You may or may not listen to EntrepreneurOnFire daily. If you do, then you hear each interviewee share their failures, their AHA moment, what’s exciting them about their business right now, and finally you lean in reaalllll close as they answer the rapid-fire lightning round questions that John dishes their way.
All of these Entrepreneurs are sharing priceless insights, resources and amazing tips with you, but when you’re in the car, or on a jog it’s tough to keep all that stuff alive and well up in that noggin of yours.
I get it.
That’s why I’m so excited to talk about Fire Nation IGNITES. EntrepreneurOnFire has such a loyal and amazing following (that’s you). In the past week alone, I’ve received emails from several Fire Nation faithful, all of whom are bringing the heat our way with amazing data and fresh new ideas for how we can take it to the next level FOR YOU.
Fire Nation: we’re listening!
Today, and periodically until I run out of stuff to talk about (aka never), I want to feature things that have been hand delivered to EntrepreneurOnFire – whether it be an idea, an image, data – anything of value to our listeners – from one of you.
So today, let’s thank Michael Szubrowski, one of the Founding 50 of Fire Nation Elite, and a Fire Nation faithful.
Michael reached out to us a couple of weeks ago and sent us an Excel sheet with responses to “What was holding you back from becoming an entrepreneur?” from every episode through 246. WOW, Michael, I really can’t thank you enough for this!
I’ve been so excited about sharing this with you because I think it’s so important to know and understand that on your entrepreneurial journey, you’re not alone. This isn’t made up data, and this is not something we took a lucky guess at. These are answers from today’s most successful and inspiring Entrepreneurs – a small piece of their journey that they were generous enough to share with us.
Without further ado, here is a snapshot of the responses we’ve received on EntrepreneurOnFire to the question: “What was holding you back from becoming an Entrepreneur?”
After seeing this visual representation of the responses we get every day from successful Entrepreneurs, I hope you can see that you’re not alone. This is a pretty wide range of answers, all from Entrepreneurs who were in your shoes, and who felt the exact same way you do right now.
Fear, mindset, lack of confidence, security and comfort… these are some of the TOP reasons that today’s most inspiring and successful Entrepreneurs were hesitant about taking their own entrepreneurial leap, and look where they are now!
Again, I couldn’t be more excited about sharing this powerful information with you here on, and we owe Michael a huge thank you for helping us out with this.
If there is something you think would be valuable and you want to share it with us, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me, Kate, and let me know: I’ll do my best to make sure that if you want it, you got it.
Want to know more about Michael? You can find him on Twitter and Facebook!