JB Glossinger focuses on daily improvement using the morning coach system he personally founded. He is an internationally known speaker, author, coach and consultant who will provide the motivation and energy for you to achieve your goals and create the life and organization you desire.
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Resource Mentioned:
- Your Big Idea: Successful Entrepreneurs have One Big Idea. Follow JLD’s FREE training & you’ll discover Your Big Idea in less than an hour!
Success Quote
- “Thoughts are things, beliefs make them so, but actions solidify beliefs.” – A JB original.
Business Failure
- Making six figures while heading an aero space company might not seem like failure to many, but it was to JB. Find out why.
Entrepreneurial AHA Moment
- People can smell phony. Find out what happened as soon as JB ditched the suit and tie and threw on the board shorts!
Current Business
- MorningCoach.com has thousands of paying members. Talk about a daily dose of inspiration!
Lightning Round
- There is a reason why JB has thousands; tune in every day!
Best Business Book
- 4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris.
Interview Links
Killer Resources!
1) The Common Path to Uncommon Success: JLD’s 1st traditionally published book! Over 3000 interviews with the world’s most successful Entrepreneurs compiled into a 17-step roadmap to financial freedom and fulfillment!
2) Free Podcast Course: Learn from JLD how to create and launch your podcast!
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Full Transcript
John Dumas: Hire Fire Nation and thank you for joining me for another episode of EntrepreneurOnFire.com, your daily dose of inspiration. If you enjoy this free podcast, please show your support by leaving a rating and review here at iTunes. I will make sure to give you a shout out on an upcoming showing to thank you!
John Dumas: Okay. Let’s get started. I am simply ecstatic to introduce my guest today, JB Glossinger. JB, are you prepared to ignite?
JB Glossinger: Yes. I am ready to ignite!
John Dumas: Awesome stuff, man! JB focuses on daily improvement using the Morning Coach system he personally founded. He’s an internationally known speaker, author, coach and consultant who will provide the motivation and energy for you to achieve your goals and create the life and organization you desire.
JB, is that a pretty good summation of what you do and who you are?
JB Glossinger: It’s kind of the technical term. You know what I mean? [Laughs] The one that we have to put out there. Really, I’m just a regular guy that’s working really hard to make a difference in the world. If we want to sum it up, that’s what I really do. But we got to have that professional elevator speech, right?
John Dumas: You need to have it. I’ve given it right now. So then why don’t you kind of take us on a little more in-depth view of who you are and what you do?
JB Glossinger: Oh, cool, cool. I’m pretty much a normal guy. I mean, I pretty much did the standard business stuff that most entrepreneurs do. The ones that kind of take – there’s a couple of routes, right? You can go to school, like I did, and try the corporate route, or you can kind of just not go to school and just jump right into the business, which some people have had some real success doing that.
I kind of did both of those. I went to college right out of school. I didn’t do very well. I was a football player. I tried to play football. It didn’t work out. Then I actually got in a perfume business years ago when I left college and sold perfume, believe it or not.
John Dumas: Interesting.
JB Glossinger: We would sell it on the streets, and I opened three offices and it was this big pyramid scheme. I didn’t even know what it was. At the time, I was 19 years old, and I was making tons of money. Until we found out the perfume was fake and they shut us all down. Man, you talk about being young and dumb! But the lessons were invaluable. I learned so much about business. I was introduced to Zig Ziglar and Tony Robbins and learning about personal development and how important that was, and it was a really unique time.
Then when the dust settled and everything was kind of over, I realized, you know what? I better go back to school. So I went back to school to coach football and become a teacher. I graduated, and that really wasn’t for me.
So I just packed everything up and went to Tucson and stayed in kind of that corporate area until I met a couple of guys. They brought me in the aviation industry. I started selling helicopter engines, of all things, and kind of grew in the corporate world for about 12 years. I did my Masters in business. I got on the Board of Directors of an aviation company.
I really had a lot of success, and I credit a lot of that to the personal development. The growth that I was doing, that stuff that I was doing after work, and really keeping my mind right and learning things. The only issue was that I had that entrepreneurial gene and I wanted freedom, and I really didn’t have that freedom. I was kind of in that corporate world, working 60 hours a week, traveling all over the world. At that point, I was running the company. It was kind of a glamorous thing, but inside I was very unhappy.
So at that point, I went and started to study some unique things – religion and spiritually – trying to find a deeper purpose in life. I did a PhD in metaphysics [Laughs], which is really out there.
John Dumas: Wow!
JB Glossinger: But I did it from a very business standpoint. I wanted to know what was really going on. I grew one of the biggest libraries in spirituality business and had this real big awakening that all of the things that I had learned brought me to a point that I really wasn’t happy. So I looked at everything that I learned and I realized that even though all that teaching was great, there was something missing from it.
So I decided to write a book and really explain kind of the process that I had gone through, which was called “Get Out of Neutral.” In doing this book, I discovered a lot of things that were kind of holes that were missing in kind of the whole personal development and growth community. That’s how Morning Coach really came to be.
So I’m just a guy that’s really worked hard all my life to get better, to learn some new things. A C student. I never was an A student, never honor roll. A decent athlete, but never at that next level. Somebody who just kept fighting [en prison – [00:04:32] to really figure something out. Then once I figured it out, I started sharing that, and it really led to success for me.
John Dumas: Wow! What a story, JB. Thank you for sharing that with us. I really find that fascinating. We’re going to use that to transition to our first topic. Here at EntrepreneurOnFire, we like to start every show off with our guest’s favorite success quote. It’s kind of our way of getting the motivational ball rolling and getting everybody pumped and excited for the rest of the show.
So JB, what do you have for us as your favorite success quote?
JB Glossinger: Well, I think my big thing is to say “Thoughts are things. Beliefs make them so, but actions solidify belief.” I think it’s so important because we’ve got a lot of people out there that watched The Secret years ago and this whole Law of Attraction thing, and we’ve got a lot of entrepreneurs that are saying, “I’m thinking, I’m thinking, I’m thinking,” but they don’t have that belief and they don’t take the action. Really, it’s the combination of those things that allows things to happen at a really deeper level and to really be motivated.
So I really love that quote that thoughts are things, but beliefs are what really make them so, and then the action solidifies the belief.
John Dumas: Is there anybody we can attribute that quote to?
JB Glossinger: That’s actually mine. I mean that’s actually me [Laughs].
John Dumas: That makes it even better. This is the first time we’ve had a self-quote, and I love it.
JB Glossinger: Yes. That’s actually one of mine, and it’s just something that I kind of live by. I have found a lot of people get a lot of help from that because they just don’t recognize the fact that you have to take that action. At the end of the day, that’s what’s really going to solidify the belief and really allow things to start to work for you.
John Dumas: Great! Take us through how you apply that quote to your life.
JB Glossinger: It’s challenging. I do this every day. For me, it’s about being as positive as possible, but not putting on these rose-colored glasses and being the cheesy, “I’m always positive, I’m always positive,” or sit in from of the Law of Attraction or that Secret movie and watching it, and then looking in the mirror, “I’m going to make it happen!” That’s not what it’s about. It’s a deeper purpose. It’s really getting the belief inside of you.
People always want to make more money, and that’s one of the big things. Especially entrepreneurs, right? That’s why we’re entrepreneurs. The issue with making more money is first believing that you deserve the money, and a lot of times I’ll tell people the reason that they don’t have the money coming in their lives is they don’t believe in it. They don’t believe that they deserve it. That’s the first step.
So you’ve got to start taking actions that really solidify that belief. That means you’ve got to go out there and tip 20%. You’ve got to show that you believe in prosperity. But if you follow people around most of the time – and entrepreneurs, okay? You will see that a lot of them don’t have that belief. They’ll tell you outwardly they do, but internally, they don’t have the belief to go out there and really succeed at what they’re doing. They just don’t have that internal belief.
John Dumas: Have you read Harv T. Eker’s Secrets of the Millionaire Mind?
JB Glossinger: Yes. I love T. Harv. I’ve read that. It’s been a while. I can’t quote anything from it, but yes, I have read T. Harv.
John Dumas: Yes. That really kind of fits very nicely along with what you’re saying, and it’s a belief that I hold very near and dear. So thank you for sharing that, and it’s going to take us into the next topic because as we’ve said before, at EntrepreneurOnFire, we really focus on the journey here of the entrepreneur.
JB, you’re our spotlighted entrepreneur today, so what we really want to do here is speak of a failure that you’ve experienced and how you’ve grown and maybe pivoted your business because of that failure, or just improved upon it. Take us through the steps that led up to that failure moment.
JB Glossinger: No problem. I have a bunch of them, and I try to look at these failures as a learning experience and I’ve taken that word out of my vocabulary. Obviously, again, I don’t come from a cheesy perspective like there is no failure. Of course there’s failure. Okay? But I like to look at everything like a learning experience, and to me, it just changes the whole dynamic. Believe me, I have had plenty [Laughs] just in my current business.
Let’s talk about my start at this. I was running an aerospace company. I had company cars, I had everything, and I told my wife, “Look, I’ve got this idea. I’m going to write a book. Tony Robbins is out there. T. Harv Eker is out there. Joe Vitale.” You know the crowd. I said, “I’ve got the goods.” I mean I have got stuff that’s a little more modern, a little more present. I am younger. I’ve got more energy. I think I could bring something to the world. So my ego was kind of working for me.
So I went and got an image consultant and put on a suit and tie. I wrote my book. I self-published it. I didn’t even try to get an agent because in today’s world, or back then even five years ago, it was better. The profit margins are better if you do it yourself, which I do everything myself now. I really thought, hey, you write this book. I’m going to get hired as a speaker. This is just going to be simple.
So I just quit my job cold turkey. I put $40,000.00 into the book. I built a website and went out there. Then literally, after my mom went to the website, I think maybe two friends went there and I sold like three books, and I was an absolute failure. It was horrendous. I mean going to bed at night with the wife and having her look at me like, “What are you doing?” was really a real challenge.
I mean it was a wake up call that everything that I really believed in was wrong. I mean, I was like, man, maybe I don’t really know what I’m doing here. So I had to question even that quote that I just told you. I was like, do I really believe in myself, and what is going on? It was really simple to go back to that six figure job. I mean I could do that at any point. But I really had to look in the mirror and say, you know what, you’ve spent this money. You’ve got an image consultant. What the heck is really going on here? Why are you failing so much?
The real answer to that is that I was the person that was at the scene of the crime. Everywhere that things were going on, I was the person. I looked at my image and I was in this suit and tie, and I had these glasses. These little glasses they told me to buy. I said, “You know what? If I’m going to suck, I’m going to suck being me,” and I got rid of everything. I’m a T-shirts/shorts guy. I mean, I have longer hair. If you see me, I’m kind of a surfer guy. That’s why I live in Fort Lauderdale. I’m a beach guy. That’s what I am.
I decided to just get rid of all the [BS – [00:10:53]. Get rid of the [bullshit – [00:10:55], excuse my language, but get rid of all of it, not listen to anybody else and do what I thought and be authentic. When I became authentic is when that failure really changed for me. It changed into a massive learning experience of not trying to be or push myself out in the market, and try to become – just be myself, and let the market come to me.
John Dumas: So a major lesson that you really pulled out of this failure moment that you had was to be yourself, and that’s very powerful and it really rings true to your clients, to your audience, when they see that you’re actually being you. So I definitely applaud you for doing that. Can you identify another lesson that you learned from this failure that you really applied to your business and just saw the good results that came from it?
JB Glossinger: Yes. I mean you’ve got to persist and have tenacity. I mean, it went from something that I thought was really easy and not understanding the market. I was in the National Speakers Association for five years previous or eight years previous. I really thought I understood the market, and I thought, hey, you just put a book out. You just put the shingle out. You get some business cards out there.
When you’re jumping into something new, you need to educate. You need coaches. You need mentors. You really need to figure it out, or just expect the bumps and bruises. That delayed gratification is really critical. That where I thought I would get instantaneous gratification, I got these 3,000 books sitting in my living room. That didn’t come.
Now what’s amazing is now I look back, and we sold all those books, plus a ton more. But it didn’t happen till three years after, I started to figure out the market. So really persisting is a critical thing, and getting through those first two or three years of just learning the market, becoming an expert, and getting known in your area is critical.
John Dumas: Well, I commend you for making it through, and we’re going to use that as a transition point to our next topic. You’ve really shared a lot with us today. We’ve talked about your previous experience in corporate America. Your six figure job. How you were really rock and rolling in that area, but you did felt there was something more for you. So you took that step out into the unknown, into the universe. You really gave it a great shot, and it didn’t work out right away, but you persisted, and your persistence has obviously paid off.
Every entrepreneur goes through similar experiences on some levels, and through these experiences we have these little aha moments along the way that we really just say, “Wow! This is working okay. This is working.” It propels us to the next level and to the next level. A lot of us, especially the lucky ones, have this really big light bulb moment come on that’s like, aha, they see the light. It all makes sense. Their customers, their clients, their audience reacts positively.
Did you have an aha moment where a light bulb came on? Can you tell us about that moment?
JB Glossinger: I didn’t have like the archangel Gabriel coming down and singing and the earth shaking, but I had…
John Dumas: La!
JB Glossinger: [Laughs] Yes, exactly. I didn’t have those type of moments, but I had some pretty cool moments where to go back to my quote, the belief started to happen. What happened for me was, just to go a step back a little bit with MorningCoach.com, a buddy of mine – to go back into my backstory a little bit when I was going through this failure and I had these books and the suit on and I decided to get rid of everything – told me that I should start doing a call in the morning. We were doing some prosperity work together.
So I decided to record some information every day. Like I said, I had all this knowledge of 20 years of studying human potential and human performance. So I started to record this call. I recorded the call and listened to it every day. I started having success. I shared it with some friends, and some friends said, let’s do a conference call.
So I got a conference call together, and I used to do it every day at [7:15] AM, and [10:30] AM, I believe. It’s been a while. Pacific time. We would do a conference call. In this call, they would listen to me, and I would give them the daily kind of information, or the Coach Cast is what it’s called now. We ended up getting so many people on the line that we broke the conference lines. So I decided that I needed to record it in some manner and get it to people. That’s when I learned how to do podcasting.
Well, what was crazy was I started recording it. I put it up on iTunes and it went to number one like the first week.
John Dumas: Wow!
JB Glossinger: So literally, just this huge audience came onboard within the first two weeks of it really hitting. So I went out and got a URL. I was searching and MorningCoach.com was available. I learned Dreamweaver in 24 hours. I put up this horrible splash page or landing page, or squeeze page, whatever term you want, and just said, “Hey, if you want to hear this, give me your email,” and started building this community of people that wanted to hear this message every morning.
The aha moment came when I really didn’t believe. I didn’t have belief in them. Like who wants to hear me? In fact, at this time, I was raising money for a search engine, and we had gathered together $14 million with investors. I had four partners. Morning Coach was just a side thing. I had actually kind of said, “This isn’t going to work. I’m going to just do it for my own good. It’s a system that I use to keep myself going. I’m going to raise money and we’re going to launch this search engine and really do some cool stuff.”
The aha moment came when people started to believe in me. More people started to. I mean, I started getting tons of emails. “Thank you, JB. This is starting to happen to my life – success.” I mean people started to have real [Unintelligible – [00:16:30], and I’m going, “They’re listening to me and they’re having this kind of success?” I mean it was just – then my belief started to occur. Then I went and told my partners that, look, I just didn’t want to do the project. Give the money back to everybody and we’re done with it.
So it was a real big transition for me. It was an aha moment where I started to believe. I think every entrepreneur goes through this. You believe. You have to believe. Even if it’s a little bit shaky, you believe. But then all of a sudden, you get two, three, five, ten people believing in you, and you become that person. The belief solidifies even more.
So that was really my major aha moment where, look, I’ve got to put this other big project on the backburner. I don’t want to be a CEO of a company. I don’t want to go through that hassle anyway. At this point, I’d rather be a solo entrepreneur and really build my lifestyle. Let’s focus on Morning Coach. It’s a winner. That’s when the transition started to occur, probably about four years ago.
John Dumas: That is a powerful aha moment, and it happened over the course of some affirmations and some different [client-backing force – [00:17:28]. That’s a very powerful way to reach it, so I definitely commend you for doing that.
JB, have you had an “I’ve made it” moment?
JB Glossinger: I think I have in the fact that I’m very spiritual. So for me, my I’ve made it moment is every morning getting out of bed. I know that sounds crazy, and sometimes people need to have like a life or death experience, but for me I haven’t. I mean I wake up every morning and it’s a new day. I’m excited. I mean it’s just a wonderful time to be alive.
Fortunately, now I put myself in a position to – really, I work about an hour a day. I’m learning golf, so I go out and golf almost every day just for fun. I’ve really built a nice lifestyle. Still, even before I really got to that point, I mean I have that every day. I mean I’ve made it every day. Every morning that I wake up and I’m not sick, that I’m healthy, that I can make a difference in the world, I know it sounds so cheesy, but literally, that’s how I feel.
John Dumas: Well, thank you for sharing 30 of your 60 minutes with EntrepreneurOnFire today.
JB Glossinger: Exactly, exactly. That’s about the truth [Laughs].
John Dumas: [Laughs] That’s great stuff. So JB, we’ve spoken about your failures. How you’ve come out of that, how you have developed the business that you currently have today through different aha moments. You’re at a great point in your life right now, and I’m very happy for you for being there.
So let’s talk about your current business for a minute here. You’re rolling along, you have a good system down, but what is one thing that’s really exciting you about your business today?
JB Glossinger: Well, I’m pumped because just to step back again, 10 years ago I’m in aerospace. I didn’t even know what a website was. Five years ago, I’m just learning about the Internet, and I’m just starting to figure it out. Now I’m finally involved. I’ve got some really good friends. When you’re an entrepreneur, like in aviation, I started to meet other people in the business. Then eventually, I was known in the business. Well, now I’m getting known in the Internet marking circles, and I’m not an Internet marketer.
So what’s so awesome is, is that now a lot of these guys are saying, “Hey, you’re having this success. Why don’t you come and look at some of the stuff we’re doing?” I made some really good friends that just are teaching me so many things that really get my message out at a massive level, and it’s just unlimited.
I don’t know how you can’t get excited about the Internet. I still think it’s a baby. It’s just being birthed. You look at companies like Google. You look at Apple. You look at these tech companies that are – I mean, it took GE hundreds of years to grow as big as they are, and you just have a tremendous opportunity.
Look at a guy like me. I mean, I’m just a guy that decided to learn how to podcast. I didn’t know how to put websites together. Now I think I have 23 websites out there operating in different manners and modalities. I have all these systems put in place, and all I do is what I love to do.
I just launched SpiritualBookStudy.com for free where I’m starting to study esoteric books that I want to do that. So once a week, I put a video up. I put it up in that site. I mean you could hear it in my voice. I mean the Powerball was just $300 million, but look, we’re in the Powerball. If you just start to learn some new things, you invest in yourself and you put the time in, it’s there to be taken. It’s just a matter of understanding the dynamics and applying it to your business.
John Dumas: JB, you’ve shared a lot with us today, and I really appreciate that. One thing I don’t feel as though I have a complete grasp on that I’d like you to take a couple of minutes and share with us, you’ve mentioned 23 websites in different capacities, and this and that. What is a little overview of your business as it looks today? How does JB operate?
JB Glossinger: Yes. No problem. I’m really kind of in that information marketing mode. I believe in my product more than anything. On MorningCoach.com, a lot of people come to me and say, “JB, I need to make money. I need to do what you’re doing. Can you give me the secrets of how you got 50,000 or 47,000 people on your fan’s page and you got all those people engaged?” I’m like, “Look, the first thing you do is you got to get your mind right.”
So I push them to MorningCoach.com, and they always say, “No, I’m a business guy. I don’t need to listen to that garbage.” I’m like, “No. You got to do that.” I mean that’s what’s given me my success.
So the way my business operates is first I have to get my mind right, and I do that through MorningCoach.com. I listen to myself every day after I record. That is my major business section. That is a membership site. It’s $20.00 a month. We have a few thousand members. That was the baby. That’s really the thing that sprung us free.
Other than that, I have speaking where I do some speaking events. I don’t do much, as much as I used to, but I do keynote speaking. I do that every once in a while. I have multiple products. I do a lot with Amazon and KDP Select in electronic books. I have two of them up there now that sell very well, and that’s a really nice part of my business.
Then I have various other products that I launch at various times. I have Intelligent Life Design, which is a product that helps people find their passion, and kind of what I do to become a solo entrepreneur. The Spiritual Book Study out there that I like. It’s something that I just put out. I’ve had it out there as a paid program. I decided to make it free and just let people get that because I kind of want it to be a spiritual place.
I have various other units of what we would call squeeze pages where they’re getting people on lists so that we can get them information about what we’re doing. I also have events. I have my network which is the Glossinger Network, which is people that come to an event. Part of the requirement is you have to be approved and you have to pay to come to the event. We have a couple of price levels for that. They come and they meet with me, and it’s really all some close people that I’ve got through MorningCoach.com. That’s another part of my business.
Then I actually own a brick and mortar business, believe it or not, that we bought about eight years ago. I don’t touch it that much anymore, but my wife runs it. It’s actually the largest maid service in South Florida. What’s cool is I’ve taken the techniques that I’ve learned, and we literally get 10 to 20 new customers a day for that business, and I haven’t touched the marketing in three years and we don’t spend a dime on it.
So I have got a lot of things going on, but literally, I’ve got it all set up with systems that I can – like I said, I can work an hour. I really need to work an hour a day to do my CoachCast and my Compass, which is the workbook that goes with MorningCoach.com. Then the rest of the time, I spend learning video. I’m learning Final Cut X and playing around with Motion and just learning new technology because I love it. I don’t really consider it work. That’s really what I spend my time on.
The money is generated from those sources. From my network, my events, MorningCoach.com, these other products that I launch. I do some webinars once in a while. All those things generate revenue for the company, and it’s really based on a systematic thing. If I’ve got something coming up – I got a big tax bill, I’ll launch a product so we don’t have to take revenue stream from something else.
So it’s a really nice way to do it. The key is that all of my business has to be value-oriented. I think you could kind of tell by listening to me. We were just discussing. I mean I’m a real person. So when we do put something out, it’s just not about writing 28 books and getting them out there and just churning them out. It’s like let’s do the best that we can with every product. Let’s go slow. Let’s make sure everybody gets value. If somebody pays $1,000.00, let’s make sure they get $10,000.00 worth of value. That’s my whole mindset in my business model.
So that’s it in a nutshell, and real quick, MorningCoach.com, what it is, is that I do a daily CoachCast every day and I do an eight-page workbook. That is what people are paying for. Then there are some tools on the site. We make mobile applications, which I think are really important, for the iPhone and Android. We’re actually investing heavily in a new website that’s going to be coming next month, and we’re revamping the entire thing. So I’m really pumped right now.
John Dumas: JB, the word “entrepreneur” is a mystery to most people. At EntrepreneurOnFire.com, we really try to pull that curtain back and show our listeners exactly what makes up the average day of an entrepreneur, which no entrepreneurs have that prototypical average day, but we definitely have tasks that consistently take up our time. What are two tasks that seem to take up most of your time throughout the course of a day?
JB Glossinger: It’s all about learning. I have to tell you, it’s all about learning. I think an entrepreneur that isn’t investing in themselves – I mean I go to more seminars, whether it’s online or physically, than anybody. I guarantee I’ll go than anybody else. That’s why I’m where I am today. It’s what I’ve learned by going to these seminars, meeting people, taking online courses. I mean you won’t find a day literally, or at least let’s say a week that I don’t buy an online course. I mean I’m always buying courses. I’m learning Adobe Illustrator. I’m looking at how do they make those cartoon characters? I want to make videos like that.
I know you can pay to have it done. JB, just pay to have it done. No. I want to know, because then when you go to pay to have it done, you say, “No. That’s not going to take that long. In three hours, I could do that.” It’s just that continual growth has served me so well that literally, out of an eight hour day, I work an hour-and-a-half, and the rest of the time is learning.
John Dumas: Knowledge is power.
JB Glossinger: Agreed 100%, and nobody could take it away from you. Look, I’m not a rocket scientist. I’m no Einstein. Believe me. Just ask any of my teachers. The key is I’ve really educated myself. I’m to the point now where I literally try to read three books a week. I have a Kindle Fire, I have a Kindle, I have books all over the place, and I’m constantly trying to reach that goal because it’s my business.
So not only am I learning about human potential and human performance, but then I’m learning about technology, and then I’m also learning everything that I possibly can because you never know when you can use that. Some people call it worthless information, but you’re at a table and somebody – like I’m playing golf now. Somebody plays golf, and you say, “Oh, did you see the new [Unintelligible – [00:27:15]?
So learning and just engaging. That’s why the Internet is so awesome, because there’s so much you can learn today.
John Dumas: So much. JB, with that being said, what is the vision that you have for the future?
JB Glossinger: Well, really my vision, and just in general, is I think we’re going more to a mobile marketplace. For me, it’s about continuing to get my message out in a mobile situation. Staying on the cutting edge of technology and really providing people with the motivation they need. That’s my drive. I mean, it’s just helping people come up with a few ideas so they get an ROI that’s unbelievable.
If I do that, I mean it’s just my business continues to grow. The next thing that I’m working on is to separate me from my business so that I can have a bigger brand so it’s not just on me. I’ve built it to this point, but now it needs to be about other things so that I can pass it on and make it last for eternity. That’s really my focus at this point.
John Dumas: We have now reached my favorite part of the show. We’re about to enter the Lightning Round. This is where I provide a series of questions, and you provide us with a series of amazing and mind-blowing answers. Does that sound like a plan?
JB Glossinger: I’m ready. Let’s ignite!
John Dumas: [Laughs]
JB Glossinger: Let’s ignite!
John Dumas: Alright. We’re going to ignite now, and it’s going to take about 60 seconds per answer, so I’m just going to launch into number one. What was the number one thing that was holding you back from becoming an entrepreneur?
JB Glossinger: Myself [Laughs]. That’s the truth. Just belief in myself. I mean, I think that’s the number one thing that holds a lot of us back. We’ve got to get out of our own way. Just start doing it. The more you do it, the faster you make mistakes, and the sooner you’ll get better.
Real quick, I’ll tell you a story. I mean, when I started the CoachCast, which is the podcast that has become so successful, when I was recording it, I didn’t know. When I first started recording, I didn’t even know how to use the system. I was doing it on the telephone and I was recording it, and every morning when I was doing it at the same time, a guy would get up, go to the bathroom. Okay? Flush the toilet, and literally go back, and I would record that and put that up. I didn’t hear it.
Then I get all these emails that this guy is going to the bathroom in the back. So you just got to get out of your own way. If you do it and you just do it, you’re going to figure it out. You’re going to have issues and it’ll happen for you. Just start. That’s the main thing.
John Dumas: That’s a great message for Fire Nation. We cannot be afraid of mistakes. We need to embrace mistakes, we need to know that they’re going to come, and we need to just use them to our benefit. So thank you for that.
What is the best business advice you’ve ever received?
JB Glossinger: I think just being tenacious. Just having tenacity. I’m a peace, love, happiness guy. I really am. But then I train with some really crazy Israeli special forces guys. That balance really helps me out. You’ve got to really go after it, but have enough compassion and really build relationships. If your tenacious, don’t do it from a Machiavellian standpoint where it’s just win at all cost, but win and take others along with you. When you do that, you can’t fail.
John Dumas: That’s powerful. What is something that’s working for you right now?
JB Glossinger: Facebook. It’s not a sales place. Let me tell you right now, Facebook is not a place to sell anything. If you’re selling on Facebook, stop. Okay? Pinterest maybe is your better place to go. But Facebook is just a wonderful place if you’re transparent and authentic to build amazing relationships. It just is a great place. That’s why people are there. They’re there for relationships. They’re not there to get sold, but if you can provide them some great relationships and you can really be authentic and yourself, you can really connect with some amazing people.
John Dumas: Thank you for being so specific. That’s so valuable. What is the best business book that you’ve read in the last six months?
JB Glossinger: The best business book that you’ve read? It’s been a while, but I’m going to say in that timeframe is my friend, Tim Ferriss’s book, The 4-Hour Workweek. I love the thought process of The 4-Hour Workweek, and it’s just the mentality that Tim brought to the marketplace. That you can live that life and really create that solo entrepreneurship. That solo entrepreneur kind of lifestyle.
That doesn’t mean that as somebody that wants to be a CEO and build a huge company – I have a lot of friends that are doing that too – you can still apply the systemic things in your business. So it’s just understanding the system kind of mentality to make things run smoother has been a big influence in my life.
John Dumas: Great. Now this next question is also the last question, and it is by far my favorite. It’s kind of a tricky one so you can take your time. You can let it digest for a couple of seconds. Don’t feel like you have to answer right away. I threw a little bit of a twist in here.
If you woke up tomorrow morning with all the experience and knowledge that you currently have, but everything that you’ve created and your business have totally disappeared, leaving you with essentially a clean slate, as most of our listeners find themselves right now on the brink of launching, what would you do in the next seven days?
JB Glossinger: Well, the main thing with everything that we do is working with ourselves. I could just tell you this from experience. If everything was gone tomorrow, that would be almost exciting for me. I’d be ready to go because the first thing I do is record and listen to myself. Okay? Then I would listen again, and I would get my mind right.
As long as my mind’s right, there’s just nothing that can stop you. I mean for myself. Okay? That’s the belief that I have at this point. It’s amazing how powerful you can become when you start to believe in yourself.
Again, this isn’t some fake Stuart Smalley, Saturday Night Life belief. This is a real posture and presence belief that you’ve built over time that says, “You know what? I have the goods. This is what I can do. I can really help people,” because at the end of the day, business is very simple. It’s find a problem and get the solution out there. That’s it. Then provide value. And there’s so many problems waiting to be solved.
Personally, I love entrepreneurs. We need more entrepreneurs out there. I mean, it makes my life better. I do MorningCoach.com because I’m selfish. The more that I can help people become great, the better my life is going to be. It doesn’t matter if someone invents a better paperclip. It makes my life better. Or cures cancer. It makes my life better. All those things are done by entrepreneurs, and every one of them in between makes our lives better.
So that’s really what I would focus on, is man, stay motivated. Stay in that pocket. Keep your mind right. Don’t let those external circumstances, don’t let those losers that are out there that are telling you you can’t do it. Focus in and just take it day by day.
John Dumas: JB, I love that answer because it really hammers home to our listeners that knowledge is by far the most important thing because you know with 100% certainty, if you woke up with that situation tomorrow, all you need is what you already know to get the ball rolling and get that next step moving forward. That’s so inspiring to our listeners because all they need to do now is to take that step forward and start to gain that knowledge because knowledge is power, and that is how they’re going to make it to the next level.
So I love when entrepreneurs answer in that manner. I’d say it’s probably about 20% come back and say, “Man, that would be so exciting!” When they say that, I feel like it’s so powerful because if they’re willing to give up everything that they’ve created, they do that knowing that they’d be able to get right back up to the top because they have the knowledge, they have the experience, and it’s out there for everybody to get. So thank you for that.
JB Glossinger: No problem. I believe it. I mean that’s what’s so cool about it. I mean it’s a great way to go to bed at night, knowing that tomorrow you don’t know what it’s going to bring. If you live that way, there’s a metaphysical component too, and it’s just awesome when you wake up and you’re ready to take on the day.
People always say, “Does he really have this much energy all the time?” I do. I mean I have my down days. I’m an Oakland Raiders fan and they lose once in a while. A lot more than they used to. So I have those days where I get a little bit down, but it takes a lot to keep me down at this point in my life.
John Dumas: That is so great. Thank you so much for joining us today, JB. You’ve given us some great actionable advice and we are all better for it. So let’s finish this show with a last piece of advice for Fire Nation, and then give us a plug.
JB Glossinger: Well, I think the big thing is just stick with it. I mean one is believe in yourselves. We need you. I mean we need you. We need entrepreneurs out there. We need risk takers. That’s what drives the economy, that makes the world better, and it makes all of our lives better. Then just keep growing. Do what you’ve got to do.
I’m at MorningCoach.com. It’s very simple to find me. If you need a little inspiration and motivation, just stop on over by the site. It’s that simple. We’re over there.
Alright, John?
John Dumas: JB, again, thank you so much, and we’ll catch you on the flipside.
JB Glossinger: Thanks, John. Thanks for having me.