Jordan Sutlick is the founder of Flogoal, a fintech platform router. She helps individuals break free from financial stagnation, understand strategy, and experience the fulfillment of achieving goals faster with confidence and clarity.
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Flogoal – Check out their website and join the wait list to get your resources.
Jordan’s LinkedIn – Connect with Jordan on LinkedIn.
3 Value Bombs
1) Mistakes are part of the learning curve but you have to understand which mistakes are avoidable and which one are providing the most valuable lesson.
2) Avoiding those mistakes comes down to having the right systems in place and by prioritizing financial planning in the early stage of start ups.
3) Automation your bestfriend. Its all about working smarter and not harder.
HubSpot: Stop spreading yourself thin, and start making major moves with HubSpot! Visit to learn more!
ThriveTime Show: Attend the world’s highest rated business growth workshop taught personally by Clay Clark & NOW featuring Rich Dad Poor Dad Author Robert Kiyosaki and Eric Trump at!
Show Notes
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Today’s Audio MASTERCLASS: The Worst Financial Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make When Starting Out
[1:39] – Jordan shares something that she believes about becoming successful that most people disagree with.
- Success looks completely different from another person and she thinks that hitting the dollar amount is not what define success but it is how much you can give from what you are making.
[3:55] – Jordan talks about how realistic it is for entrepreneurs to avoid financial mistakes when starting their business.
- Mistakes are part of the learning curve but you have to understand which mistakes are avoidable and which one are providing the most valuable lesson.
- She welcomes failure because it teaches us, even in the financial aspect.
- Avoiding those mistakes comes down to having the right systems in place and by prioritizing financial planning in the early stage of start ups.
- An example of this is understading and truly managing cash flow and properly budgeting from day 1.
[6:22] – Jordan talks about being conflicting financial advice for entrepreneurs that overwhelms them and cause inaction.
- The internet is full of advice but it is not tailored to every entrepreneur.
- The product that they created is cutting through that noise by providing personalized tools and insights that align with the user’s goals and not just as one size fits all approach.
- Every strategy is different because the business and goals are different and you have to figure out what is best for you.
[8:05] – A timeout to thank our sponsors.
- HubSpot: Stop spreading yourself thin, and start making major moves with HubSpot! Visit to learn more!
- ThriveTime Show: Attend the world’s highest rated business growth workshop taught personally by Clay Clark & NOW featuring Rich Dad Poor Dad Author Robert Kiyosaki and Eric Trump at!
[11:00] – Jordan talks about how entrepreneurs can tell if they’re on the right financial track early in their journey.
- The indicators are having a clear understanding of their cash flow of what is coming in and going out and setting and regularly achieving their milestones, having a pivot mentality and staying on top of your numbers and tracking it.
[12:40] – Jordan talks about where to focus financial efforts to ensure long term financial success.
- You have to set up your system to grow with the business and investing on scalable tools that can help manage the cash flow.
- Have an emergency fund build up for your business that is separate from your personal emergency fund.
- Managing the cash flow and focus on the big picture. Prioritized paying down high interest debt and re-investing on those areas that directly contribute to revenue growth.
[14:28] – Jordan shares how to streamline financial management to avoid common pitfalls and save time.
- Automation is her bestfriend and she has it in all her tools.
- Hone and be clear with your strategy. Hire a certified operations expert to help you with your strategy and get that automated.
- Its all about working smarter and not harder.
[16:34] – Jordan give her key take away.
- Don’t overspend on things that don’t contribute to your growth.
- Set aside money for taxes and have a clear understanding on your financial runway.
- Separate personal and business finance.
[18:00] – Call to action.
- Flogoal – Check out their website and join the wait list to get your resources.
- Jordan’s LinkedIn – Connect with Jordan on LinkedIn.
[18:44] – Thank you to our Sponsors!
- HubSpot: Stop spreading yourself thin, and start making major moves with HubSpot! Visit to learn more!
- ThriveTime Show: Attend the world’s highest rated business growth workshop taught personally by Clay Clark & NOW featuring Rich Dad Poor Dad Author Robert Kiyosaki and Eric Trump at!
Killer Resources!
1) The Common Path to Uncommon Success: JLD’s 1st traditionally published book! Over 3000 interviews with the world’s most successful Entrepreneurs compiled into a 17-step roadmap to financial freedom and fulfillment!
2) Free Podcast Course: Learn from JLD how to create and launch your podcast!
3) Podcasters’ Paradise: The #1 podcasting community in the world!