EOFire’s October 2016 Income Report
October 2016 Income At-A-Glance
Gross Income for October: $157,404
Total Expenses for October: $61,245
Total Net Profit for October: $96,159
Difference b/t October & September: -$7,201
155: How to reach out to podcasters and bloggers to share your story
154: 5 Reasons to love your entrepreneurial journey
EOFire’s September 2016 Income Report
September 2016 Income At-A-Glance
Gross Income for September: $162,247
Total Expenses for September: $58,886
Total Net Profit for September: $103,361
Difference b/t September & August: -$21,151
Celebrating 4 years: Lessons in business and entrepreneurship
What you really want…
There are a lot of things people SAY they want…
- More time with family
- A new car
- Better/longer vacations
- etc, etc, etc
S3E10: A finale on the top entrepreneurial tools and resources
EOFire’s August 2016 Income Report
August 2016 Income At-A-Glance
Gross Income for August: $196,324
Total Expenses for August: $71,812
Total Net Profit for August: $124,512
Difference b/t August & July: $26,813
Free and amazing trainings!
Free Podcast Course: Learn how to create and launch your podcast!
Your Big Idea: Discover Your Big Idea in less than an hour!