Entrepreneurs On Fire Oct 2021 Income Report
October 2021 Income At-A-Glance
Gross Income for October: $249,212
Total Expenses for October: $18,693
Total Net Profit for October: $230,519
Difference b/t October & September: -$34,444
% of net profit to overall gross revenue: 92%
Home Based Business Ideas: Start a Podcast! and more
Working from home is appealing for a lot of reasons, and there’s certainly not a shortage of home based business ideas to choose from.
Whether working from home will work for you is a huge consideration, of course, and coming up with business ideas that are actually viable will make or break the work from home idea altogether.
Lucky for you, that’s what this post is all about: how to make money with a home business on a part time or full time basis.Keep Reading »
How to Properly Cite a Podcast
I know that talking about text citations might seem slightly old school – especially when you start to consider APA style versus MLA style (hello, college days!) However, when it comes to giving credit where credit is due, (and not breaking any plagiarism laws in the process), citation is an important topic.
While most of us are probably quite familiar with citing books, research, images, and other creative works, in comparison, podcasting is somewhat new. This article will talk about how to cite a podcast the proper way.Keep Reading »
Entrepreneurs On Fire Sept 2021 Income Report
September 2021 Income At-A-Glance
Gross Income for September: $280,391
Total Expenses for September: $15,428
Total Net Profit for September: $264,963
Difference b/t September & August: +$41,110
% of net profit to overall gross revenue: 94%
Blog vs Podcast: Which one is the best for your business?
How do you choose the best medium for your content? Blog vs podcast. Podcast vs YouTube. YouTube vs social media. There are so many options, and every authority could argue one way or the other for any of them!
It’s not always an easy or straight-forward decision, but there are a set of steps and specific questions you can – and should – ask yourself to make sure you’re choosing the best one for your business.Keep Reading »
The Best Headphones for Podcasting
Podcast headphones might seem like a very basic piece of equipment – even an unnecessary one – but the benefits of using headphones for podcasting goes way beyond basic.
The massive benefit of using a pair of headphones, simply put, has to do with your audio quality.Keep Reading »
What does a Podcast Producer Do? How to Become One?
When we first started out in the podcasting space, podcast production didn’t really seem to be a thing. I mean, of course there were individuals producing their own podcast, but to think about hiring a podcast producer wasn’t on anyone’s radar back in 2012.
Today, as the podcasting space continues to grow and evolve by the minute, there are endless opportunities for podcast jobs, including podcast production, audio editing, content, and more.
So what exactly does a podcast producer do, and how do you become a podcast producer?
Let’s break it down.Keep Reading »
How to Put Your Podcast on Spotify
Wondering how to put a podcast on Spotify? When launching a podcast it can be easy to feel overwhelmed by the many moving pieces and growing list of steps you need to take.
But not to worry, there are a simple set of steps you can follow to make sure you’ve crossed your t’s and dotted your i’s, and you can access the full list of steps to go from idea to launch with your podcast for free right now.Keep Reading »