From the archive: This episode was originally recorded and published in 2021. Our interviews on Entrepreneurs On Fire are meant to be evergreen, and we do our best to confirm that all offers and URL’s in these archive episodes are still relevant.
Brad is a mastermind master, having been a part of 30, started over a dozen of his own, and worked with Tony Robbins, Dean Graziosi, and more. He shares his secrets to creating profitable mastermind groups to bolt onto your business in 5-10 hours a month.
Brad’s website – Get Brad’s book and get THREE BONUSES — A cheat sheet for masterminds, 101 questions for mastermind facilitators, and 50 hot seat recordings!
Build A Mastermind – Build and fill a mastermind by turning in-demand knowledge and expertise into a lucrative business in just 5 days.
3 Value Bombs
1) There’s always a better way to make more income, more impact, and do it in less time. You owe it to yourself to explore and investigate other models.
2) Many people will pay more for a great mastermind. Be the niche and own the space – and create a very specific offer for people that’s reassuringly expensive, and your income will balloon as a result.
3) Whatever your goal is, make sure to pick up the vehicle that allows you to go there.
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Hostinger: Among the top web hosting and website creation brands in the world! See for yourself! Head to and use code ONFIRE for an exclusive 10% discount!
Coda: A platform that empowers your team to collaborate effectively and focus on shared goals. Get started with Coda today for free at!
Show Notes
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Today’s Audio MASTERCLASS: Masterminds: How to Increase Your Income By $100K+ (and Your Impact Exponentially) In 5-10 Hours A Month.
[1:30] – Brad shares something about being successful that most people disagree with.
- If you are focused, you’ll go so much further in entrepreneurship than you will if you’re working on a hundred different things.
[2:28] – What is a mastermind?
- A mastermind is between 8-20 people who have similar values, goals, visions, and who are committed to being there for each other to allow them to achieve their goals faster.
- A facilitator of the mastermind doesn’t have to be the expert, but you could bring all the experts and put them all together.
- You can do more and and help more people when you don’t just rely on your own expertise
[6:10] – The difference of a mastermind versus courses, group coaching, or other ways that are generating revenue today…
- The problem with courses is 90% of the market is going to be consumed, and 10% will take action and get a result.
- Books are great, but it takes multiple edits and revisions. It also takes a lot of research, interviews and testimonials.
- Coaching and consulting doesn’t scale.
- With a mastermind, you get to work with people in an intimate setting and have expert speakers. It is high impact, high touch, and can increase your income in less time.
[9:05] – How legitimately realistic is it to add 100k to your business with a mastermind?
- Many people will pay more for a great mastermind. Be the niche and own the space, and create a very specific offer for people that’s reassuringly expensive, and your income will balloon as a result.
[10:58] – A timeout to thank our sponsors!
- HubSpot: Close more deals and get on track for your best Q1 yet! Explore the new HubSpot Sales Hub and AI tools like ChatSpot at
- Coda: A platform that empowers your team to collaborate effectively and focus on shared goals. Get started with Coda today for free at!
- Hostinger: Among the top web hosting and website creation brands in the world! See for yourself! Head to and use code ONFIRE for an exclusive 10% discount!
[13:24] – What’s the best way to get your mastermind going?
- Get clear on your vision as best as you can with the information you have.
- Go talk to people and research it. Do market research calls.
- Test it by selling it. Never build something before you sell it.
- Nail it, and then finally scale it!
[16:12] – How do masterminds increase impact and income with people who run them in less time?
- The value of being a part of a mastermind comes from having people in the room who are smart and have the same track record as you. You get so much value from being in the room with other people around hot seats where they’re getting answers to questions.
- Whatever your goal is, make sure to pick up the vehicle that allows you to go there.
[18:12] – Brad’s favorite mastermind story, and why masterminds are the number one tool in his toolkit.
- His favorite was his first mastermind.
- That mastermind gave him an incredible understanding of what is possible in life – but not in a traditional sense.
[23:58] – Brad’s key takeaway and call to action for Fire Nation.
- There’s always a better way to make more income, more impact, and do it in less time. You owe it to yourself to explore and investigate other models.
- Brad’s website – Get Brad’s book and get THREE BONUSES — A cheat sheet for masterminds, 101 questions for mastermind facilitators, and 50 hot seat recordings!
- Build A Mastermind – Build and fill a mastermind by turning in-demand knowledge and expertise into a lucrative business in just 5 days.
[28:18] – Thank you to our Sponsors!
- HubSpot: Close more deals and get on track for your best Q1 yet! Explore the new HubSpot Sales Hub and AI tools like ChatSpot at
- Hostinger: Among the top web hosting and website creation brands in the world! See for yourself! Head to and use code ONFIRE for an exclusive 10% discount!
0 (2s):
Boom, shake the room, Fire Nation, JLD here with an audio master class about masterminds. How to increase your income by a hundred K and your impact exponentially in five to 10 hours per month to drop these value bombs. I brought Brad Hart on the mic. Brad is a mastermind master having been a part of 30. He started over a dozen of his own and worked with Tony Robbins, Dean Grasiozi, and more. He shares his secrets to creating profitable mastermind groups, to bolt onto your business in five to 10 hours a month and foreign nation today, we'll talk about what exactly is a mastermind. How are they different from courses and group coaching, et cetera, how you can add a hundred K to your business.
0 (42s):
What's the best way to get your mastermind going this year. And we're going to reveal some of Brad's favorite mastermind stories and why they can be the number one tool in your toolkit and so much more. When we get back from thinking our sponsors, get your focus back, sleep better and block out the unhealthy effects of blue lights. With BLUblox, blue light blocking glasses. Get 20% off by going to or enter code fire at checkout that's for 20% off, or just use a code fire. What if you could run an e-commerce business with no tech experience or employees and generate 10 K or more each month today's sponsor at Qwantify is doing just that Qwantify guarantees your success and revenue with complete end to end training and support apply today at
0 (1m 32s):
That's Brad say what's up to Fire Nation and what's something that you believe about becoming successful that most people disagree with.
1 (1m 46s):
Hey everybody, what's going on? JLD Hey, Fire Nation. Thanks so much. I'm so grateful to be here. What I believe about being successful? I think most people would disagree with, especially the people I talk to on a daily basis is that you needed to be doing everything. I truly believe that if you are focused, you're going to go way further. Oh my God. So much further. And you really focus on building that foundation and getting your offer dialed in. You're going to way further and entrepreneurship and any endeavor than you will. If you're squirreled out, looking at a hundred different
0 (2s):
Fire Nation, you know, my favorite word is focus, follow one course until success.
0 (2m 18s):
So Brad, you are beating my drum brother and Fire Nation. As I teased you at the beginning of the episode, we're talking all about masterminds today, how to increase your income by a hundred K and of course your, your impact exponentially in five to 10 hours a month. So let's start at the core. Let's start at the base. What exactly is a mastermind?
1 (2m 38s):
That's a great question. So I see a lot of things that aren't masterminds. A mastermind is not a $7 Facebook group. A mastermind is not, you know, this little membership group that a lot of people are putting out today. A mastermind to me is between eight and 20 people, usually who are, you know, have similar values, similar goals, similar visions, and they want to support each other, create accountability, really connect each other, the resources, the opportunities, the people, the systems that are gonna allow them to achieve their missions faster and overcome their challenges faster by gaining clarity, by really moving through problems in a way that doesn't just go for the bandaid solution, but really gets to the core and the root. And as a facilitator of masterminds, you can be the person who doesn't necessarily need to be the expert, but you can bring in all the experts, you can put it all together.
1 (3m 23s):
You can get paid to learn from the best, and you can do it with no inventory and no expertise and no infrastructure. Like a lot of these, you know, internet businesses, unfortunately, they're, they're huge. They're another big money hogs. They, they take all the huge infrastructure to run and to, to launch things. Masterminds require none of that. It's very basic tech and you can get one started very cool.
0 (3m 40s):
Now you said no expertise expound upon that. Cause I know a lot of people are like, don't you need to at least be an expert in something or have knowledge in an area. Like, what do you mean by no expertise needed?
1 (3m 49s):
I'll share a story. I think that alluded Kate that thank you, John, for asking when I was part of JF is that's community who was awesome. And he, he also runs masterminds. He's a great guy. I met a guy named Michael at one of their VIP dinners. And Michael went to Bali with his family for six months and built an Amazon business. And this is probably five years ago now. And I was asking him about it. He's like, Oh yeah. You know, just spend some time with my family. I ride my power, power glider. I live on a boat up in Seattle. I'm like, that's pretty cool. It was like, yeah, we do about a hundred K a month. I'm like, that's awesome, man. What do you sell? He's like cat tunnels. I'm like, what the heck is attack a cat tunnel. It's like, yeah. It's like a little neoprene tunnel that you run through. The cat runs through them. It's bell. I'm like you do a hundred
0 (4m 28s):
Thousand dollars a month selling cat tunnels on Amazon.
1 (4m 30s):
I'm like, yeah. He's like, yeah, he's like, and salt and pepper shakers, but mostly cats Donald's so I'm like, dude, show me your ways. I'm like how much you work? He's like about five hours a week. I'm like, legitimately, this guy's a million dollar business. He works five hours a week. He lives on a boat and he parties all the time. This is great. So he's like, yeah, I'll teach you what I know. It'll be $30,000. I'm like, okay, well I could pay $30,000, but here's the thing. I'm an expert at another thing. It's masterminds. Have you ever considered running a mastermind? He's like, no, I have it. And he's like, well, do you have other people that, that want to learn from you? He's like, Oh yeah, I have hundreds. I'm like, well, do they all $30,000 to drop on coaching? He's like, Nope. And even if they did, would you want to coach that many people? He's like, Nope. So I'm like, all right, well, how about I build a mastermind around you?
1 (5m 11s):
You teach, you'll be the expert. I'll enroll, I'll facilitate. And we'll take everybody to China and Hong Kong and teach them how to source products and train them on the ground and all that great stuff. And we'll have a blast doing it is like, sounds great. So long story short, we enrolled 52 people. They all came to China and Hong Kong with us. We ended up generating plenty of revenue. I made money. He made money. My trip was paid for, and I met so many incredible people. I got to have experience I've never had before go to countries. I'd never seen before. And on the back of that, I ended up building a marketing agency that went from zero to 75 K a month in six months, marketing on Amazon because I met my partners and I, you know, people ask better questions than I did and thought about new opportunities in different ways than I did.
1 (5m 53s):
And they took better notes than I did. And it wasn't about me and what I learned. And I have got a great experience from working with Michael directly. But through the mastermind, I got so much more out of it and I got paid to do it. So I limited my risk. So that's why masterminds are great for not having to be the expert. In fact, you can do way more and help way more people. When you don't rely on your own expertise.
0 (6m 12s):
That's a great story. And we've got a couple more coming up for you, Fire Nation. But first and foremost, like let's just get real specific real quick here. Like how are masterminds different from courses from group coaching, from other ways that people are generating revenue today?
1 (6m 24s):
That's a great question. So, you know, you can start a course for example. And the problem is, is that it takes a lot of knowledge forethought about who your clients are, what their problems are, how to get a result in a stepwise process that can be repeated over and over again. And with the course, unfortunately, 90% of them aren't going to be consumed. And the ones that are consumed only maybe 10% of those people will take any significant action and get the result. And that's a huge problem, right? So courses are great, but I don't recommend you start there. They take a huge infrastructure, affiliates, marketing, budgets, you know, funnels, all these different things, webinars that are just very complex. And there's a lot of nuance too. And it takes time to really master those and money.
1 (7m 5s):
So courses are great. I recommend it. I sell courses. I just don't recommend you start there. Books are great. I've written three books. I've got one called the eight minute mastermind, which we'll talk about, but you know, books take a year to write. They take multiple edits. They take multiple revisions to write a really great book that stands out, requires a lot of research and interviews and case studies and testimonials. You might not have all that when you're starting out. So books are great. I highly recommend them. Oh, and by the way, you're not going to make a ton of money on books. Most books never sell a thousand copies. JLD knows this. He's launching one right now. So, you know, by the way I bought it and I'm excited to read you the best. Oh my pleasure. Absolutely happy to support. So, so books are great. I just don't recommend you start there. Right? That's a, that's a later thing.
1 (7m 46s):
Coaching and consulting. That's where most people start. It just doesn't scale. You're on that income rollercoaster, right? You go on market and sell a bunch of coaching consulting. Then you've got to fulfill on it. Now all of a sudden you're back to square one and you're up and down and up and down, you never can get out of the rat race and your calendar is full of calls. And all of a sudden, you're back to where you started. And it's really difficult scale business being a one-on-one coach. But with masterminds, you get the benefits of all those ones. I mentioned, which they all have benefits, but without all the hassles and without all the, the upstart and with all that, and it makes everything else that you're going to do as a result of this mastermind, that much easier. So you get to work with people in an intimate setting and they help each other. And you build the content vault and you have the expert speakers and you have all these different pieces. As you build your process out, you get consistency, you get to work with people.
1 (8m 30s):
They get way more of a better experience, a more impactful, more insightful experience. And they get all the benefits of working with each other, hearing each other's breakthroughs and working with each other, which would be lost in a one-on-one setting. And, and you know, the book, obviously, it's just not that intimate. The course can be completely hands-off, but you'd need time to really build your methodology to a point where you can give it to somebody and they can get results without you. So it can take a little bit of time. And a mastermind is a great way to start because it's impact high touch and can increase your income in less time.
0 (8m 59s):
So listen, people throw the number a hundred K around pretty freely, but the reality is, I mean, that puts you in the top 5% of all earners and first world countries. I mean, let alone, you know, if you add in second, third world countries, your top 1% of 1%. So how legitimately realistic is it to add a hundred KT or business with masterminds?
1 (9m 17s):
That's a great question. And I appreciate the skepticism because it sounds crazy to some people, right? But the fact is, it's not that crazy when you break it down, it's not magic, it's math. So if you look at the numbers a hundred thousand dollars a year, let's say you had 10 clients paying you a thousand dollars. That's $10,000 a month. Times, 12 months is $120,000. There you go. Or if you had 20 clients paying $500, or if you had 40 clients bank $250, I'm not saying to go that cheap. Cause you know, again, masterminds, they want to be a high ticket, high touch experience. There's plenty of people willing to pay more for a great mastermind. But if you really focus on delivery over delivery, if your niche is really clear and you are differentiated from the rest of the marketplace, your mastermind can command price points up to and including a hundred thousand dollars a year.
1 (9m 58s):
I just paid a hundred grand a year to be a part of a mastermind with Dan Fleischman and Joel Marion, it's worth every penny. So whatever you end up doing, you know, just decide, Hey, I'm going to be the niche. I'm going to really own this space. And I'm going to create a very specific offering for people that's reassuringly expensive and your income will balloon as a result.
0 (10m 18s):
I'm going to be the niche. I mean, if that's something that I could pound on a drum as well, Fire Nation, I would like, you want to be the niche you want to own the niche. Like when I launched entrepreneurs on fire, it was the best daily podcast in the world. The day that I launched interviewing entrepreneurs, it was the worst. It was the only I owned that niche. Like how can you be that niche? So, so powerful and Fire Nation. If you think we're even close to being done, talking about masterminds, we're going to talk about the best way you can get your mastermind going in 2021, how they can increase impact and income in less time. And so much more. When we get back from thanking our sponsors, have you ever considered a running an e-commerce business, but Phil, you don't have the skillset or resources to make it happen.
0 (10m 59s):
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0 (13m 5s):
So Brian we're back and Fire Nation just wants you to break this down for us, share with us the best way here in 2021 for us to get our mastermind go.
1 (13m 15s):
So it's really a five-step process. And by the way, just to spoil, or you can use this process to build almost any business, whether it be software SAS, you know, launching a course, any of the other things that you might be doing, but we'll, let's use masterminds as the case study, right? That's the vehicle we're going to choose for all the reasons we talked about earlier. So the first step is to dream it, right? Get clear on your vision, as best as you can with the information you have. The second step is to go talk to people and research it and have these market research calls. And that might sound boring, but, or a waste of time, but it's really not right? Cause you're, you're doing double duty. You're not just gaining research in the marketplace and asking people questions about what logically and emotionally drives them about what their problems are. Their challenges are, and really getting your offer dialed in, which is so important. It's the foundational piece of everything you're going to do, but it's really excellent in generating leads as well.
1 (13m 57s):
So that brings you to the third step. So once you've dreamed it and research it, now you want to test it and you test it by selling it. You'd never build something. Whether it be a course, you know, a SAS product, a mastermind or anything else before you sell it before people come to you who are in your market. And they say, yes, I'm raising my hand. Here's my credit card. Take the money. Let's do this because that allows you to verify if you have product market fit. And if people aren't willing to buy it under the circumstances of a pilot or a beta program where it's maybe discounted and there's a guarantee, and they're going to get more time and access with you than anybody else will in the future, then it's probably not something people want. You've got to go back to the drawing board. So working on that is so important, selling it before you build it is so important.
1 (14m 39s):
And that leads you to step four, which is nailing it. So you do a pilot or a beta. You keep it tight. You don't make it two years long. You know, you give people a result and you give them a result that they may not have even. So you deliver on what you promised and then you over deliver. And then when it's green lights across the board, you make any tweaks you need to make, Hey, this worked well. Let's do more of that. This didn't work. Let's cut that, add whatever you need to add. Now you get to the point where you've nailed it and then only then can you scale it? So I hear so many people talking about Facebook ads about funnels, about, you know, clubhouse, but all these, you know, beautiful tools to get more people into their funnel, so to speak or into their world that know like, and trust them. But if they don't have their offer dialed in and they don't have anything to offer those people, it's kind of a waste of time.
1 (15m 22s):
Right? So having that offer nailed is the prerequisite scaling. So we got dream it, research it, test it by selling it, nail it and scale it.
0 (15m 31s):
That's the five step process. And I love number two specifically, you need to talk to people about it. You need to do the research. Like these are key steps, by the way people usually skip. They usually don't even do this thing. They just dream it. And then they just try to turn into a reality. Then they're like, well, why does nobody like responding to this is because you haven't had the conversations. You haven't researched it thoroughly. You haven't really said, okay, this is a real pain point that I will be to provide a solution for now. How do masterminds increase the impact in income with people who run them in less time?
1 (16m 6s):
So John is a great question. I ended up talking to several hundred people a year about this and you know, some of them, they really want to work with me. One-on-one and my one-on-one rates are pretty high right now. I charge $50,000 for six months of coaching, a hundred thousand dollars for a year. And I discourage people from going one-on-one with me. And the reason I do that is not because I don't want the money. I'm not, you know, I value money. It's not, but it's not the driving force. I just know that they're almost shooting themselves in the foot because so much of the value of being part of a mastermind comes strong. Like I talked about earlier in my story with the mastermind in China and Hong Kong, it comes from having other people in the room who are smart and on the same track as you are, and have similar goals and values asking great questions, getting great answers and taking notes.
1 (16m 47s):
So you might not ask the question, but you can get so much value from being in the room with other people who are on hot seats, who are getting their questions answered. So that's one of the main reasons, honestly, that I choose to work in masterminds and I can do it for two hours a week, you know, maybe five to 10 hours a month of delivery and create a bigger impact with more people than if I had 10 one-on-one clients. So right now we've had about a hundred clients that have gone through our program, working with me. I don't hand them off to somebody else and every single one of them, if they've shown up and they've really asked the questions and they don't say stock and they follow the program has gotten insane results. You know, like some of them have doubled and tripled their money in the first month with us. So it's really effective.
1 (17m 27s):
And that's why I do it. I don't want to be the biggest, you know, cock of the walk or, you know, I don't need to be Tony Robbins or Brendon Burchard. As long as my clients are really, really happy. And they're excited to refer me to other clients. That's awesome for me. And that's what my goal is. So whatever your goal is, make sure you pick a vehicle that allows you to get there. And V and that, you know, the mastermind vehicle is perfect for me. And a lot of our clients, financial Brad's dropped a hundred K to be in
0 (17m 50s):
A mastermind of his own. So he practices what he preaches. He is walking the walk, he's talking the talk and Brad, we do love stories. You've already told us one, share another of your favorite mastermind stories and why masterminds just overall is the number one tool in your toolkit.
1 (18m 7s):
Yeah, so I think the story that comes to mind first is the story of my first mastermind. So, you know, before I had joined 30 masterminds and started dozens of my own all over the world and, you know, Bali, China, Hong Kong, Italy, all these different places, all over the US and met all my heroes. I was on a trip with a guy named Tim Ferriss. So you might've heard of, and Tim at the time, wasn't the 800 pound gorilla that he is today. Although he was very successful with his first book, which was the four hour workweek. So that was kind of a sleeper hit. It went crazy. And he was working on a second book, which is called the four body. And as a result, he had this land rush, a giveaway thing where you could buy a certain number of books and get a trip. And it could be a trip to, I think it was Argentina, Africa, or India with Tim for 10 days.
1 (18m 51s):
And I'm like, that's pretty cool idea. I've always wanted to meet him. I had the money. So I went and I bought the thousand books. I took the write off and I went on a trip to Africa with Tim Ferris and it turned out he didn't actually sell, or maybe he didn't want to go with any of the other people that, that did it. So it was like the only opportunity that anybody got to go spend 10 days in Africa.
0 (19m 9s):
There's nobody else, you
1 (19m 10s):
Know, as me, Tim, Charlie Han, who works as a, for prescribe and Tucker now, but now, you know, at the time he was as director of special projects. And we went with an NGO that Tim was familiar with called Samasource. That was run by
1 (19m 53s):
And I'm getting to talk to Tim and he's like, well, what do you wanna do with your life? And I'm telling them, and at the time I was into trading and hedge funds, I to run a hedge fund and he's like, okay, interesting. And you asked me some more questions. He's like, all of a sudden, he's like, do you want to go to North Korea? I'm like North Korea. Why
0 (20m 10s):
That's such a Tim question? That's such
1 (20m 12s):
Question. I'm like, I'm like, are you going to North Korea? He's like, Nope. I'm not. He's like, what's the deal? Well, my friend is bringing this group of people to North Korea. It's this mastermind group. And I think it would be really good for it. I think it would help you develop. I think it would help you professionally. I think it would be like, you know, good to be in that kind of group. And I'm like 24 years old at this point, I had never been to a lot of places. And you know, I'm like, well, are you going? He's like, Nope. I'm like, why do I want to go? Because if you don't remember, like North Korea was a scary third world dictatorship kind of still is, but it was really scary back then, like the president can't go to North Korea, why am I going to North Korea? You know, they'll Kenya for just looking at a funny and those kind of places. So I didn't end up going, but I came back to New York after this trip and I had malaria and a bunch of other things happen, which I won't go into.
1 (20m 54s):
But the, the email I got right after was pictures of Neil and his mastermind group in North Korea. And I got an invite from friends to come and talk to his group about doing this and to be a part of this mastermind. So I ended up joining. I thought it was a really cool idea. I joined the second one and I ended up staying in that mastermind for three years. So here I am, all of a sudden, you know, it's 24 year old, 25 year old kid. Now I'm surrounded by people who are making seven figures as a, you know, a partner at Deloitte or, you know, nine figure companies and the roller paper space, the people that are way more successful and further along in their careers than I am. And all of a sudden I have to level up, right. I have to kind of like begin to grow myself in order to be around these people and to really fit in.
1 (21m 37s):
So that was the biggest period of growth in my life. I lost a lot of weight. I gained muscle, I got into relationships. I got more comfortable with women, which has always been a challenge for me. I learned like cool, Jason Bourne type skills, like Hotwire and cars and picking locks and, you know, desert survival training. They stuck us in the back of a van and hooded and waterboarded us and like taught us how to survive in crazy situations. Like all the stuff that, that life doesn't teach you, unless you go into like the, say the military. So I was like, it was a really cool experience for this 25 year old kid to be a part of this group that was like all about being bad-ass men, you know, and that was a huge piece for me. So that masterminding experience really gave me an incredible understanding of, of what is possible in life, but not in the traditional sense, right.
1 (22m 21s):
It gave me an understanding of what I, what kind of impact that I can later make on people in that kind of setting where a mastermind could be the vehicle for their transformation. So that was the piece that really lit it all up for me. And I ended up joining, like I said, a lot of masterminds over the years, some are amazing and have been life-changing experiences. I've done things that I would have never done, otherwise bucket list type items and other things were, you know, there were kind of, okay, I share and all the way in between, but I've learned what works. I've learned, what doesn't, I've learned, how to make them exciting and fun. I learned how to do them virtually more importantly, which is so important today with everything going on in the world. And I've learned to make them exceptionally profitable and to over-deliver. And I've taught so many other people to do the same. And really my values now are how can I create a transformation and others so that they can transform others that I'll never meet or that I never would influence.
1 (23m 9s):
And that really changes the work.
0 (23m 11s):
I mean, Fire Nation at the end of the day, like, what do you want? You want experiences? You want life experiences. You want stories like this that you can tell. I mean, or that you can just think about, you know, in the years to come, when, you know, maybe you don't have the opportunity to do this kind of traveling and do this or that, or whatever, the opportunities that may be presented at this time, or at that time that don't get presented again in the future. Like, frankly, I don't think Tim's going to ever offer something like that again, period. He's just at a different place right now in his life. And I just don't see that as an opportunity. So you've got to sometimes take things when they come, as they come. And Brad, you shared a time about masterminds today. What I would like you to do now is give us the one takeaway you want to make sure Fire Nation really gets from all the stuff we talked about.
0 (23m 52s):
When it comes to masterminds, then give us any call to action. You have for Fire Nation to learn more and to connect with you. And then we'll say goodbye
1 (23m 59s):
A hundred percent. Thank you so much. Yeah. I think the one takeaway if you were to, to really distill this entire conversation is that there's always a better way to make more income, to make more impact and to do it in less time. And if you're in a model, you know, maybe you're a coach consultant, author, speaker leader, et cetera, podcast, or whatever you are. And you're listening to this and you're saying, Hey, I think I could do better. I think I could help more people. I think I could make more money. I think you could make more of an impact. Then you owe it to yourself to investigate other models, which either become the core of your business or just a bolt-on or an add-on totally fine. But if you don't explore it, you are only playing with the tools you have. And then, you know, you might be leaving a ton of impact and income on the table, or you might be taking up way too much time to make the impact that journey making.
1 (24m 43s):
So my call to action is to definitely check out my book. It's called the 8 Minute Mastermind. You can go and get it at We'll give you three free bonuses just for checking it out. Even if you don't buy the book, it's a free plus shipping offer. So you just pay for what it costs to get to your door. But the three bonuses are a cheat sheet on masterminds, 101 questions for mastermind, facilitators, and 50 hot seat recordings. So you can listen to me, actually hot seating with people and getting, you know, their challenges answered and supporting them. And you can see what it's really like. So I highly recommend that. Additionally, we just put together a bonus five day challenge for Fire Nation, which I'm really excited about, and you can check it out at
1 (25m 24s):
That's marble stout link slash challenge. And thank you so much, John, and the whole community for listening. I'm grateful for the opportunity to serve you. And I hope we get to chat again soon,
0 (25m 32s):
Add and Fire Nation. You're the average of the five people you spend the most time with and hello. You've been hanging out with BH and JLD today. So keep up that heat, head over to If you type Brad in the search bar links to everything that we talked about here today will be in the show notes page. And Brad, just one more time, give us that call to action URL and what Fire Nation is going to get.
1 (25m 51s):
Yes, sir. So three bonuses are at The three bonuses are 50 hot seat recordings, 101 questions for mastermind facilitators and your mastermind cheat sheet. And then there's also a free plus shipping offer on the next page to grab my book, it's called the eight minute masterminds, 187 pages. It's not a long book, but it's a very tightly packed, valuable book that I literally read every single other book on the market about this. And this is the last one. And I would say the Amazon reviews confirmed that. So I'm very, very excited to get it to you. And even if you don't like it, I'll give you your money back. So there's no risk
0 (26m 25s):
Offer Fire Nation. That is an offer. Brett, thank you for sharing your truth, your knowledge, your value with Fire Nation today, for that we salute you and we will catch you on the flip side.
1 (26m 36s):
Thank you everybody. Have a beautiful day.
0 (26m 38s):
Hey, Fire Nation today's value bound content was brought to you by Brad and Fire Nation. My first traditionally published book has hit the shelves. It's called The Common Path to Uncommon Success. It's your,
2 (26m 52s):
Hey gosh, no,
0 (26m 55s):
Your roadmap to financial freedom and fulfillment. So if I've given you any value over the years, it would be amazing. If you supported the book, just visit and I'll catch you there, or I'll catch you on the flip side,
2 (27m 12s):
Get your focus
0 (27m 13s):
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1) The Common Path to Uncommon Success: JLD’s 1st traditionally published book! Over 3000 interviews with the world’s most successful Entrepreneurs compiled into a 17-step roadmap to financial freedom and fulfillment!
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