How do Podcasts Make Money?
It’s a question on a lot of podcasters’ minds, and on the minds of pretty much everyone they tell about their idea. How do podcasts make money?
There are actually many ways that a podcast can make money, and we’ll dive deep into several of those ways right here in this post.
First, let’s make one thing clear: if you’re starting a podcast just to make money, don’t do it.Keep Reading »
Podcast Marketing: How to Use Marketing to Grow Your Podcast
You’ve been working at it for months, and it’s finally time to celebrate: your podcast is LIVE! Seriously, congratulations!… anyone who has launched a podcast knows it’s no walk in the park. But here’s what most people don’t know: once you launch your podcast, the real work begins with podcast marketing.
Once you launch, it’s time to figure out how to promote your podcast to grow your reach, how to market it specifically to your target audience, and how to make it easy for listeners to tune in and fall in love with your show.
Whether you’ve been at this for one month or one year, questions around how to promote a podcast, how to market a podcast, and how to get new listeners remain.Keep Reading »
How to Grow Your Business with Podcasting
While there are many ways to grow your business, one of the best ones we know of is through podcasting.
Whether you’re promoting a product or service, looking for new customers, want a new way to grow your reach, are interested in positioning yourself as an authority figure in your niche, or you want to make sure you’re continuing to provide value to your existing customers, podcasting offers opportunities unlike any other platform or medium.
In this post we’ll review exactly how to make it happen with podcasting.Keep Reading »
Entrepreneurs On Fire September 2020 Income Report
September 2020 Income At-A-Glance
Gross Income for September: $244,274
Total Expenses for September: $25,608
Total Net Profit for September: $218,666
Difference b/t Sept & Aug: +$91,407
% of net profit to overall gross revenue: 90%
10 of the Best Podcast Interview Questions to Ask
The art of the podcast interview. It’s involved, takes a lot of practice, and has the potential to help make your podcast a success. But while so much of being a great interviewer has to do with the conversation, it also has to do with the podcast interview questions.
In order to get interesting and valuable answers, you must first ask great questions.
In this post we’re going to cover how to best prepare for a podcast interview, plus share 10 of the best podcast interview questions – and how to ask these questions.Keep Reading »
Top 5 Ideas for Podcast Segments
There’s a lot that goes into creating and producing a podcast. Whether it’s an interview podcast, a topic podcast, a podcast you’re doing with a co host, or anything else, something to consider is what podcast segment ideas you can use to create a great episode.
Podcast Segment Ideas
While not every episode has to be the same, coming up with specific segments you’ll use for different types of content is a way to help make creating and producing your show easier, kind of like writing a podcast script.Keep Reading »
The Best Daily Routine for More Productivity
Some people thrive on routines. Others run as fast as they can when they hear the word. But having a routine doesn’t mean you have to give up spontaneity or creativity. Whether it’s a morning routine, a working routine, a relaxation routine, or any other type of daily routine, they’re important.
Throughout this post I’m going to share a number of reasons why having daily routines can help you increase productivity, stay focused, up your energy levels, help you build good habits, and so much more.
Thinking that you don’t have time to add a routine to your day? Never fear: these routines can be accomplished in as little as 30 minutes!Keep Reading »
Entrepreneurs On Fire August 2020 Income Report
August 2020 Income At-A-Glance
Gross Income for August: $156,959
Total Expenses for August: $32,789
Total Net Profit for August: $124,170
Difference b/t Aug & July: -$13,270
% of net profit to overall gross revenue: 79%
How and Where to Get the Best Logo for Your Podcast
When starting a podcast, there’s a lot to consider. You have to figure out what your podcast topic is going to be, come up with a name, decide whether you’ll do an interview or topic-based show, and create a podcast logo.
Well, these things among many others.
Don’t worry – we’ve got you covered on all fronts with our Complete Guide on How to Podcast!
But in this post we’re going to focus on just one aspect of your podcast: your podcast logo.Keep Reading »