From the archive: This episode was originally recorded and published in 2020. Our interviews on Entrepreneurs On Fire are meant to be evergreen, and we do our best to confirm that all offers and URL’s in these archive episodes are still relevant.
Ali Katz is the CEO and founder of 3 companies: New Law Business Model, Eyes Wide Open Life, and the Family Wealth Planning Institute. All 3 of these companies are in service to each of us finding our right role as creators of the next economy.
Eyes Wide Open Life – Ali’s website. Discover what you need in order to build your life and income.
New Law Business Model – Increase the value of your services while being a full creator of your economy.
3 Value Bombs
1) If we look back in history, we can make wise decisions around what to do now to be prepared and have the opportunity—a shift into a next level of possibility and growth for ourselves.
2) Get deeply connected with your resources. Bring them closer to home.
3) True legacy happens when you are alive.
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Show Notes
**Click the time stamp to jump directly to that point in the episode.
Today’s Audio MASTERCLASS: Your Role as a Creator of The Economy
[1:37] – Ali shares something interesting about herself that most people do not know.
- For almost 10 years she lived with 2 names and 2 brands. It took her a long time to move through the journey of integrating the masculine and feminine parts of herself.
[2:49] – Ali believes that we are facing the biggest economic crisis that we have ever faced. Why?
- It is an economic shift.
- It is very likely going to look like a crisis to many people. But, it doesn’t have to look like a crisis to everyone.
- There’s a lot of misinformation and confusion right now.
- If we look back in history, we can make wise decisions around what to do now to be prepared and have the opportunity—a shift into a next level of possibility and growth for ourselves.
[4:20] – History doesn’t rhyme but it sure does sound similar—what can we learn from those economic lessons over the past 100 years that can guide us now.
- Velocity of money is the speed in which a dollar moves over a certain period of time.
- The velocity of money is at its slowest speed since the 1960’s.
- People are afraid to keep money in circulation.
- The stock market is currently not tracking reality in any way. The current stock market investments don’t actually match the real value of companies.
- There’s overvaluing of stocks because people are just shoving money in there blindly.
- Lots of people also shove their money into speculative housing, as well as precious metals and gold.
- The value of these assets is not tied to the actual underlying value of what’s there.
- People are storing money somewhere they think is safe, but very likely, it’s not.
[7:52] – What do we need to be doing right now to ensure that we are better positioned for what is coming?
- People either give their money to robot advisors who allocate their investments based on a diversified portfolio, or they have a certain metric of risk tolerance.
- You’ll have a hard time figuring out what the underlying companies that you’re investing in are all about.
- Get deeply connected with your resources. Bring them closer to home.
- It’s true that we can’t time the market, but you can still connect to your resources and decide if you should really be in the market right now.
[11:35] – How you could get connected to your resources?
- Don’t invest in things that you have no awareness of what they’re doing and how they’re doing it.
- The key is to look deeply at where you have your resources invested blindly.
- Learn to understand what those resources are and how you can move them into a place you understand.
[14:30] – A timeout to thank our sponsors!
- HubSpot: Join us in Boston from September 5 – 8, 2023 for an event like no other! INBOUND brings together leaders across the business space including sales, marketing, customer success, and operations teams. Visit to get your ticket today!
[16:50] – Ali shares what it means to become a creator of the economy.
- Increase the value of your services and how you offer your services in a way that people want to utilize your services at a higher value.
- Earn your income and invest in other services that people in your local community are providing.
- The ultimate self care requires investment. You are worthy of that investment, especially when you are making that investment to increase your ability to impact and serve at a higher level.
[20:09] – John shares his story of becoming a creator of an economy.
- He met an amazing artist named Gustavo, who may not have been able to continue his line of work because of the current situation.
- John gave Gustavo a massive project that they can enjoy in their home.
[22:15] – Ali adds more thoughts on becoming a creator of the economy.
- Be clear on what is enough for you so we can create our own stability.
- Look at not just your own resources, but your whole family’s resources.
- True inheritance and legacy happens when you are alive.
- As the junior generation – the ones who have the earning power – we have a responsibility to build a lot of self trust and bring that to our parents.
[26:45] – John shares a side story about what Ali said “True legacy happens when you are alive.”
- The biggest gift his father ever gave him was not giving him money.
- The pride that he put in his work can’t be taken away from him because he wasn’t handed anything.
- You have to let your parents know that you’re there for them if stuff happens.
[28:43] – Ali shares the three things that you should be investing in right now.
- Reconnect to your resources and bring them closer to home.
- Invest in your resourcefulness, creativity, and into your community.
[31:42] – Ali’s takeaway and call to action for Fire Nation.
- Eyes Wide Open Life – Ali’s website. Discover what you need in order to build your life and income.
- New Law Business Model – Increase the value of your services while being a full creator of your economy.
[33:15] – Thank you to our Sponsor!
- HubSpot: Join us in Boston from September 5 – 8, 2023 for an event like no other! INBOUND brings together leaders across the business space including sales, marketing, customer success, and operations teams. Visit to get your ticket today!
Killer Resources!
1) The Common Path to Uncommon Success: JLD’s 1st traditionally published book! Over 3000 interviews with the world’s most successful Entrepreneurs compiled into a 17-step roadmap to financial freedom and fulfillment!
2) Free Podcast Course: Learn from JLD how to create and launch your podcast!
3) Podcasters’ Paradise: The #1 podcasting community in the world!