 1st traditionally published book! Over 3000 interviews with the world’s most successful Entrepreneurs compiled into a 17-step roadmap to financial freedom and fulfillment!
2) Free Podcast Course: Learn from JLD how to create and launch your podcast!
3) Podcasters’ Paradise: The #1 podcasting community in the world!