From homeless foster child to thriving single mom, Abi Levine has helped clients manifest over $1.5 billion, specializing in money mindset and manifestation, blending science and magic for transformative results.
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Guest Resources
The Science of Manifestation Game – Learn how to leverage the science behind mindset & manifestation to create the exact life that you want.
Abi’s Instagram – Follow Abi on Instagram.
Abi’s Facebook – Follow Abi on Facebook.
Abi’s TikTok: – Follow Abi on TikTok.
Abi Levine Manifesting Queen YouTube – Subscribe to Abi’s YouTube Channel.
3 Value Bombs
1) Everybody says we have to get out of our comfort zone in order to be successful and its true, except for the fact that our brain and body has the job to keep us inside our comfort zone.
2) Most entrepreneurs carry both , the fear of failure and the fear of success that keeps us trapped in a really tight space. Most often, the fear of success is rooted in the fear of failure.
3) Lack of self trust creates this feeling of perpetual indecision because we don’t have faith in ourselves.
HubSpot: When you combine the power of Marketing Hub and Content Hub, you can have your best quarter, every quarter. Visit to learn more!
ThriveTime Show: Attend the world’s highest rated business growth workshop taught personally by Clay Clark & NOW featuring Rich Dad Poor Dad Author Robert Kiyosaki and Eric Trump at!
ZipRecruiter: Let ZipRecruiter speed up your hiring! Go to right now to try it for free! ZipRecruiter. The smartest way to hire.
Show Notes
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Today’s Audio MASTERCLASS: How to Overcome Mental Blocks and Grow Your Business Faster.
[1:37] – Abi shares something that she believes about becoming successful that most people disagree with.
- You can be wildly successful without hustling and you can be peaceful and enjoy the process and not having to sweat blood and tears in order to hit that mega wealth level you are going for.
[2:45] – Abi talks about why entrepreneurship is a roller coaster, having on fire one day, and don’t want to get out of bed the next.
- Usually we are taking it personally and very internally focused saying things like “I suck”, “I’m not motivated”, “There’s something wrong with me”or “I’m lazy”.
- What we don’t know is that we have actually hit a threshold of either action, income or the possibility or a level of success that our mind or body do not perceive as safe.
- Everybody says we have to get out of our comfort zone in order to be successful and its true, except for the fact that our brain and body has the job to keep us inside our comfort zone.
- The body keeps you inside your comfort zone safe and alive and the brain doesn’t have the capacity to tell what is good change and bad change and that all changes are life threatening. This is called homeostasis.
- The moment we start to do well and have traction in our business, the mind and body goes to something like a self-sabotage to get us to stop but its actually trying to keep us safe.
[5:58] – Abi talks about the voices in our head that are screaming that our best option is to quit and how to deal with it.
- It sounds counterintuitive but what you need to do is listen to it and hear it out because when we try to force ourselves away from these thoughts we are creating more resistance and push backs. But when we listen , all the enemy behind that thought literally dissolves and fade away.
- The next step is to get into an agreement because there might be some seeds of truth. Acknowledge it and keep going even if you keep making mistakes.
- Lower down the volume of those voices and carry on.
- When it gets too intense and this beliefs get you trapped or can’t think straight, put it all down and go for a walk or just step away.
- She gives permission to quit in her business and give time to rejuvenate but she also give time to unquit.
[11:00] – A timeout to thank our sponsors!
- HubSpot: When you combine the power of Marketing Hub and Content Hub, you can have your best quarter, every quarter. Visit to learn more!
- ZipRecruiter: Let ZipRecruiter speed up your hiring! Go to right now to try it for free! ZipRecruiter. The smartest way to hire.
- ThriveTime Show: Attend the world’s highest rated business growth workshop taught personally by Clay Clark & NOW featuring Rich Dad Poor Dad Author Robert Kiyosaki and Eric Trump at!
[14:09] – Abi talks about why it is possible to want to be successful and be afraid of success at the same time.
- Most entrepreneurs carry both , the fear of failure and the fear of success that keeps us trapped in a really tight space. Most often, the fear of success is rooted in the fear of failure.
[15:47] – Abi talks about what to do when self-doubt start to derail our momentum.
- Self doubt can be crippling and it comes from a fear that is hidden and is secretly saying ‘you can’t do this’. It can come from past events where you made mistakes and feel bad and lose trust in your abilities. It feels like an impossible barrier rather than looking at it as something to go around or go through.
- Lack of self trust creates this feeling of perpetual indecision because we don’t have faith in ourselves.
- In order to get out of this loop you have to pause and redirect your attention to some impulse. Change your state of mind and just take a few deep breaks to snap out of your current state of being.
[18:23] – Abi talks about the best practices we can implement to be in the best frame of mind to conquer our day.
- Its based on the law of physics called Higher Frequency Visioning.
- She makes her clients imagine their life sometime in the future, something that is compelling and that they want to improve. Stretching their mind by closing their eyes and recline for 5-10 minutes and imagine a version of their life in the future.
[21:47] – Abi give her key take away.
- The next level that you are looking for is so much closer than you previously believe. You might feel there is so much standing in your way of what you are trying to accomplish but know that it is much less dense than you believe. Keep going, you will get the life you are choosing and nothing can stop you if you have the right tools.
[22:43] – Call to action.
- The Science of Manifestation Game – Learn how to leverage the science behind mindset & manifestation to create the exact life that you want.
- Abi’s Instagram – Follow Abi on Instagram.
- Abi’s Facebook – Follow Abi on Facebook.
- Abi’s TikTok: – Follow Abi on TikTok.
- Abi Levine Manifesting Queen YouTube – Subscribe to Abi’s YouTube Channel.
[24:26] – Thank you to our Sponsors!
- HubSpot: When you combine the power of Marketing Hub and Content Hub, you can have your best quarter, every quarter. Visit to learn more!
- ThriveTime Show: Attend the world’s highest rated business growth workshop taught personally by Clay Clark & NOW featuring Rich Dad Poor Dad Author Robert Kiyosaki and Eric Trump at!
Killer Resources!
1) The Common Path to Uncommon Success: JLD’s 1st traditionally published book! Over 3000 interviews with the world’s most successful Entrepreneurs compiled into a 17-step roadmap to financial freedom and fulfillment!
2) Free Podcast Course: Learn from JLD how to create and launch your podcast!
3) Podcasters’ Paradise: The #1 podcasting community in the world!