For 25 years, Jason Gracia has helped coaches make a difference and a living with their expertise. He’s an author, coach, and creator of Swyft Sites, a leading agency in the coaching website space.
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Guest Resource
Swyft – Go to their website and get a free download of The 5 Things Your Coaching Website Can’t Go. Without.
3 Value Bombs
1) The website is a machine to help generate business.
2) Never leave your client guessing and make it clear for them what’s next.
3) To use blogs in atypical way is to overcome sales objections. Think of the reasons why people say no to your offer, what are the common objections then create a blog post that overcomes that objection.
Shopify: Be ready to sell wherever your customers are scrolling or strolling — on the web, in your store, in their feed, and everywhere in between! Sign up for your $1 per month trial period at!
ZipRecruiter: Hire experienced people who are excited about what they do — with ZipRecruiter! Go to this exclusive web address to try ZipRecruiter for free:!
Show Notes
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Today’s Audio MASTERCLASS: 6 Secrets from a Website Agency CEO: How to get more clients from your website today.
[1:13] – Jason shares something that he believes about becoming successful that most people disagree with.
- 90% of the preparation people do in business is useless. Most of the things people say about getting ready doesn’t work, just go out there and do it.
[2:46] – Jason talks about Art vs Machine: A brand new way to think about our website.
- Working with many clients , he learned how to make a website that works and it all starts with reframing how we think about websites.
- Many people think of it as a work of art. Your heart and soul put into pixels and shared to the world but actually a website is a machine. It should be a business machine. Yes, it can be beautiful but if the machine doesn’t work, its not art.
- The website is a machine to help you generate business.
[4:04] – Jason talks about website being dead or a hub-and-spoke wheel of your business.
- The old style websites are dead, the one that says “who I am” and “what I’ve got” because it doesn’t work anymore.
- We should think of a website as a machine or a wheel. Every page of your website should be designed as a homepage that every page wil guide people to your ultimate outcome that is leading them to the hub which is your primary call to action.
[5:18] – Jason shares the two things every coaching website must do.
- Basically a part from educating the clients, a website should be able to book a call or get them on your list. Those are the two things we should be driving at every page and everything else is secondary to those two primary objectives.
[6:42] –Jason talks about Optin Funnel Magic.
- The principle here is if you give me a small step to take , I’m willing to give the next bigger step.
- Optin funnel magic is when you get a visitor and they are not ready for that call, they are offered a lead generator or a lead magnet on their website like a free giveaway and when they do that step , the next page will lead them to book a call when they click submit they will be directed to a calendar.
- The 3 steps are: A thank you page with a calendar inviting them to book. In the freebie giveaway there is a link that invites them to book and a series of emails to follow up booking a call.
[10:02] – A timeout to thank our sponsors!
- ZipRecruiter: Hire experienced people who are excited about what they do — with ZipRecruiter! Go to this exclusive web address to try ZipRecruiter for free:!
- Shopify: Be ready to sell wherever your customers are scrolling or strolling — on the web, in your store, in their feed, and everywhere in between! Sign up for your $1 per month trial period at!
[13:01] – Jason shares how we can automatically turn email subscribers into discovery calls.
- In the website, they will see a give away for example – “5 must-haves in a coaching website”, after they click the PDF, the next page is a calendar. The final page of the PDF must talk about the service that they do and how to book a call or to learn more. There is also a button that goes back to the website and then follow up emails with content of tips and best practices. At every end of the email, there is an invitation to book and a discovery call.
- Never leave your client guessing and make it clear for them what’s next.
[16:06] – Jason talks about Contact Funnel Magic and how we can automatically turn contact submissions into discovery calls.
- Unlike other websites who just let’s you fill up their contact form, what they do is the page reloads and it’s a booking page that gives them an option to book.
- It’s a clock work, they just wait and they set it up in their contact form to lead them to book.
[18:08] – Jason talks about how Blogs can come to the Rescue and what’s the real reason we need to add blogposts to our site as soon as possible.
- To use blogs in atypical way is to overcome sales objections. Think of the reasons why people say no to your offer, what are the common objections then create a blog post that overcomes that objection.
- Your website is almost a preparation for the sale. You have to prepare that prospect before getting to the discovery call and help them overcome their objections.
- It makes the call so much easier if they have read stories. Make a content in your website that will atke care of their objections.
[20:04] – Jason gives his key take away.
- The number one thing that you must understand is your website is a business tool and that you have to separate your personal thoughts and feelings from it.
- What matters is the machine works. We are here for the market and the market gets to determine a lot of what we do and how we do it.
[21:50] – Call to action.
- Swyft – Go to their website and get a free download of The 5 Things Your Coaching Website Can’t Go. Without.
[22:50] – Thank you to our Sponsor!
- Shopify: Be ready to sell wherever your customers are scrolling or strolling — on the web, in your store, in their feed, and everywhere in between! Sign up for your $1 per month trial period at!
Killer Resources!
1) The Common Path to Uncommon Success: JLD’s 1st traditionally published book! Over 3000 interviews with the world’s most successful Entrepreneurs compiled into a 17-step roadmap to financial freedom and fulfillment!
2) Free Podcast Course: Learn from JLD how to create and launch your podcast!
3) Podcasters’ Paradise: The #1 podcasting community in the world!