Ingrid Elfver is Founder and CEO of Born Celebrity, which has more than 100,000 raving fans from around the world. Over the last 20+ years, Ingrid has worked with thousands of people around the world – from celebrities to startups – in virtually every industry.
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Resource Mentioned:
- Your Big Idea: Successful Entrepreneurs have One Big Idea. Follow JLD’s FREE training & you’ll discover Your Big Idea in less than an hour!
Success Quote
- “Within every setback or obstacle or disadvantage there is the seed of an equal or opposite or greater advantage or benefit.” – Napoleon Hill.
Business Failure
- Ingrid shares with us such a moving failure that I don’t even want to begin telling it here. Seriously… you need to hear this.
Entrepreneurial AHA Moment
- When Ingrid found a way to leverage herself, her business took off. Find out her secret!
Current Business
- Ingrid works mostly with high-end celebrities, but loves us all. I like how she casually said in the pre-interview, “I sent off notice of this interview to three or four hundred thousand people.” Love it!
Lightning Round
- I am going to start to read Ingrid’s book recommendation now. It sounds amazing!
Best Business Book
- The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy.
Interview Links
Killer Resources!
1) The Common Path to Uncommon Success: JLD’s 1st traditionally published book! Over 3000 interviews with the world’s most successful Entrepreneurs compiled into a 17-step roadmap to financial freedom and fulfillment!
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Full Transcript
John Lee Dumas: Hire Fire Nation and thank you for joining me for another episode of, your daily dose of inspiration. If you enjoy this free podcast, please show your support by leaving a rating and review here at iTunes. I will make sure to give you a shout out on an upcoming showing to thank you!
John Lee Dumas: Okay. Let’s get started. I am simply ecstatic to introduce my guest today, Ingrid Elfver. Ingrid, are you prepared to ignite?
Ingrid Elfver: Oh, of course I am! Absolutely!
John Lee Dumas: Oh, that is wonderful news. Ingrid is the founder and CEO of Born Celebrity (more than 100,000 raving fans around the world). Over the last 20+ years, Ingrid has worked with thousands of people around the world from celebrities to startups in virtually every industry.
I’ve given Fire Nation a little overview, Ingrid, but why don’t you take it from here and tell us who you are and what you do?
Ingrid Elfver: Well, basically who I am is somebody who constantly wants to grow myself and other people into something more shinier, gorgeous and amazing than we’ve ever been. So that’s kind of what I do. I help people really find who they are and build businesses around that. Whether I’m working with a celebrity, really anchoring their gifts and their truths and their authenticity. The same thing with a business owner. Building something that is really who they are. So branding, marketing, mindset, is kind of the cornerstones of what I do. Then of course exposure of trying to get the person out there in a way that they’re really shining like a superstar. So I have a company where I have a team around me who helps me really build brands and businesses that are really amazing.
John Lee Dumas: Well, that’s great. I can just tell with your energy and passion that’s coming over the mic right now, that you really are just inspirational in everything that you touch. So I’m really excited to delve more into that. But before we do, let’s start with our first topic, which is our success quote, because at EntrepreneurOnFire, we like to get every show started with a little motivational quote to get people really pumped up for the phenomenal content that you have for us today. So Ingrid, what is your quote that you want to share with Fire Nation?
Ingrid Elfver: This one, I don’t know, I love quotes. Since I was little, I have always written quotes everywhere. But this one keeps always sticking in my mind, no matter what. “So within every setback or obstacle or disadvantage, there’s the seed of an equal or opposite or greater advantage or benefit.” This is by Napoleon Hill. To me, that is just so gorgeous.
John Lee Dumas: That’s a gorgeous quote, and his book “Think and Grow Rich” is such a timeless classic. I still read it again at least once a year. I mean it’s just timeless even though he wrote it so, so long ago. Ingrid, can you tell us how you apply this specific quote to your mentality or business?
Ingrid Elfver: Well, to me, you see no matter what happens, there’s an equal advantage or benefit to the situation. In 2002, I was told I was going deaf-blind and spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair. So I had to apply that for a couple of years where I had to spend time in a dark room pretty much alone because I was so ill, and really understanding that sometimes in your business and your life, things just get stripped away from you and everything changes, and you have to sort of understand that there’s an advantage to that situation. So if you can find an advantage to anything, then you are powerful. If you defeat yourself in your mind or who you are in your business, then you’re done. So that’s how I perceive it and how I apply it.
John Lee Dumas: That is so powerful, Ingrid, and that’s so moving. What did you turn to during those years that you really had to be a lot of times by yourself and in this dark room?
Ingrid Elfver: Well, I meditate a lot, but I couldn’t close my eyes because I had this acute vertigo. I don’t know if you’ve ever had that. So everything is spinning constantly, right? You feel sort of drunk, like you’re drowning and seasick all at the same time. So it’s not something I would wish even on my worst enemy. What I do is that I really believe that we can do anything. What I realized in my darkest hour is that I’m actually very, very positive. Now I knew that before the illness, but you don’t know that when you’re hit with adversity.
So I found that just sitting there and really focusing on one spot and focusing on that I could heal, every morning I said, “I believe in miracles. I can heal.” Whether or not I believed that 100% that day, I felt like, well, I don’t have to. I can just put it out there every day. But it took me quite a few years until I could get back to full me, I guess.
John Lee Dumas: Now, was it actually a medical healing that you underwent or was it a natural?
Ingrid Elfver: Yes. I was in the hospital. Well, the doctors gave me so many diagnoses. After about 10 of them, I thought, I think I just got to go and heal. Yes, they tried to give me medications, but I couldn’t really take them. So I just got dizzier.
John Lee Dumas: Wow! That is such a moving story because it’s really truly powerful what the body is capable of if we just allow it to do its own thing.
Ingrid Elfver: Well, I’m a miracle walking, and I think the truth is, so are all of us. We just don’t realize the things we have overcome. We can never compare ourselves to somebody else, but we have to definitely see how powerful we are and strong.
John Lee Dumas: I love that, Ingrid. We’re going to use that to transition to our next topic now, which is failure. Although just the kind of person that you are, I’m pretty sure that you don’t like that word. This is just a guess. I don’t know, but we can obviously define it in another way, as in a challenge or an obstacle that you had to overcome. Take us back to another point in your entrepreneurial journey where you encountered an obstacle or you had a challenge that really defined you as an entrepreneur, and how did you react to that.
Ingrid Elfver: Well, I think that after my illness and trying to come, I had created a different type of business because I didn’t know if I was ever going to see people again, right? So I didn’t know if I was going to be able to do consulting or coaching. So I started writing books and doing art and different things like that because I thought, oh, I need to put some sort of message out there. But then, when I started getting better, I started feeling like this itch that I needed to go back into a bigger world again and do what I’m here to do, which I’ve always known. But during that time, what I really realized, and I’ve been doing this for a very long time. I think it’s like 24 years or so I’ve been doing this fulltime.
What I realized was that my weakness was I didn’t have any system or structures in anything. I just kind of was flowing in my coaching and consulting, and I kept on rewriting things over and over again, right? So you kept on doing things. So I think my biggest thing is that I learned to master this new thing for me, which is structure and systems, which when I first started seeing I needed it, I was so afraid of it and I totally felt like it was the most boring thing in the world. Today, it’s so liberating because it gives me more time to do other things like bliss out or meditate or work with clients. I think that’s really powerful. So that, to me, is what really changed, was I started really applying system and structure.
John Lee Dumas: That is truly a major change. Can you pull another lesson out of that struggle that you went through that would really be applicable to the listeners today?
Ingrid Elfver: Yes. I think that I believed that I had to do everything alone. I don’t know if you can relate to that, but as an entrepreneur and in what I did, I always felt like if I wasn’t being 100% genuine, if I didn’t do it all, right? So that really changed within me when I started realizing that in order for me to go bigger, in order for me to still take care of myself because I still had to take care of myself extra for my illness, right? So I had to learn to leverage me and change who I was and still not compromise on me. But learning not to do things alone has been really powerful for me, and creating a team around me.
John Lee Dumas: I think that’s so important, Ingrid, and that’s one of the first steps I took here at EntrepreneurOnFire, is I merely went out. I got three virtual assistants who I really knew would be passionate about the brand, EntrepreneurOnFire. One of them runs my social media. Another one runs my admin. Another does a lot of transcripts and research and that kind of thing. It’s a team and I really put EntrepreneurOnFire forward as a team. I don’t try to represent that I’m doing everything because I can’t do everything. If I want to produce great quality interviews every single day of the week, I need to have people that help me. So that’s my team. What does your team look like?
Ingrid Elfver: Yes. Well, it changes constantly. I have people helping me with when I do events. I have a personal assistant. I have Mark Malatesta, who’s my husband, and he is also a columnist for Big Idea. He’s the one who helps me a lot with the system and structure, organizing it all, because to me, that’s boring, truthfully, in that sense, right? It’s not my gift, but I learned that other people can really have these gifts. That’s the amazing part, is that maybe my biggest thing is to learn just to hire people who are much better at something than I am.
I think it’s the guy Ford who created the Ford Motors, right? He applied that where he always hired people who were smarter than him, and I always think about that. I’m trying to hire people around me that are smarter than me.
John Lee Dumas: That’s so interesting because Henry Ford has only been brought up one other time in the 57 other interviews that I’ve conducted now at EntrepreneurOnFire, and it was just episode number 56. So that’s so funny [Laughs].
Ingrid Elfver: [Laughs] Oh, that’s powerful. Yes. I always think about that because what I learned is to not try to do it all alone. I feel so much stronger today because truthfully, we don’t ever know what can happen to us, the brand, or the one who’s the representative. So it’s good having teams around us that can support us completely and we don’t have to do anything alone.
John Lee Dumas: I love that, Ingrid, and it’s the perfect segue to our next topic, which is something that I know you’d be able to talk about all day long just because it’s your personality in general. The next topic is the aha moment, and we all have aha moments every single day in some way, shape or form as entrepreneurs. It’s what inspires us. It’s what drives us forward and keeps us going and just gives us those great ideas to jump to the next level and to take our business to the next stratosphere. Can you go back in your journey and give us one clear light bulb, this lightning bolt that just struck you and you’re like, “Aha, this is a great a idea!”?
Ingrid Elfver: I could say it’s the moment I sat on a mountain and meditated and had huge realizations or I worked with some huge celebrity or all that, but truthfully, it’s again about learning to measure my business by money. I never did that before. It was the aha moment when I stopped thinking so emotionally about my business and brand. It was really, really powerful for me, which is really strange because I was doing so many things and I wasn’t counting my time or cost or measuring profits correctly. So I hadn’t mastered that part, if that makes sense.
When I started realizing that, my whole perspective about business and about being an entrepreneur was off because I was leading just by passion and not by anything else. What I realized in a business is it’s healthy if you can financially also make it super successful. It’s kind of like being both, and I don’t ever sacrifice on either, but the aha moment for me again was more going into the other part of my brain that I hadn’t used before, which was measuring my business by money.
John Lee Dumas: That’s a great aha moment. It’s not what I expected, which is even…
Ingrid Elfver: I know! [Laughs]
John Lee Dumas: It makes it so much better, Ingrid, and it’s so applicable, and I just love it. So thank you for sharing that specific aha moment. What actions did you take following that aha moment?
Ingrid Elfver: Well, it’s learning the first thing was to stop being so – the emotional part – and really start looking at my business, at what I’m doing, and looking at what is it that my target market really wants and seeing myself as even if you are the face of your business and you are the brand of a business, you still need to learn. You have to learn maybe even more to be non-emotional, and I don’t think that’s so easy.
I also started restructuring my business model, and this is huge because I had a huge realization that poor people are getting paid per hour, and after they have done their work, and wealthy people get paid before they work, and by the results they produce. When I changed all that, everything changed in my business. It was really, really amazing.
John Lee Dumas: That is such an amazing realization to make and it’s such a good lesson for all of Fire Nation. Ingrid, on that note, have you had an I’ve made it moment yet?
Ingrid Elfver: Yes, I’ve had, but I think the moment, if we’re just going to go through the same kind of thought about the aha moment, it was really when I made more money in one month than I had in a year. I realized that I had sort of started to unleash my fire, my passion and my entrepreneur. I wasn’t just living my dreams, but I was also creating something more powerful where I could help the world in a really big way.
John Lee Dumas: That’s so important that you appreciate and enjoy that aha moment because as entrepreneurs, we so often set these lofty goals. Then when we attain those goals, we just drive right through them and set the next goal forward and keep our heads down and we don’t even take a deep breath and really appreciate.
Ingrid Elfver: Yes. I think that’s so normal for entrepreneurs because our list is so long every day what we have to get done, and it’s very hard for other people to understand that. So I always try to really stop and celebrate because otherwise, you’re right. We just kind of plow through it and forget about it, and then 10 years later, going, “Wow! That was a big moment!”
John Lee Dumas: It is so important. Thank you for just really hammering that point home to Fire Nation, to our listeners here, because it’s something that I always stress. You need to enjoy the journey. It’s obviously important to have a destination and to have goals, but you need to enjoy the journey along the way because that’s what it’s all about. EntrepreneurOnFire is about your journey, and so it’s so refreshing to see when our spotlighted entrepreneur enjoys his or her journey as you do. So thank you for that, Ingrid.
Ingrid Elfver: Oh, thank you.
John Lee Dumas: So we’re going to now move into the next topic, which is your current business. So you’re now rolling along. You have a lot of great things going on. You have a team in place. Everybody’s doing a lot of great things. What’s one thing that’s really exciting you about your business right now?
Ingrid Elfver: [Sighs deeply] Let me think here for a moment because I really want this to come…
John Lee Dumas: That was a deep sigh, Ingrid [Laughs].
Ingrid Elfver: Yes! Because it’s beautiful. It’s about really, really seeing how unlimited a business is, and that it’s only my own perception of it that limits it. So I try to really be open every day and think bigger, and also then apply all the system and structure and all those boring things that can seem boring in one way, but really takes that to the next level. So I keep seeing it going bigger in a really powerful way. I’m just excited about that it’s unlimited, truly, and seeing that, because I think sometimes as an entrepreneur, when we do put our head down, we can’t see that. We see the limitation or it didn’t work fast enough. I don’t know if you can feel that frustration at times, but I certainly can, and so can most of my clients that I work with, is that the impatience we have, everything should be now. Instead, start just continuously putting cornerstones in there and building something more bigger and more powerful than ever.
John Lee Dumas: That is just awesome, and I think it’s such an important lesson to take away from that. So I’m really glad that you’re applying it to your business, and I can just tell how valuable it’s going to be. So Ingrid, the word “entrepreneur” is truly a mystery to most people. At EntrepreneurOnFire, we really try to pull the curtain back and show that entrepreneurs are just people too and they have common tasks that they do day in and day out. Now, I know that you have a team around you that’s always working hard. I know that no two days are ever the exact same for you, but what are two tasks that you do seem to have every single day that take up a portion of your time?
Ingrid Elfver: I always do think about getting the exposure. I’m constantly thinking social media strategies or different things like that. Getting speaking interviews, like I’m doing with you today, John, and marketing or getting clients. That’s constantly moving through my day. I’m not working in my business constantly. I’m also working on my business. So I shift paths continuously back and forth between being with my clients, doing VIP days, doing consulting, and then at the same time, also thinking about how I can get more exposure so that my business can become more and more known and people can come and trust it and really love it.
John Lee Dumas: That’s such a good quote too. To be working on your business and not just always in your business. If anybody wants to go a little more in-depth into that line of thought, I definitely recommend the book “The E-Myth Revisited.”
Ingrid Elfver: Right. That’s an excellent one. That’s a really good one. The other part that I always do, maybe because of my illness, maybe because of my attitude, maybe because I have this need to laugh throughout my day. I mean that, right? Because I have to have a great sense of humor for some reason. I really make sure my mindset is really resilient. So I meditate a few hours every morning. I get up super early [Laughs]. I sit there with whatever you want to call it – source or universe or God or whatever – and I sit there and I get silent and I listen, and I try to find myself and that resilience in my mindset, and throughout the day, I take mini breaks and I laugh and I make sure that I have fun because this is my day. This is my business. This is on my life, on my terms.
I find that that just makes me so passionate and crazy happy. Even if the day is hard, I then know how to switch over from feeling afraid or you can get worried at times or you had a hard client, whatever it is, or somebody sent a bad email. I know how to instantly shift that in my mindset, and that takes work. That’s why I work on it for a few hours at least every morning.
John Lee Dumas: Well, it works because again, your passion shines through, Ingrid.
Ingrid Elfver: Oh, thank you, my superstar.
John Lee Dumas: So Ingrid, what vision do you have for the future?
Ingrid Elfver: For the business or me or for the world? [Laughs]
John Lee Dumas: For you.
Ingrid Elfver: Oh, for me. Well, I think it always is connected to helping other people really be as powerful as they can be in themselves and their business and their life and become not just super authentic, but also financially free so we can spread the word about how powerful entrepreneurship and how powerful it is to really be who we are and fearlessly be different, bold, even controversial. Whatever you want to be. I really believe in unleashing that celebrity within in a person and learning how to just shine absolutely as brightly and as fiercely as you can each moment of your day and I want to do that in everybody. So I’m pretty passionate about that [Laughs].
John Lee Dumas: Ingrid, I know your passion will continue in myself, John Dumas. I will join you in that mission with I can guarantee you that. I will say that podcasting has been such a good venue for doing that. I’m currently in iTunes getting over 3,000 individual downloads every day. I know that by the time that this podcast goes live, there’ll be even more daily downloads, which is just incredible, in over 100 countries. So when are you launching a podcast?
Ingrid Elfver: I haven’t done a lot of podcast. I do a lot of videos. I have a TV show. That’s something I haven’t done yet. I think it’s just because I’ve been doing too many things that way, but I might consider that. It’s beautiful though. I used to have a radio show for a long period of time, and that was really successful. So it’s just different times in your life you do different things, but I love what you’re doing. I love the podcast thought. It’s powerful.
John Lee Dumas: It is powerful and I’d love to assist you if you ever do decide to go in that direction, Ingrid.
Ingrid Elfver: Okay.
John Lee Dumas: The thing about podcasting is I get so many emails, and like I said, I’m getting more than 3,000 downloads already, and it’s only growing. So many people are consuming this content as they’re driving to work every day or as they’re going for their jogs or their walks. Places they can’t consume video or they can’t be watching something or sitting at a computer. So it’s such a powerful motive. I love your message, I love your passion, and I just want to see it get to as many people as possible.
Ingrid Elfver: Oh. You’re gorgeous.
John Lee Dumas: So Ingrid, we’ve now reached my favorite part of the show. This is the Lightning Round. This is where I provide you with a series of questions, and you come back with amazing and mind-blowing answers. Does that sound like a plan?
Ingrid Elfver: Uh-oh [Laughs].
John Lee Dumas: [Laughs]
Ingrid Elfver: Yes. I hope I can deliver [Laughs].
John Lee Dumas: Oh, just keep it up and you will deliver. What was the number one thing that was holding you back from becoming an entrepreneur?
Ingrid Elfver: Yes. I had really been pondering this because when I grew up in Sweden and I came to the US when I was 18. Truthfully, Sweden at the time was a socialistic government, and more democratic socialistic, so not extreme, but it still did not have much entrepreneurship. So I was a model, and that to me was maybe my start as being an entrepreneur because you’re not hired as a fulltime job. You do all kinds of things. I was an emcee and choreographer for Miss Europe, the beauty contest, and I adored doing that. So I was traveling all over Sweden, in front of thousands of people, and on TV, on radio, on newspapers, and I got all this exposure to really have a message. I talked a lot about women being so beautiful and how beautiful it is to be a confident woman, and I was 17 at the time when I did this.
When I came to the US, I think that’s when the entrepreneur in me started seeing that what if I could do my own business, but I was 22 when I started my own business completely. I had had a partnership and it was an import and export business with a partner before that. Then I started this business, which is coaching and consulting, but I didn’t have anyone to model and I didn’t understand that I could actually make it financially successful. That took me a while to understand that I could do that alone. When I started seeing that I can do anything and I can make money, I started doing these whole live expos. There were 40,000 people there in L.A. and San Francisco. I used to be booked with coaching sessions for weeks afterwards in those cities. That’s when I realized you can do anything, but I still didn’t have that model, so it took me a while to get really confident that I’m an entrepreneur. Truthfully, I don’t think I’ve used that word “entrepreneur” until like four years ago or five years ago. I don’t think I understood that I was one. I’ve just done what I do.
John Lee Dumas: Powerful. What is the best business advice that you ever received?
Ingrid Elfver: Investing 10% of my income, my own income, into learning more. So in coaches, joining mastermind groups or learning more programs or products. Always learning new things because I study at least a couple of hours every day. In the evenings, I try to study, because I know that my mind is only as good as the new things I’m constantly learning, and then learning how to apply those. So that is probably the best advice I’ve ever gotten.
John Lee Dumas: What’s something that’s working for you or your business right now?
Ingrid Elfver: Yes. I do a lot of different things, but my team and I have other people doing this too. So it’s paid introductory sessions when people hear me speaking or we do different things and people get to get a taste of the things that we do in the business, and I find that really builds those deep, trusting relationships and potential clients that are really long term. So truthfully, it’s paid consulting sessions. Instead of doing free things, which I think a lot of coaches or consultants will do, or even businesses will do, but consider doing paid ones, and then build up relationship and then have amazing packages or programs that you offer afterwards. That’s a really powerful way to – you see, my mission is not just to work with only high end clients, which I do, which is kind of my mission, but I also have this mission where I want to touch everybody and I love touching people genuinely because you don’t know how impactful just one thing can do for somebody. Your voice, if you do a session with somebody. That it really changes them, and long term, they always come back and they trust you in a really beautiful way. I like that because that’s the business I want to build continuously.
John Lee Dumas: That is invaluable advice. What’s the best business book that you’ve read?
Ingrid Elfver: Well, because I’m rereading, and I don’t know if I consider this a business book, but I was thinking about what’s my best business book because I don’t know how many books I read a month are business books, but I’m rereading ‘The Power of the Subconscious Mind” by Dr. Joseph Murphy because it’s one of the most powerful books as an entrepreneur because it really teaches you that you can place borders in your subconscious mind. Then you take external action and then it becomes true. Using your mind correctly as an entrepreneur is crucial because we don’t have cushions. You know what I mean? It’s like we’re constantly living on the edge in a certain way, and our mind needs to place these big orders so we can achieve what we’re here to do.
I’m actually doing monthly mindset calls or success mindset calls where I’m teaching this. So I’m rereading this because I sort of have everybody read a book every month. So then I’ll talk about it. I’m being interviewed every month. It’s really, really fun and amazing, and if any of you want to go and learn more, you can go to You can sign up and you can be a part of that. You can have all the system and structure and brand and the business model and all that stuff in place, but if you don’t have the right mindset, you’ll collapse.
John Lee Dumas: I love that. Have you ever read the book “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind” by T. Harv Eker?
Ingrid Elfver: Yes! Of course. Yes.
John Lee Dumas: Great book and the same kind of mentality where you really need to have that subconscious right before your external is right.
Ingrid Elfver: Well, there’s a balance of both. It’s like we need to do both constantly – the external and the internal.
John Lee Dumas: Love it. So Ingrid, this last question is my favorite, but it’s kind of a tricky one. So take your time, digest it, and then come back with a great answer. If you woke up tomorrow morning and you still had all of the experience, knowledge and money that you currently have right now, but your business had completely disappeared, leaving you essentially with a clean slate, which is what most of our listeners find themselves with right now, what would you do?
Ingrid Elfver: Yes. I actually was going to ask you a question back. Do I still have my contact list, my mailing list?
John Lee Dumas: Absolutely.
Ingrid Elfver: Okay [Laughs]. Because if I don’t, you see, my answer would be different. Let’s say I don’t. I want to go there for a moment because so many probably listening don’t have that. I certainly had to start over again and again in different times in my business, especially with the illness. There are different times we have to do that. So if I had to completely start over again, I would then pick a niche that people really, really are looking for, and that they want in the marketplace. I think that we don’t think that way. We think of, well, who am I? And then you have to think about what they’re willing to pay for. Then at the same time, figure out well, what’s your gift and how can you really be authentic that way?
So come first with figuring out. I would figure out my niche for the target market, and then figure out who I am and how I can offer that in a true way because you have to use your authentic skills and the talents we have. You can’t just invent it. I think a lot of people would do that where they think, oh, I’ll just produce something that people want, but it has nothing to do with me. So it’s got to be the core of you.
So that’s what I would do. I’d pick a niche of something that people want, and then be truly me. Then the other one is figuring how to get the most exposure in that particular niche and finding the target market. Do tons of JVs. JVs means joint ventures, which means you can do a teleseminar with somebody who has a mailing list, and they present your product or service or whatever it is you do, and you can then sell what you do and then you can give them 50%. I think that’s a really awesome way to sort of spread the wealth everywhere, and then also interconnect and sort of masterminding with each other.
The other part is get on social media and build your social media in a big way. That’s another exposure strategy. Then learning how to do marketing as well. I would create a marketing campaign with one big idea that would make people pay attention, and then offer the products and services for that market and continue testing it. I like being in beta mode. So with a lot of my clients, I will have them start in beta mode with their businesses so they can have an opportunity to test, and that gives you that opportunity to learn how to be better, but I really think it’s finding your niche or finding a niche that people really want versus you creating something that you think people want. That’s my biggest secret, and then get exposure in that niche.
John Lee Dumas: Ingrid, I love that you were so specific. You gave us such actionable advice, and you gave us so much actionable advice throughout this entire interview, and we are all better for it. Give Fire Nation one parting piece of guidance, then give yourself a plug, and then we’ll say goodbye.
Ingrid Elfver: Alright, my superstars. I know that you have everything within you to get to where you want to be. So I just want to ignite that light, that fire in you for you to see that you can become something much bigger. I want you to consider yourself as a star. As someone here to shine so bright in the world. That you’re here to make a big difference, you have a big mission, and you have a big life, and it’s all really beautiful.
So I want you to really take that deep breath and allow yourself to go bigger and be really true to yourself, but still be smart with the system and structure and niche and really figuring all the different pieces together because truthfully, the only one that can run your business is you, and it might be different for somebody else. So just be powerful and true to who you are. I always stay true to me and I think that’s the most powerful part.
John Lee Dumas: Wonderful! Now give yourself a plug.
Ingrid Elfver: Yes. Any of you who wants to sign up, my suggestion is you go to, and you can sign up for my weekly TV show, which is called “Born Celebrity.” I feature a lot of celebrities on there, mindset stuff, and a TV show that you can watch. There, you can start joining what we’re doing and you can see if you want to find out more about my coaching programs or other products or services we do, but I would just really love to have you part of my community and really get to know who you are and help you really shine as the superstar you are. So go to
John Lee Dumas: Wonderful, Ingrid, and we will link all of these up in the show notes. It’ll be at We will have your book recommendation, your website, and everything else you’ve mentioned in this interview. Thank you so much for your time. Fire Nation salutes you, and we’ll catch you on the flipside.
Ingrid Elfver: Thank you, gorgeous John, and thank you everyone. You are a superstar.