Protect Your Brand from a PR Crisis with Dr. Jay Feldman: An EOFire Classic from 2021

From the archive: This episode was originally recorded and published in 2021. Our interviews on Entrepreneurs On Fire are meant to be evergreen, and we do our best to confirm that all offers and URL’s in these archive episodes are still relevant.

Dr. Jay Feldman is an Osteopathic medical doctor and founder of Otter Public Relations, a PR agency with more than 30 employees internationally. Jay has more than 300K followers on social media and is the host of top business podcast, Mentors Collective. He is a contributor at and has been featured in Forbes, Business Insider and other top networks!

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Gary Leland the Bitcoin Boomer

Gary Leland built his 1st e-commerce site in 1996, 1st podcast in 2004 & bought his 1st bitcoin in 2017. He runs BitBlockBoom which is the world longest running bitcoin conference.

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