Eric Tivers is a licensed clinical social worker, ADHD coach, and host of ADHD reWired. He’s dedicated to helping ADHD adults live more intentional lives while avoiding burnout.
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Guest Resource
ADHD reWired – Check out Eric’s website.
3 Value Bombs
1) Hustle culture is toxic culture.
2) You need to have a balance and perspective. You need the other areas in your life that are not related to your business to help you not to get burned out with your work and business.
3) Rest isn’t a reward but it is required. Our brain needs rest and we need enough sleep.
Author100: A 100-day program where I will personally guide you 1-on-1 to create, write, publish and market your book! If you want daily guidance and mentorship from me, JLD, then head over to to sign up for a free call to chat about the details!
Airbnb: If you’ve got an extended trip coming up and need a little help hosting while you’re away, hire a co-host to do the work for you! Find a co-host at!
Show Notes
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Today’s Audio MASTERCLASS: Is Your Fire Burning You Out?
[1:13] – Eric shares something that he believes about becoming successful that most people disagree with.
- Hustle culture is toxic culture.
[1:41] – Eric talks about how we can identify the subtle signs of burnout in our daily life.
- Its similar to depression. Like something that is interesting to you is not interesting anymore. You feel not active and not having the mental capacity to do the kind of problem solving, resilience and tenacity that you previously have.
[3:49] – Eric talks about some Strategies to stay motivated and productive without sacrificing our health.
- As an ADHD coach, he took a time off. That time away from the business that he never realize he needed. That time gave him a space to reignite and activate himself from the burn out.
[7:23] – Eric talks about The Power of Intentional Living.
- It’s the idea of what we want to be doing. We all have goals, but let us zoom out and realize that life is more than just a bank account, even if its meaningful work but when it is all that you are doing, you will end up burned out.
- You need to have a balance and perspective. You need the other areas in your life that are not related to your business to help you not to get burned out with your work and business.
- An outside perspective and a time away for fun is needed and make sure that you take care of your health.
- Be intentional and specific in things and align those intentions with your actions.
- Have an accountability for following through what you intended doing.
- Put in a Google Calendar a repeating event of your top 3 goals for the year and always be reminded of them.
[10:56] – A timeout to thank our sponsors!
- Airbnb: If you’ve got an extended trip coming up and need a little help hosting while you’re away, hire a co-host to do the work for you! Find a co-host at!
- Author100: A 100-day program where I will personally guide you 1-on-1 to create, write, publish and market your book! If you want daily guidance and mentorship from me, JLD, then head over to to sign up for a free call to chat about the details!
[13:36] – Eric talks about how can we Escape the Toxic Productivity and Hustle Culture.
- He first heard of Brene Brown’s work about letting go of productivity as a status symbol and perfectionism and it resonated to him.
- It is true that so many of us are hiding our trauma and not dealing with it. We should know how to let go of it and escape it.
[15:22] – Eric tells why rest isn’t a reward.
- Rest isn’t a reward but it is required. Our brain needs rest and we need enough sleep. If you don’t have a healthy deep sleep, you will get an early onset of Dementia and Alzheimer’s that is why getting a quality sleep is very important.
[17:10] – Eric talks about how we can Build a Burnout-Proof Systems to sustain us in the long run.
- Take time off in your week and do things that will energize you.
- Know your tendencies and put something in between so you will not drive yourself into exhaustion. You need to stop before your reach the point of exhaustion.
- Take midday breaks and don’t work more than 10 hours per day.
[19:51] – Eric gives his key take away.
- If you thinl you are dealing with burnout stop ignoring it and pay attention to it.
- All of us has the signs, make time to deal with it.
[21:11] – Call to action.
- ADHD reWired – Check out Eric’s website.
[21:37] – Thank you to our Sponsor!
- Author100: A 100-day program where I will personally guide you 1-on-1 to create, write, publish and market your book! If you want daily guidance and mentorship from me, JLD, then head over to to sign up for a free call to chat about the details!
Killer Resources!
1) The Common Path to Uncommon Success: JLD’s 1st traditionally published book! Over 3000 interviews with the world’s most successful Entrepreneurs compiled into a 17-step roadmap to financial freedom and fulfillment!
2) Free Podcast Course: Learn from JLD how to create and launch your podcast!
3) Podcasters’ Paradise: The #1 podcasting community in the world!