Ana Hoffman never thought Internet marketing would be her career of choice, but when she got her head around SEO, she knew she had found her passion. That passion became the centerpiece of her newly popular blog, Traffic Generation Cafe. She is also proud to offer her very special and very thorough blog audits. They don’t call her Mad Russian and Tzarina of SEO for no reason, you know.
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- Your Big Idea: Successful Entrepreneurs have One Big Idea. Follow JLD’s FREE training & you’ll discover Your Big Idea in less than an hour!
Success Quote
- “Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.” – Albert Einstein.
Business Failure
- Ana has such an incredible journey. Starting off in a suburb of Russia and making it to the San Francisco Bay Area was not easy… but she did it, and she has a heck of a story to tell.
Entrepreneurial AHA Moment
- Why was Ana trying to do what everyone else told her was right, instead of speaking from her own voice? Once she shrugged off the naysayers, Ana was on her way.
Current Business
- Traffic Generation Cafe is just what it sounds like: a cool place to go to gain access to incredible tools and tactics. Ana never disappoints.
Lightning Round
- Ana has a way of answering questions… you’ll have to tune in.
Best Business Book
- It’s Not About You by Bob Burg.
Interview Links
Sponsors Link
- Space Dive Productions Ltd
Killer Resources!
1) The Common Path to Uncommon Success: JLD’s 1st traditionally published book! Over 3000 interviews with the world’s most successful Entrepreneurs compiled into a 17-step roadmap to financial freedom and fulfillment!
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Full Transcript
John Lee Dumas: Hire Fire Nation and thank you for joining me for another episode of, your daily dose of inspiration. If you enjoy this free podcast, please show your support by leaving a rating and review here at iTunes. I will make sure to give you a shout out on an upcoming showing to thank you!
John Lee Dumas: Okay. Let’s get started. I am simply overjoyed to introduce my guest today, Ana Hoffman. Ana, are you prepared to ignite?
Ana Hoffman: You bet, John!
John Lee Dumas: Alright! Ana never thought Internet marketing would be her career of choice, but when she got her head around SEO, she knew she found her passion. That passion became the centerpiece of her newly popular blog, “Traffic Generation Café.” She’s also proud to offer her very special and very thorough blog audits. They don’t call her “The Mad Russian” and “Czarina of SEO” for no reason, you know.
Ana Hoffman: [Laughs] Indeed. But then again, somebody might take a look at me and say, “Oh, I’m not sure if she lives up to all those accolades you just gave her.”
John Lee Dumas: [Laughs] I’m sure you will, Ana. Listen, I’ve given a little background, but take it from here. Tell us a little bit about yourself personally, where you’re from, who you are, your age – if you’d be so generous – and then tell us a little bit about your business.
Ana Hoffman: [Laughs] My “age.” Anyway, let’s see. So I am originally from Russia. I do live in the States at this point in California in the San Francisco Bay area. I’ve been in online businesses for the past probably two, three years and got into it completely by chance, knowing absolutely nothing about marketing, creating websites, blogs. Nothing like that. So a lot of it was trial and error, and up to this day, I’m still surprised that I’m actually making my rounds and making my marks. So it’s very exciting for me to be here, John and be able to share that with you today. Let’s see, what other questions did you have for me? So let’s see. So I am in San Francisco Bay area and I am 37 years old, I think. I’m having a bit of a hard time. When I was in my 20s, I still remembered my age, but at some point you kind of go like, “Oh, what’s the difference?” Right? A year more, a year less. Anyway, so that’s about it. That’s all I can think of right now.
John Lee Dumas: Well that is more than enough because we’re going to delve into a lot more later, Ana. EntrepreneurOnFire, we’re all about getting the motivational ball rolling, and man, I know you have some great content for us you’re excited to share and we’re excited to receive. So what do you have, Ana, as your favorite success quote?
Ana Hoffman: Well, it’s not quite a success quote, but it can be and it really has done wonders for my business, and I hope it will make a difference to your listeners as well, John. The quote is by Albert Einstein and it goes something like “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” That, as I said, that quote has done wonders for my business because the reason why so many entrepreneurs, online or offline, are kind of just treading water and sitting in the same spot and not moving forward is because they fail to examine what it is that’s going on in their business that is not working and changing that for the best and turning that around. It also kind of always reminds me of my husband does that quite a bit. I’m not sure why. Even after I told him to stop doing it, but he loves to flip the light switch on and off, even when he knows that the light bulb is out.
So that’s sort of what we do with our businesses a lot of time. We think, well, if I keep doing it this way, sooner or later, I should get there, right? But that’s not right. If you’re beating your head against a brick wall, it’s time to move that brick wall and not continue beating against it. So that’s pretty much what motivates me on a daily basis, is looking for those bottlenecks and removing them and moving forward and not keep doing the same thing that hasn’t worked in the past, expecting different results.
John Lee Dumas: I love that visual you gave about flicking the lights or just banging your head against the wall. One that always comes to mind for me, Ana, is a fly that’s just continuing to bang against the window, trying to get outside. We can see that the fly is never going to get out because it is a solid pane of glass, but we do the same thing in our business and we don’t even realize that we’re doing that. So I love that point you brought up. Ana, this is about your journey as an entrepreneur though, so can you share with EntrepreneurOnFire where you were doing that at some point in your journey and you were able to change your direction?
Ana Hoffman: Of course. For instance, in the very beginning, the reason why I got online, the idea of having my own business online was really not anything that I imagined I would have at some point, but I just continued stumbling upon different ways of creating a home business online and that was very attractive to me because I do have a now five year old daughter who I love taking care of and picking up from school and doing all kinds of activities with her. So as a mom, having a home business, it’s like a breakthrough. It’s not about cooking and cleaning and doing all those chores all the time, but now, I get to have a life. I get to express myself in some ways. So that was what attracted me to being online to begin with, but of course as I mentioned before, when you come in and you know zilch about marketing, you pretty much go by what other people teach you. Most of the times, unfortunately, it’s not very good advice.
So what happened with me is I got into some network marketing companies and I was certainly beating my head against the wall, trying to figure out why it is that I couldn’t succeed in the business. I was putting in the hours, I was making the steps that I was told to make, and yet, I wasn’t getting anywhere. So that’s actually how Traffic Generation Café came about. I started doing research on what it is that I needed to change, and I realized that there’s no such thing as a marketing system really because a system means that everybody in the system is making the same steps, doing the same things. And when you have this herd mentality online when many, many people are doing the same things, it sort of goes against the whole business mentality of individuality and uniqueness, the very essence that makes a business successful, right? No two businesses should be alike.
So as I was learning on how to become unique and how to become different and how to start building my own sites instead of replicating, using the replicated websites, and how to drive traffic to those websites, all of a sudden, I realized that nobody’s teaching that. How is it that I’ve been in business – by that time probably for about a year – and nobody has ever taught me anything about SEO, anything about well you need your own website. Don’t use those replicated pages. So that basically was sort of my aha moment in the business when I realized that it can be changed, it needs to be changed, and Traffic Generation Café was born as sort of my way of introducing others to the world of being unique and being a true business owner.
John Lee Dumas: I love that, Ana. The beauty of EntrepreneurOnFire, this interview that we’re on right now, is that this is about your journey and you have such a great journey. You’ve been through a lot of different areas, a lot of different industries and you’re somewhere right now where if someone had asked you 10 years ago, you’d be shocked to find out that this is actually where you stand. So that’s very interesting and I love finding how you got to this point and how you got to Traffic Generation Café. It’s so intriguing. So on that note, this being about your journey, take us back at some point in your journey where you really as Ana failed or just came up against an obstacle that took a ton of effort to overcome because entrepreneur’s journey is riddled with failure and we learn so much from that point in our lives because it defines us as people and who we are. So take us back there. Share with Fire Nation a point in time where you failed and how you overcame that.
Ana Hoffman: Well, I’m sure I have a lot of thoughts rushing through my head at this point because I’m sure many of you guys agree that the road to success is paved with failures and it’s all about how we deal with those failures, how we dust ourselves off, get up and move forward. So I think that’s basically what separates the successful business owners from those who quit within a few months or a year because they’re not getting the desired results. It’s all about again adjusting yourself to the circumstances, moving forward and not beating your head against that glass window like that little fly that you told us about, John.
John Lee Dumas: [Laughs]
Ana Hoffman: I mean, there are plenty of moments like that, but as I was thinking about it, the main thing where I have to overcome, even now, basically allowing other people in circumstances to put limitations on my dreams and what I can and cannot do. I think we kind of all have to deal with it on some level or another, allowing other people influence us and allowing them to mold what we think about ourselves, as people, as online business owners. For instance, for me, I’ve been struggling with this my whole life. As I said before, I grew up in Russia in a very small town south of Moscow and there was really nothing pretty about my life growing up with my parents. It’s a very regular story, a very normal story growing up in Russia. The parents were drinking too much. I was pretty much left to my own devices and nobody in my family ever went to college. Nobody ever left my small hometown. Nobody ever traveled.
So I was kind of bound to live my life in this box, but for the fact that I was looking at my parents, at my friends, and I didn’t like what they had. I wanted more. I think this is a turning point for all of us. We can allow the circumstances to dictate who we are or we can look at those circumstances and basically see what we don’t want to be and what we don’t want to become and use that to fuel our dreams, fuel our desire to get away from that. That’s exactly what happened in my case. I decided that I didn’t want to follow the footsteps of my family and I did want to go to college, which I did. I moved out. I moved away from my family when I was 17. I ended up going to college in St. Petersburg, studying English as my second language, basically, and I got to be a teacher of English as a second language.
Through all these motions, again, it was a step by step, trying to realize my dream and trying to not let others dictate who I was. Again, even up to this day, I still struggle with the same, and I know that we’re all human and that sort of, whether we like it or not, we’re driven by what others think about us. So it’s something that we have to deal with sooner or later or even on a daily basis like I do. Focus on the path forward and don’t let other people – especially people who really don’t know what they’re talking about, right? But everybody has their own opinions – tell us what we’re allowed to dream about. So again, that’s pretty much my biggest challenge. It always has been and probably always will be, both personally and as a business owner.
John Lee Dumas: Ana, what a powerful journey. Thank you so much for sharing this with Fire Nation and just opening up your life and your past and sharing with us the struggles and the obstacles and the challenges that you had to overcome. Let me be the first to say if you decide to write a biography, please, let me get on the waiting list because I really do find it fascinating just the path that you’ve taken to where you are now. It’s very interesting and a lot of times, especially people like myself that were born in the United States and still live here, we kind of don’t exactly always think about the struggles that other people have in different countries to get to here and to get to the opportunities that we have. I definitely saw some of that in a lot of areas, being an officer in the Army and having been deployed to Iraq and Kuwait and Saudi Arabia and seeing things in those areas, like that definitely opened my eyes to a lot of ways, but it’s so easy to come back and just be acclimated to what we have and the opportunities, and it’s really powerful to hear from someone like you who’s just taken her own life by her own hands and just thrust forward. So thank you for sharing that.
Let’s use that to move forward to the next topic, which you’ve already alluded to one great aha moment you had, and that was a very powerful aha moment. But the beauty about being an entrepreneur is that we have many aha moments on many different levels. Some are small, some are medium, some are large. When we’re lucky, we have a couple of big ones every so often and we really are able to use those to propel our business forward. Have you, Ana, recently had an aha moment maybe at some point in the last few years with Traffic Generation Café that you’ve really utilized to propel your business forward in a successful manner?
Ana Hoffman: Definitely. Yes. I talk about it on and off quite a bit on my blog, but the problem with this aha moment is that you can’t force it. You kind of have to figure it out on your own, but yet it’s the essential part of any business. The aha moment that I’m talking about is finding out who you are as a businessperson and how you can make that work for your business. Let me give you an example. Before Traffic Generation Café became what it is today, I actually started it originally in I think it was in 2009. Yes. So for about a year, I was blogging about pretty anything and everything under the sun. I couldn’t quite understand what blogging was all about, what it was supposed to do for my business, how to promote my blog. What I couldn’t figure out was how to talk to other people through my blog, how to express myself. You have a certain idea of what you think other people want you to say and how they want you to say it.
That’s exactly what I did. I kind of had this imaginary idea of well, people just want to read. Like right now it sounds like a bunch of fluff, basically, but in the old days, a highly elevated blog post with a lot of descriptive language and they want me to sound upbeat all the time, like I am making all the money in the world at any given point of my life and I’m happy with what I’m doing and all of that. So that’s sort of what I thought was expected of me when I started my blog, and then after a year of blogging, it just wasn’t going anywhere. Again, going back to my favorite quote, you can’t keep doing something that is not working. So I sat down and I thought about what it is that I think I need to change so that blogging is not a chore for me because it was a chore. I wasn’t speaking in my own voice. That wasn’t me.
So I sat down and I grabbed a piece of paper, and I said, “Okay. So when I read other posts, other blogs, what is it that I’m looking for?” I realized that I personally want concise, bullet point blog posts that get to the point without giving me any fluff because nobody has time for that. That’s exactly my personality. It’s all about, okay, let’s just get to the topic. Let’s get down to it. Let’s learn, let’s move on, let’s put it into practice in our business. So once I kind of got to that, what I started doing is initially, just basically list posts or step by step tutorials where I forgot about all the fluff and I just did bullet points or steps. All of a sudden, it worked. It was like magic. That was my aha moment when I realized that I found my voice. This is who I was. I didn’t have to be anyone else online. I just needed to be me. I needed to express that to my readers just the way as I’m talking to you right now, and that was wonderful because now I didn’t have to pretend, that I didn’t have to fluff up my posts, which I didn’t know how to do it to begin with. Basically, my next step was I got a new domain name, I came up with a new theme for my blog of course first, Traffic Generation Café. I kind of designed the whole thing around traffic because that really was where my passion was. As soon as I did that, I’m telling you, it was like magic! All of a sudden, within two months, I had other bloggers that I couldn’t touch a year before coming to my blog and commenting on my topics. Later on, when I told them my blog is pretty much brand new and I still barely know what I’m doing, I heard the compliments of I had no idea because you sounded like you knew exactly what you were talking about. That’s the power of finding our own way of expressing ourselves.
Again, it’s not a given. Everybody gets to that point in their own way. Some people can be online for years and they still haven’t quite discovered. Many of my readers come to me and say, “Hey, I’ve been blogging for five years. It’s not going anywhere. What’s wrong?” Again, I wish this is something that can be taught. You can hear other success stories, but in the end, you are the only one who can find your voice and connect with your audience, and if you haven’t quite gotten there yet, I would encourage you to keep looking for it because it’s there somewhere. You know what the best advice I can give? It’s try to be yourself for a change. Don’t pretend that you know what your readers want. Be yourself. Tell people the way that it is and see if they like it. That’s a very good starting point, I think.
John Lee Dumas: I love that, Ana, and that as well is so powerful because finding your voice is something that especially people that are just starting to blog have such a hard time doing because they immediately rush to see who’s doing what and who’s being popular and who’s having success in different areas and they look to mimic that. That’s not the right way to go because that’s not their voice. So if you can really be true to yourself and speak from within, you’re going to find people who resonate with that, and that’s your tribe. Those are your people. So I commend you for going out there and finding that earlier than later and spreading the word to other people so they can do that as well and speed their learning curve up because that’s what these interviews are all about, it’s passing on this wealth of knowledge and information that people like yourself, Ana, have from being in the trenches and being there firsthand and doing that and going on to that success. So thank you for sharing that. On that note, have you had an I’ve made it moment?
Ana Hoffman: Every day I look back at the past or at the present, and every day I think I cannot believe I’m here. So every day for me is sort of like an I’ve made it moment, and at the same time, I can’t believe it moment, and all the potential that is to come is just very exciting. I don’t think there’s such a thing ever as I’ve made it. Pretty much when I’m dead, then I made it.
John Lee Dumas: [Laughs]
Ana Hoffman: But as people, as businesspeople, we’re always developing. So I can celebrate my little victories of the day and that could be my I’ve made it moment, but there’s so much more. We can’t ever stop and just say, “Oh yes. Here I am. There’s nothing else that I need.” I’m not talking about financial or material things, but just the thirst that always needs to be quenched in us. So anyway, for me, there’s no such thing as I’ve made it because again, there’s a lot more to explore here [Laughs].
John Lee Dumas: I just love the words that are coming out of your mouth because at EntrepreneurOnFire, we talk about the journey, and I just continue to stress to the listeners that they really need to be enjoying the journey as an entrepreneur because that’s what it’s all about. We need to set goals, and when we reach those goals, we do need to have these little I’ve made it moments or just celebration moments as you would call it because it’s so important to appreciate the achievements that you make because that’s what it’s all about, it is appreciating the achievements on your journey. But then you continue your journey forward and you set that next goal even higher because we’re continuing to evolve because this world is ever changing, so we as people need to be ever changing.
Ana Hoffman: Absolutely.
John Lee Dumas: So I just love the message that you’re giving. I really am so into it and I agree with it wholeheartedly. Thank you.
Ana Hoffman: I’m so glad, John. One thing that you mentioned and I think I want to stop at for a second, we should not measure our success by comparing ourselves to other people in the business. That’s a completely wrong way to go about it. Of course there are plenty of bloggers out there that are much more successful than I am. Whether it took them 10 years to get there or one year to get there, it doesn’t matter because if we start doing that to ourselves, it won’t ever be good enough. So the important thing is to measure our own success against the goals that we set for ourselves and not of how well somebody else is doing or vice versa. Well they’re not doing so well, so I must be doing pretty well then. Well it doesn’t really work that way so we can’t measure ourselves against the other people. Have our own goals. What is it that I want to accomplish by the end of this year, by the end of the next year? What is it? Where do I want to see my business say, I don’t know, five years from now? It seems like such a long time.
John Lee Dumas: Yes.
Ana Hoffman: [Laughs] Anyway, so yes, our goals are just that – our goals.
John Lee Dumas: What a great message, Ana. Let’s use that to move into the next topic, which is your current business because you have so many great things going on, but I would love for Fire Nation just to hear from your lips what is one thing that’s just really exciting you about your business right now.
Ana Hoffman: As I look back at Traffic Generation Café, I barely scratched the surface. My main problem right now is the fact that I’m not a fulltime business owner, which is okay in many ways and probably a lot of your listeners can relate to that as well. If you have a fulltime job and this is something that you’re trying to transition into and time is short or you’re a mom or a dad like I am, staying at home with a child or two, sometimes it’s hard to put business as a first priority in our lives, and a lot of times it really even shouldn’t be because our lives shouldn’t be around our business. That’s sort of one thing that I kind of struggle with sometimes because quite honestly, I love what I do and when others ask me, “Well, what do you do for fun? How do you relax?” And I’m saying, “Well, what do you mean?” I just go to my blog and I write a post or I answer a few comments because this is my passion and it is my life and I want to do more of it and I want to explore all the possibilities that I have ahead of me.
But of course the challenge is to make this. You can’t have an impossible goal. So I always need to scale myself back and step back and decide what are the little steps that I can take today and tomorrow to make my business better. That’s very exciting to me because again, the possibilities are endless and no path is wrong or better than the other one. It’s just for instance, I’ll give you an example. About a year ago, I was heavily into consulting through Traffic Generation Café. And then at some point, I just realized, this is not my passion. It sounds exciting helping people one person at a time, but it’s just not where my heart was. So I stepped back and I pulled myself away from consulting and I decided to see if I can develop my business into a completely scalable affiliate marketing model basically, driving most of my income from affiliate marketing. That’s a step that I decided to take, and most people will look at me and think, “Well, that’s insane. Why are you leaving the money on the table when you can make such a good income doing this or that?”
But that’s what I’m talking about. Each business, we choose our path and we choose what relates to us the most. And in my instance, it’s affiliate marketing, and that’s what I focus on and that’s the direction I choose to take my business into, but you know what? A year from now, it might change, and then I might decide, you know what? I do love consulting after all and I can get back to it. So that’s the exciting part for any business, but we need to learn to eat the elephant one bite at a time and our short term goals as well as long term. I mean yes, in the end we’re all in business to make money, right? That’s pretty much why we start businesses. I’m not talking about the things that we want to do with money. That’s not in question here. But just to make money, how do you want to make money? Do you want to do what you enjoy to do while making money or do you want to basically get into another job really because if you have to show up and you feel like you have to show up in the mornings to work on your business, that sort of becomes your job and you’re a slave to that. Why start a business then?
So again, I think I’m getting kind of off topic here, but bringing it back to your original question, the possibilities of my business are the most exciting thing for me and just choosing the one that’s closer to my heart, where my passion is, that’s very exciting.
John Lee Dumas: Well that’s exciting, Ana, and what’s really exciting though is hearing you talk about your passions and just kind of letting your mind run because that’s what this is all about. I really want to encourage you just to talk about your journey and to talk about your vision and to talk about what’s working for you. So this has just been some amazing content. I’ve truly enjoyed it. I love how you’re stepping away from trading time for dollars and moving into a scalable model. I definitely commend you for that, and again, I would truly love just to continue to talk about this great passion that you have and what you’re envisioning for your business because it’s so great, but unfortunately, we do have to move into the Lightning Round. This is going to be great and awesome. I get to ask you a few questions. Come back with one or two sentences of answers and just really knock us dead with what you have, okay?
Ana Hoffman: Okay. Go for it, John.
John Lee Dumas: What was holding you back, Ana, from becoming an entrepreneur?
Ana Hoffman: I think the idea that I can’t do it. Somebody else can. They are gifted enough, but I’m not. So that was the major thing that held me back.
John Lee Dumas: What is the best business advice you ever received?
Ana Hoffman: I would say it’s you can’t sell burgers to vegetarians. I don’t remember where I read this originally, but it just resonates with my business in such a great scale. Our business is not about us. It’s about our target market. If we don’t know where our market is and what it is that they want or need from us, we can’t have a successful business. So yes, you can’t sell burgers to vegetarians.
John Lee Dumas: I love the visuals that you pop up as far as taking a bite of an elephant or banging your head against a brick wall or selling burgers to vegetarians, they’re all very visual and I can just picture me trying to hand a burger to a vegetarian, and of course that doesn’t make sense. Why would they want that?
Ana Hoffman: Exactly. Yet, that’s what a lot of business owners are trying to do right now.
John Lee Dumas: What is something that’s working for you or your business right now?
Ana Hoffman: I think it’s not being afraid to be me. There’s something to be said about this entitlement that we’re all born with. We all think that everybody is entitled to our opinion. Whether for better or for worse, that actually works me and my business. I’m starting to get to the point where I feel strongly that the advice that I have to offer has enough value that I can talk about it without being afraid of how it will be taken. I shouldn’t be afraid about the reaction that I get from my readers. I shouldn’t be concerned how they will take it back to their business, whether they can or cannot put it into practice. It’s my job, as I see it right now, is to provide quality, valuable content and it’s not my job [let’s say] that people can take it to their business. That doesn’t sound right because the content does need to be the kind of content that everybody can take back and do it, but the problem is that a lot of people don’t do it. So many people come to my blog and they say, “Wow! Amazing posts! I love it! But I can’t make it work for my business.” I go to their site, to their blog, and I see what they have there and I’m just like, “You know, have you read anything that I’ve said? And if you have, why don’t you go back and put it into practice?” So at this point, I’m just focusing on providing the most valuable advice, to the point advice that I can, and I’m not concerned about whether people take it or leave it, if that makes sense.
John Lee Dumas: It makes a ton of sense, Ana. So Ana, what’s your favorite business book?
Ana Hoffman: The one that I’ve recently read, which really kind of made a huge difference in my business life, it’s called “It’s Not About You” and it’s by Bob Burg and John David Mann. Basically, the book is about what matters the most in business. The thing is that for us, it’s always easy to look at somebody as successful. Let’s take any online entrepreneur that is more successful than we are currently, and we think, well, of course, they’re born with it, right? I mean it’s a given. They have those skills. But what we fail to understand is that yes, maybe they have some natural talents to be a great businessperson, but we too can develop those talents. For instance, again, when I started in business, I knew nothing about marketing, nothing about leadership.
So for me, reading books like this specific one – again, it’s called It’s Not About You. A lot of it has to do about how to use very subtly the power of influence and positive persuasion and how to stand up in front of a roomful of people, which is terrifying, just sounds terrifying to begin with, and then you have to convince them to do something that they’re completely and totally against at the moment. Books like that are inspirational and they make me understand more and more what a business leader is. Things like that are very practical. I can take it back to my business and see how I can establish my leadership in a better way, in a different way that impacts my business and brings more readers and more people to me, and that they recognize that leadership quality that I wasn’t born with, but yet I was able to develop through different books like this specific one.
John Lee Dumas: Ana, I have taken some amazing notes today. I can’t wait to go subscribe to your RSS feed. Both of my VAs will also be subscribing and they will be taking action, I can assure you, on that.
Ana Hoffman: Wonderful.
John Lee Dumas: Give Fire Nation one parting piece of guidance, then give yourself a plug, and then we’ll say goodbye.
Ana Hoffman: I thought I – whoa! [Laughs]
John Lee Dumas: [Laughs] I’m going to just squeeze you until no more blood is coming from that turnip, Ana.
Ana Hoffman: Oh, absolutely. Okay. Focus on one thing today that will make a difference to your business today. Don’t go looking for a huge plan for the next five years and go back to your site and make that one tweak that will make 80% of a difference because that Pareto Principle is definitely true. 20% of our efforts produce 80% of the results. So focus on that and be practical and be actionable today.
John Lee Dumas: Love it! Now give us a plug.
Ana Hoffman: I suck at this. Whatever you said in the beginning was like wow! I’m all those things?
John Lee Dumas: Let me give you a plug for you. Guys, Fire Nation, you are crazy if you don’t go to Traffic Generation Café, subscribe to Ana’s email list, get on her RSS reader, apply her principles and just become a fan because I’m a fan. I can’t wait. Fire Nation, we have so much to thank her for. Ana, we salute you, and we’ll catch you on the flipside.